Status: I know it matters but not sure how it plays out in adulthood getting hot girls, help?


Feb 12, 2015
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I feel like in so much of my life, I have missed out on hot pu$$y because I was unaware of how much status matters. Because I didn't mix with the right crowd or didn't rush a frat in college, I missed out on hot girls and having options with top tier women. In both my high school and college years I saw hot girls out in large circles with other hot girls and cool guys, wondering what those guys did differently, and then found that they rushed the right frat or played a sport.

Now as I enter adulthood and go from my 20s to my 30s and 40s, my aspiration is to date and **** a lot of hot girls and I mean a lot of hot girls. I want to be seen with a hot girl on my arm but I also want to be a part of social circles with hot girls in them, be out with hot girls, go to events with hot girls, and mix with crowds loaded with hot girls.

But I feel like I am so out of the loop in this regard.

In high school, I went to a poor high school mostly Hispanic and black so none of us really cared for that stuff as much as they do in white high schools.

In college, I was unaware of how important Greek Life is and was once again out of the loop.

Now in the real world, I do not want to end up in that same situation but once again, I am out of the loop.

Even if some engineer makes six figures, he is not high status to hot girls and most of the times, he is not getting hot girls.

Even most white collar guys are stuck married to ugly women and not living the lifestyle of ****ing lots of hot girls.

So how does one obtain the status it takes to have an endless stream of hot women in his life?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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You're in a path of pedestalizing women. Just focus on career and investing. Stop thinking you missed out on puss and be glad you're healthy and active. You could have it much worse.


Feb 12, 2015
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You're in a path of pedestalizing women. Just focus on career and investing. Stop thinking you missed out on puss and be glad you're healthy and active. You could have it much worse.
dude get out, you're indian and have had no luck with women, don't give us any advice on this matter pls

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
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Stop dwelling on the past. There is more to life then getting hot women. Status helps, but it's not required. You need to be putting yourself out there more. Put yourself around hot women. Find some friends that like to go out to bars and clubs. Do some approaches. It's a numbers game. The more women you go after, the more your chances increase of getting one. You can build your status up all you want, but if your not around women, your not getting crap. Your are believing the build it and they will come myth. If you want hot women, then go get them.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California
Stop dwelling on the past. There is more to life then getting hot women. Status helps, but it's not required. You need to be putting yourself out there more. Put yourself around hot women. Find some friends that like to go out to bars and clubs. Do some approaches. It's a numbers game. The more women you go after, the more your chances increase of getting one. You can build your status up all you want, but if your not around women, your not getting crap. Your are believing the build it and they will come myth. If you want hot women, then go get them.
Yeah yeah, and don't forget to pinch them on the butt!!!



Jan 28, 2017
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The City

Pick the right city. Polish your game. Acquire currency.

That's all you need. Dressing well, being good looking and being tall help too, but you need the top three on the list if you want your abundance to be consistent. I was never happy with relying on luck and flukes to pull HOT women. It would make me too insecure. I like consistency and reliability. Nothing is more reliable than a good location, solid game and MONEY.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind

Pick the right city. Polish your game. Acquire currency.

That's all you need. Dressing well, being good looking and being tall help too, but you need the top three on the list if you want your abundance to be consistent. I was never happy with relying on luck and flukes to pull HOT women. It would make me too insecure. I like consistency and reliability. Nothing is more reliable than a good location, solid game and MONEY.
Agreed but I would say instead of "Location" I would title it "accessblitiy" You need access to hot chicks. The easiest way to do this is one 1. Befriend people who are in a social circle with hot chicks or 2. Create one from scractch. The first is easier than the 2nd both are hard to do trust me I speak from peronsal experince.. Having money is important as well if you wanna do the "VIP" life. Personally I do not care for that **** anymore but if you wanna party with hot chicks it's gonna cost either time or money (usually both)
Two things here.

