Stepped up my game a lil..!!


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland New Zealand
I swear im getting better and my confidence is glowing more and more! I feel less of a need to find a girl or feel down when she rejects me! This is a new step forward

Went to a 20th of a mate over the weekend, a dress up party, had a blast and met a lot of people while still trying to be the life of the party at times..and came out with an interesting experience. Basically the furthest ive been in terms of a party style scenario pick up..

Got there without a costume as I came straight from work, a lil late and joined up my circle of mates... and there was a relatively cute asian girl who was dressed up with pony tails and a skirt and blouse.. I just Neged her with "So Im guessing you are a Naughty Japanse School girl?" she bites into it and laughs and tries to playfully slap me...

I didn't really talk to her for about an hour or so later.. when she comes up to me and tries to take a swig out of my beer.. exchange a few brief words and next thing were dancing a lil grinding.. and I decide to isolate her outside.. got out.. i take a seat and she says "I'll sit on your lap"... I didnt disagree(Although I shouldh have pushed her away first and neged her again) but I let it slide and her troll of a friend runs out and yells "OMG WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU HAVE A BF" while drags her away

Long story short i get her isolated again sitting on my lap.. We share some words:
Her: we arent gonna hook up as I've got a bf...
Me: What hold up there all I want is conversations

Talk a lil about uni and ****.. now she starts flaking.. and asks me to let her go. I push her off and shes sitting across me. I now start teaching her a few drum beats and stuff then she dissapears a few mins later

I walk around shes in the room with my friends GF.. and i snuggle up next to the asian girl.. shes providing NO resistance... I hold on to her hands intertwine the fingers.. do some serious Kino... smell her neck and stuff.. I ask questions about the bf.. they been going out for 20 months.. but its long distance and they see each other ever once in a while.

she still says we arent gonna hook up and stuff.. but i just brush it off saying again all i want is conversation.. she keeps calling me a player etc etc.. I go for the #CLOSE and she types in (HER NAME) IS HOT where the name goes..

She starts flaking a little again and she goes off as she has work in the morning.... Never hooked up but there were many chances...

I txt her the next night with a "hey hows the naughty japanese school girl?" She replies the next morning saying that shes innocent and hardly naughty!.

I say that "o wells you aint my kinda girl then but you'll make a good friend" and she gets hooked and asks what kinda girl im into?

I say "A sweedish blue eyed blonde... but really someone fun and adventerous and willing to try new things" she didnt reply to this...

My intention here was to contradict her innocent behaviour where shes not willing to try new things and is boring...

BTW every txt was about a ew hours apart was I was busy doing an assignment.

at night she txts me asking

Her: "whats up.. I'm bored!"

Me: Um.. then txt the BF!

Her: Its more fun annoying you

Me: haha what you trying to play here girl? its gonna take a lor more then that to get under my skin but if you must know listening to music

Her: Oh I could txt bomb you... :p jks.. Oh what music?

Me: Rap beats... cuz thats how we gangsters roll(Just joking.. i really hate rap with a vengence)

Her: I hope you can dance to those beats.. guys who can dance are hot.

Me: Dude you obviously forgot im a drummer.. we have awesome rhythm and moves.. and we're good at banging things ;) and BTW i really hate hip hop with a passion

Her: thats awesum! hip hop and rnb all the way.... banging things sounds fun too! :p i wanna learn

Me: ew... yeah u defo wont be into my music... didnt you remember the beat i thought you on the balcony? o wells if you play your cards right I might give you a few lessons.

Her: Im up for new things and I used to listen to rock to you know Oh.. and I wasnt talking about music lessons as such :p

Me: na trust me you wouldnt.. Jazz, metal, techno..not jst rock.. if you are i'll be impressed.. up for the challenge? O really what lessons were on your mind?

and I just kill it there saying i've got stuff to do..

Her: yeah Im up for anything :p goodnight

So... Im just assuming at this point she still finds me attractive.. Switched her opinions about things when i qualified her and she was trying to gain my approval constantly.. and she wasnt resisting the kino...

Now Im not gonna expect anything... I just wanna push this as far as possibly and see where it goes for experience purposes and good fun, seeing she has a bf.. and if she jumps to any conclusions i just neg her..

What I wanna know it.. what is your take on this?