I have a different view. I obsessively collect watches (am wearing my Omega Seamaster today) and can't remember any woman ever commenting on one of them. They're into their own bling, not yours. And gold diggers know Rolexes not Omegas.
If a hot chick had good enough taste to recognize and ask me about one of my watches I'd be interested, not turned off, cause my watches are part of who I am.
Course, I'd still hide my watch box when she came over!
If a hot chick had good enough taste to recognize and ask me about one of my watches I'd be interested, not turned off, cause my watches are part of who I am.
Course, I'd still hide my watch box when she came over!
5string said:Get this.
I go in for a routine medical procedure yesterday morning. They have to put me out for it. Outpatient.
Nurse comes in and tells me to put on one of those gowns where your a$$ hangs out in the breeze. I do. Then I'm laying on the gurny and the little cutie 30's nurse is doing my IV. She looks at my watch and says "wow! is that an *****?" I told her it was. She says "those are expensive. what do you for a living?" I tell her. She asks where I live and I tell her. She says "those places are nice!" Then she asks me "is that your wife out there in the waiting room?" I said yep, it is. She says "your wife is pretty!"
Point here is that some chicks just dig money and status. That little nurse will probably marry some rich doc and he'll be dumb enough to marry her. Then she'll take half his stuff in the divorce and start fvcking her pool boy.