sticking point: need advice with "real world game"


Don Juan
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
Chicago Suburbs
I am 22, just graduated college and moved home. I have known about the game for a year or two... starting by reading an article here and there, then becoming the typical learn-everything case and going through all the literature out there. The RSD material really was the best. Foundations-> Blueprint is really all any man needs. Transformations, Jeffy Show, and Tim's Flawless Natural are all fantastic as well.

When I was getting into this stuff, it seemed like I was having a lot more sucess. I went to a small (2000ish kids) liberal arts college. The thing I never realized was that I had permanent social proof there. (Not to brag or sound like a douche) but I was well known on our campus as someone to know, bartended at a popular bar, knew practically everyone. I would go out and things would just go my way. It was like I was "in state" for 4 years of my life.

I got home now to a suburb where its not all twenty-somethings and everything has fallen apart for me. I have a good group of friends around here and I still work the social circle game, but I am just in a huge slump. I realize I can't really do approaches. People used to just open me all the time. I am a big fan of Rollo Tomassi's Plate Theory. It is a great way to avoid oneitis by having lots of prospects. On my last drive home from school I went through my text message outbox and had to delete all my old prospects. There were multiple girls for each night. Now I have a few in rotation (that aren't that quality) and even they flake on me. Everything is harder back home. I am a really social guy. I can talk to anyone. But even when I put together a fun night, its just harder to bounce around and all that **** I took for granted before.

I really need to turn my ass around and get on track. I have a part-time internship and only work a couple days a week so I have plenty of time to brush up, I just don't know where to start. Setting a goal for daily approaches seems like the most obvious thing I need to start with. Any advice on how to get back on track would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
Remember that college is the easiest time of your life to get laid. Now, you have to work for it.

Just make sure you're not workin' too hard at it.


Don Juan
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
Chicago Suburbs
yeah this is the truth. i guess the most important thing is getting confidence that doesn't come from the environment but from the inside.

that and start doing a ****-ton of approaches...

anyone else go through this?