
AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
man....I thought I was in the LJBF level with this girl. I try some C&F and act calm/cool, try to start convos, but she doesn't give me ANYTHING too continue to convo on. example...

me: hey, how'd track go?
me: i know i am. ;)

stuff like that...and she's just like..."okay..."

really nothing to work with. and imma not even go for her cuz its no fun being with someone who can't have a nice conv o with you. that's like dating a hot mute.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
AFK - quit demeaning yourself, making excuses and postponing the inevitable - go up to her and ask for digits!!

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Man, I better clear this **** up some more. We've got projects. We were partners because I said, "hey, you seem like a hard worker. Wanna partner up?"

Once again...I got, "okay."

So you see, since we go to school together and spent time on projects, Ii've got her number and everything. So uh...yea...I'm just trying to be trustworthy cuz she's been all paranoid of guys now, cuz she's becoming hot now (tits...ass...etc.). Yea, but I'm just LJBF....or so I thought...until all this staring sh1t started.

Its not that I like her dude...I just find its freaky and wanna know what it means. She's got a weird personality.....kinda passive with short bursts of energy.

Okay so, here's hot it goes so far:

I do C&F......not much feedback (low IL)
I don't do anything.....she asks for the time (still low IL)
I do something normal....I get a critique (still low IL)
I glance in her direction....she's gazing at me (higher IL?)

but yea...i'm just in a very confused state right now. I was a real nice guy back then. Now I'm still nice, but as I said, I don't go outta my way to do something for some lazy girl. So...the one i had oneitis on (see other post "whoa, holy cow, check this out) is like being all nice and sh1t because apparently I was "always there for her" and I'm just confused. That's all.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
Originally posted by AFK Protector I don't consider myself hot or anything, and I'm probably in her friend zone....."Never expect anything from anyone. That way you'll never be disappointed."
Do you expect nothing from yourself included? It sounds to me like you don't expect to get her, what kind of mindset is that? Trust me, if you keep that up, you will not pull any worthy chicks!

Originally posted by AFK Protector

I do C&F......not much feedback (low IL)
She's shy, you used to be a nice guy, and she doesn't know how react to the new you yet.
I don't do anything.....she asks for the time (still low IL)
Conversation dies, she tries to revive it, or at least make an effort
I do something normal....I get a critique (still low IL)
For some girls, the only way they can hide their feelings is through criticism and negativity.
I glance in her direction....she's gazing at me (higher IL?)
Huge sign. If you "kinda sorta" care about her,(i think you do or you wouldn't be talking about it) look into her eyes purposefully (not that "I was glancing around the room and our eyes just happened to meet..." stuff:rolleyes: . Look into her eyes and ask yourself, "what are her eyes telling me?" This might sound stupid, but it gives the type of eye-contact that is seductive, and you can gauge her response to it.
One thing I'd like to say, is if she's giving you intense EC constantly and you go up and converse with her, don't talk about generic conversations strangers would have, like what you had for dinner last night. That is taking a step backwards. The EC should show you that she has some kind of feelings so assume a lil rapport and guide your conversation towards emotions.

I liked the C&F you used, hopefully you used it right. If a girl is staring at me intently, going up and telling her a knock-knock joke is going to take her out of the state she's in tho, so use it when appropriate. If you're having convo problems, try things like talking about you two through masked situations, a lil SS would help maybe?

AFK: Hmm. We haven't been doing a lot of work on the project. Hmmm...(thinking face) Have you ever had the feeling that if you tried, you know something wonderful would happen? That's the feeling I get with you....when we're working on the project"
Her:please have sex with me

lol, well it won't be THAT easy, but you get the idea. Dropping little subtle hints and talking with innuendo really gets chick's imagination going. "did he really mean that?" "Was he talking about us?", endless questions that keep them up at night, and as a DJ, it's our job to keep them up at night, one way or the other ;)

I know you probably haven't tried SS, so I'll break this down for you. You already foudn out what she's going for(Elicited Values) by learning that she wants someone trustworthy because she paranoid, so you have to "Show her without telling her" Do things that show you are trustworthy in her presence. Good Luck, and tell us how it went :)

Air Max

Don Juan
Mar 28, 2004
Reaction score
Playin' hard to get, all it is...just move on the now, if it's there she'll come to you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Re: just pull it out

Originally posted by ToP DoN
and tell her to suck it
Dude wtf?


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
What do you guys think of the girls who you make eye contact with but they wont break the eye contact and they give you a little smile, I've had girls stare in my eyes for like 20 seconds with a little smile.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
ToPDoN....that guy tells everyone to tell girls to suck it.

anywho...yea, great advice Microphone. I got it all cleared up. I think I'm the guy a lot of girls want, but they really don't think I'm interested in them like that because I was in the friend zone with A LOT of girls. Now I've grown, lost a lot of weight, and look at least average. I think what you said about negativity and criticism to hide her true feeligns is good...and to an extent very true. She makes a big deal about little crap I if I make a bad call she goes all freaky like, "OMG WHAT ARE YOU dOIng!!! YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!!!"

It gets annoying, and its pushing me away from her. SS....never looked into that. I'll check it out. And I will let my actions speak for themselves. I'll let you guys know what happens.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
ToPDoN....that guy tells everyone to tell girls to suck it.

anywho...yea, great advice Microphone. I got it all cleared up. I think I'm the guy a lot of girls want, but they really don't think I'm interested in them like that because I was in the friend zone with A LOT of girls. Now I've grown, lost a lot of weight, and look at least average. I think what you said about negativity and criticism to hide her true feeligns is good...and to an extent very true. She makes a big deal about little crap I if I make a bad call she goes all freaky like, "OMG WHAT ARE YOU dOIng!!! YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!!!"

It gets annoying, and its pushing me away from her. SS....never looked into that. I'll check it out. And I will let my actions speak for themselves. I'll let you guys know what happens in a while.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by allan976
Right on, a 'body language' thread!

I've developed a simple technique to catch women who stare at me. I've noticed that when I look at women directly, they take pains to avoid looking at me in the eye.

However, when I appear to be distracted, for instance, if I am walking and looking down at my cell phone, a sheet of paper, etc., and THEN look up quickly to scan my environment, I frequently find some coed or another checking me out. They break eye contact immediately once I 'catch' them doing this however.

Therefore, my technique is to carry a newspaper with me when I go out in public. When I sit down at a bus stop, or on the exercise bike at the gym, etc., I open up the paper and read the sports section or comics for a minute or two. I then look up quickly to look around and 'boom!' quickly note the bees drawn to the honey so to speak. Works every time (well, almost every time).

The key is to find the confident, fine (and hopefully single) chickie who will not only look but maintain eye contact and even smile! Approach IMMEDIATELY.

If the young lady breaks eye contact with you, approach her anyway if you are interested. This 'eye contact breaker' is much more likely to be shy, blush or stammer than the confident gal noted above. Be patient and give her some time however, and you'll have a shot.

Good Luck. Post results.

sounds more like the female role than the male role.

i don't really care whos checking me out. the important thing is who IM checking out. ya dig?


Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
Originally posted by AFK Protector
she goes all freaky like, "OMG WHAT ARE YOU dOIng!!! YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!!!"
That's gotta be #1 or #2 of "Nine words you never wanna hear from a girl"