@jimjam getting around to talking about your earlier post. Thanks for sharing on the book it's great if we can all get smarter together. I may be an old fart but I'm still an optimist. I think if you screen had and find a girl who knows how to work with a man as a team love can still be found.
I suppose you may be right. I'll tell you guys a story. I apologize if it's a bit long and if it even belongs under Health and Fitness. Perhaps one of mods will alert me to move it? I'm only replying here out of convenience and laziness? Anyway...
I have a six year old son who is the world to me. Fact, the breakup between myself and his mom is what ultimately led me to this site. I've read the bible 2x, read a lot of red pill info and internalized a lot of it. I still don't know what led to the break up but I've given up obsessing on it. I've moved on and I no longer harbor any ill will towards her. Whatever it is, is. She's my son's mom and we both get along as far as he's concerned, which is what's important and where it counts.
About 2 months ago she starts being nicer to me, for want of a better word. She invited myself and my son over to her sister-in-law's to go swimming. (She has primary custody but this was on my weekend to have him). While there, she tells me that our son is asking her why she married her current husband. She told him that if she didn't then he wouldn't have his baby brother. she says that my son says to her that you still had me even though you didn't marry daddy. Perhaps nothing but she is usually, not cold, but all business around me. Anyway, I didn't think too much of it at the time. Then about a week later she comes over to my house to pick up my son and she brings ice cream for all of us, which was totally uncharacteristic of her, but not unlike her when we were dating so long ago.
It wasn't too long after this that I received a call from her mother (I'm on good terms with her rents). She tells me that Petra is getting a divorce. She tells me on the qt as she wants to let Petra tell me herself. This has nothing to do with me and more to do with the fact that Petra's mom hates her husband. He's a real controlling bstrd and I never cared for him myself. But, that was her choice... she wound up telling me about a month ago.
Since then, I've been nice to her as well. she'll text me pics of our son doing various things and I'll text her back, sometimes making stupid jokes. Whatever. I don't know what's happening but I'll fool around. why not? But what really got me wondering was about 2 weeks ago. It was my weekend to have our son and in the morning one Saturday, we were driving to the store and my phone rings. It's her, which is not out of the ordinary for her to call and see how he's doing. On this particular day we were going to a local event that was advertised. My son tells her we're going and she asks him if he'd like her to go. So we meet her there. Okay. We weren't really palling around or anything but then she suggests that we all go to lunch. Okay, I say. she drives. It wasn't anything fancy, just a place where you place the order and they deliver it to the table. She's standing in line and I'm sitting at the table with my son. I catch her looking at me a few times. Of course, she could've been looking at our son but we did lock eyes. I offered to pay but she wouldn't accept it. Added to all of this, I'm cracking these really lame and stale jokes that she's laughing at. I'm thinking WTF.
Well, my son hurt his leg a week \ago or so and I text her the following day to find out how he's doing. She says he's whining and I text her back that he gets that from her. She texts me back saying I'm "hysterical" with a little smiley face
Then this Friday I'm still trying to figure out. I was bored at work so I figure I'll fvck with her. I text her:
Me: Are you taking me to lunch again tomorrow?
Her: sure!
He;r: Wait, what?
Me: I'm planning my day.
Her: This is Petra
Me: Oh. Well, okay. I'll go anyway
Her: Am I missing something? Besides my sanity?
Me: Nothing new there. first you say one thing, then another. ???
Her: Do we have plans to go to lunch?
Me: No, but I'll go anyway since you're so interested.
Her: Thanks for making me laugh
then she invites me to an event that involves my son/s little league team. I tell her I'll meet them at the place and she tells me to wear my baseball uniform. It's a joke, she knows I don't have one. On Saturday I meet them and she say to me "why didn't you wear your uniform?" I didn't say anything. I was kind of shocked that she'd even think to bring it up. But my son goes "What?" And she says that "I told your dad to wear his uniform. He doesn't listen." I look at her and say "You can reprimand me later."
Now------am I playing with fire, making too much of this. Truth be told, I feel like heading out to the local strip club, getting blasted and have those ladies rub all over me just so I can forget all about this. My fault, I know and only a fool trips over what's behind him. But this all goes back to victor Frankl and aspiring to a higher ideal. I'm either fooling myself or gambling it all on nothing. I really have no idea.