I don't know what DIESEL's reason was for going to such a site such as
http://www.girlproblems.com (which, for some reason, seems to be down, because the site will not come up for me) for the sole purpose of making people mad. I'm guessing that he just wanted to express himself to these people, which is kind of understandable.
But DIESEL, it probably would have been much more effective if you told them calmly WHY their thinking is wrong, instead of just telling them that their thinking is wrong.
The probably would have thought, "Ohh! OK", instead of "Bah, he's some dumb 'DJ' hack who hates women. I'm going to ignore him".
Why waste your time posting that way if half the guys on that site aren't even going to listen to you?
I know the guys on that site are mainly AFC's, but they actually might have ABSORBED your ideas, instead of just getting pissed off and ignoring them, and dismissing you as "some angry idiot from sosuave who doesn't know sh!t".
It's the same reason why Dr. Martin Luther King was more influtential than Malcolm X.