You're TURNING 18 and you want to do a cycle of gear? Please tell me your sh*tting me? Otherwise just sit the hell down and have a protein shake. You're not even 18 yet for god's sake! Your natural testosterone production is much higher than any gear cycle is going to do. And it's D-Bol (dianabol), not "Debol." Here's a nice cycle for you . . .
Swole V2 - two scoops a day
Optimum Nutrition 100% whey
Now eat 500-1000 calories over maintenance, 2g of protein per pound of body weight, 1-1.5g of carbs per pound of body weight, moderate fats, ACTUALLY go to the gym and bust your ass, and you'll have great gains.
PS - No juice for you.
editing to give you more info -
You want to do a straight cycle of D-Bol. No one cycles D-bol on it's own. You'll just bloat up like a water balloon, and you won't be able to keep hardly anything post cycle. D-bol is used to start off a cycle because of it's quick gains, but it is just part of a STACK of steroids, because trying to keep d-bol gains is very hard (most people are lucky to walk away with half of what they gained on d-bol).
Now for what ONE cycle will do for you. You'll start taking the steroids. Your growth plates will fuse, so you can kiss growing any taller goodbye. You can also risk messing up your endocrine system (which is generally not fully developed until you are about 21). Your acne will flare up, your prostate will become enlarged to the point where you can barely piss, you will get gyno and have to wear your mother's bra, testicle atrophy, liver failure, and then your blood pressure will peak and you'll wake up (if you're lucky) in a hospital bed surrounded by doctors and loved ones. All because you don't know what effects steroids can have, and how to counter them.