First, you're actually on the best path to your goal and don't even realize it. Many guys peek in high school or college and go all downhill from there. But it's the guys who focus on their life, goals, career, aspirations, etc. during those earlier years who eventually go on to enjoy a higher life with prettier women later on. You just need to make the transition into finding that balance between being all business and having some real fun. Do that and the women you'll meet will fall in line whatever you may be doing.

Second, be prepared to deal with some crazy b*tches. It sounds glorious to say you want to float in social circles full of hotties, but reality is that many of these circles and hot women are fickle, crazy and full of drama. Be prepared to figure out a way to enjoy it without getting sucked into the BS.

On point

man this topic is motivating, imma make a youtube video on this

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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In my city, the highest concentration of hot girls are always in the bars/clubs where the men with money hang out.

Also, if there are any professional sports teams, there always hot women that hang around those social circles. I have a friend that plays NFL football and I go to a lot of his parties. There are always hot girls there and you don't have to be a player to be accepted by these women.

The third best source for hot girls are high end malls that have the designer fashion stores like Neiman's and Nordstroms.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
In my city, the highest concentration of hot girls are always in the bars/clubs where the men with money hang out.

Also, if there are any professional sports teams, there always hot women that hang around those social circles. I have a friend that plays NFL football and I go to a lot of his parties. There are always hot girls there and you don't have to be a player to be accepted by these women.

The third best source for hot girls are high end malls that have the designer fashion stores like Neiman's and Nordstroms.
Not to put you on the spot, but at those parties are the girls easy to bang or no?
For me when I party with "rich guys" it's like a ****fest...but than again these parties are not your normal parties lol


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
In my city, the highest concentration of hot girls are always in the bars/clubs where the men with money hang out.

Also, if there are any professional sports teams, there always hot women that hang around those social circles. I have a friend that plays NFL football and I go to a lot of his parties. There are always hot girls there and you don't have to be a player to be accepted by these women.

The third best source for hot girls are high end malls that have the designer fashion stores like Neiman's and Nordstroms.
This shows social proofing. So you are in there, likely due to one of the NFL players, so some of his "rep" you are allotted by these females, and you see they will bang just because of the affiliation.


Oct 20, 2006
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You have to look good. They have to see you and hold eye contact. They have to remember you and think about you when you are not there, or even go looking for you when you disappear. They have to remember the first time they ever saw you.

This is done by being lean, strong, dressing well, acting sure of yourself, not exhibiting signs of nervous energy, and especially by being seen as an object of desire by other women. If a girl just sees you sitting talking to two other girls that will often be enough for you to become "that guy she likes". Note being healthy, dressing well and developing confidence require the man have steady access to resources.

Her crush doesn't develop overnight. More like this over the first few times she sees you:

1) He's cute.
2) He's cute, hey I know him.
3) There's that guy (primping blouse).
4) There's (his name), gives him a hug.
5) There he is! Blushing, fixing hair, showing signs of submission.

That's the point where you ask them out. You can sleep with her earlier, but you'll just be that cute guy (yawn), not THAT GUY.


Master Don Juan
Feb 23, 2012
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instead of "Location" I would title it "accessblitiy" You need access to hot chicks.
You got it.

How many times do I have to say it?

How to get hot women:
  1. Put yourself around lots of hot women.
  2. Don't f*ck it up.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Not to put you on the spot, but at those parties are the girls easy to bang or no?
For me when I party with "rich guys" it's like a ****fest...but than again these parties are not your normal parties lol
I wouldn't say easy to bang, but they are very receptive to my approaches. They don't have their guard up like they do at a normal bar and their friends aren't cahk blocking you. In fact many times they try and help you out and introduce you to other girls they think you might be interested in.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2014
Reaction score
I want to be seen with a hot girl on my arm but I also want to be a part of social circles with hot girls in them, be out with hot girls, go to events with hot girls, and mix with crowds loaded with hot girls.
Gotta work on that ****ty confidence, buddy.