Originally posted by White Sox Bill
I'm 42, single. My phiolosphy is that if the divorce rate is 50%, why pray tell why, would you try it? If someone told me there was a 50\50 chance the airplane I was about to board was going to go down, you think I'd get on it?
This leaves 50% of the marriages at least intact. Of that 50% I guarantee that at least 30% of those are misreable, staying togeher for the kids,whatever. This leaves 20%, and of that percent, at least 10% of them are cheating on eachother, leaving a 10% sucessful,funtional marraige.
Need I say more?
Of course you wouldn't get on the Plane, but you will DIE if it crashes, if a Marriage ends, that is not the end of your life, so why not take the chance!! Or if you want me to use an example, if you had a 50% chance or even 10% chance of winning lotto, would you buy a ticket??
Out of the other 50%, fourty percent is unhappy, and u r single right, r u happy?? Noooooooo, this is why you are here!! So therefor %100 of single people aren't happy!!!
10% of married people ARE!! Or so you think, so then, I think it is still worth the effort!! Who knows you/I could, could have, been one of the lucky people!! Plus eventually if you don't marry, the chick is going to leave you! Leaving u single anywayz, so why not take the chance, if you think there is a chance that is!!??
I know that nearly ALL the older guys here seem bitter, and you probably have a LOT more experience than I do, and a fair enough reason to be bitter, since I am only 20, but I know people who ARE happily married, so it DOES exist!! And well, one day, I hope that I am happily married too. Although I do realise that it is based on an element of luck, and a LOT of hard work!!
Take it easy
Life is a game....PLAY IT!!