with women's bull.
Men think even around this age they have the verbal stamina to match women.
what a load of vomit. i read post to post of guys constantly willing to engage in verbal warfare with women thinking somehow they will win the day.
worst is the ones fighting against feminist.
if you enter into her zone, of which she is master of her trade of battle you'll be truely be beaten.
this doesn't mean you openly accept defeat. it means you are of aware of the forth coming result and now will be prepared.
like in politics, in combat and in business know how the battle will play out.
if the woman is trying to lead you into an arguement or discussion about a subject of her choice. she already has a "goal", a "tactic" and reserved enough energy for her pending victory. if you are skilled in verbal warfare then the result is you achieving to upset and vex her.
do not ever get into a verbal warfare with women.
however there are much better alternatives and less harmfull ones.
i have for the last decade a studied rare form of martial art. my master used to constantly remind me that direct attacks is like hitting walls. that beat downs only create resentment. one must learn to make other submit. he reminds me that the physical submission of an opponent is shameful. the joke was i was learning not to get into physical combat. to win before hand and to lead the battle in the direction i choose. which is much harder the using a submission hold.
i learnt out of experience there is a few affect methods to win.
it was not to win.
when you sense a girl is pulling a move on you. this is what you can do:
if its a subject you versed in. then get straight to the put. state what you believe and shut up. she will want to chisel away at your beliefs. don't
use silence. it sounds uncool but it works. silence unnerves everyone and i use it all the time at work. it show you not willing to entertained by manipulation or waste your energy.
state to her clearly her loses if she persues the arguement.
"i love you. but if that is the case i'll pack tonight as clearly you don't love me as much i do you" and do pack. she will call out you on it as to her its a threat she has used before and didn't mean.
let her state her case in full and avoid interrupting her even if what you hearing sounds bad. don't react. after she completes her statement. give her a one sentence response and be on you way doing other things. don't let the subject be brought up again. use you have reviewed it.
don't submit even when her face is sad. she really don't like it she can leave. be willing to let go. its better then agreeing to something you can't live with.
Men think even around this age they have the verbal stamina to match women.
what a load of vomit. i read post to post of guys constantly willing to engage in verbal warfare with women thinking somehow they will win the day.
worst is the ones fighting against feminist.
if you enter into her zone, of which she is master of her trade of battle you'll be truely be beaten.
this doesn't mean you openly accept defeat. it means you are of aware of the forth coming result and now will be prepared.
like in politics, in combat and in business know how the battle will play out.
if the woman is trying to lead you into an arguement or discussion about a subject of her choice. she already has a "goal", a "tactic" and reserved enough energy for her pending victory. if you are skilled in verbal warfare then the result is you achieving to upset and vex her.
do not ever get into a verbal warfare with women.
however there are much better alternatives and less harmfull ones.
i have for the last decade a studied rare form of martial art. my master used to constantly remind me that direct attacks is like hitting walls. that beat downs only create resentment. one must learn to make other submit. he reminds me that the physical submission of an opponent is shameful. the joke was i was learning not to get into physical combat. to win before hand and to lead the battle in the direction i choose. which is much harder the using a submission hold.
i learnt out of experience there is a few affect methods to win.
it was not to win.
when you sense a girl is pulling a move on you. this is what you can do:
if its a subject you versed in. then get straight to the put. state what you believe and shut up. she will want to chisel away at your beliefs. don't
use silence. it sounds uncool but it works. silence unnerves everyone and i use it all the time at work. it show you not willing to entertained by manipulation or waste your energy.
state to her clearly her loses if she persues the arguement.
"i love you. but if that is the case i'll pack tonight as clearly you don't love me as much i do you" and do pack. she will call out you on it as to her its a threat she has used before and didn't mean.
let her state her case in full and avoid interrupting her even if what you hearing sounds bad. don't react. after she completes her statement. give her a one sentence response and be on you way doing other things. don't let the subject be brought up again. use you have reviewed it.
don't submit even when her face is sad. she really don't like it she can leave. be willing to let go. its better then agreeing to something you can't live with.