Hey dude, I started it on the 10th so I'm up for it.
Day 1:
It was raining so my walk to class did not afford me the passing of the usual number of females. However, I did attempt EC with every female that passed me, about 4 just looked straight ahead, or off to the side, never making EC. The first 2 that I made EC with, actually waited until I was about to pass them, and then they glanced over and looked at me. I've noticed that a lot of girls will wait until the last second to take a look. Interesting. Anyway, after those two, I came across 3 that I made EC with and also got a Hi, Hello, smiles, etc. The first one I made EC with at about 10 paces away, she began smiling, and held EC for maybe 2 seconds at which point I said Hi just as she was passing me and she said Hey from behind me. I continued walking and came to a large puddle (maybe 10 feet long) in a dipped aread of the sidewalk. I went around the puddle and noticed an attractive girl scoping out her path around it on the other side. I made EC with her when I got around the puddle, and she smiled, I mentioned (jokingly) that there "was a way", she laughed and said "yeah". I continued to class and did not pass any other women.
After class I walked back to my car, but surprisingly only got near enough to make EC with one HB. I choked on this one.
She was coming towards me from my left side and we were both going to the same crosswalk. She made it to the crosswalk about 3 paces ahead of me, and that was my chance to make EC with her, but I blew it. After that she walked in front of me for about 50 yards, but I could not think of how to approach her at this point. I always feel awkward in this situation, b/c even though we both were going to walk the same way anyway, I always think they will feel like I am following them, and that I should not attempt to approach them.
Later that day I went to the gym, and saw one attractive girl doing abs while I was doing incline dumbells. She had headphones on, and I wasn't quite sure how to approach b/c I did not want to interrupt her workout. After she got done with abs, she went to another section of the gym, and I saw her one other time, but again, she was in the middle of something, and I didn't want to interrupt. Choked at the gym, no EC with any HB's.
I have a lot of info from night 1 that I need to report but we are about to leave for the game. I'll give a short synopsis. Went out to a few bars, and one party. Got 2 girls numbers, and got shot down by one girl.
more later.