Stéphane 100 journal approach


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
I'll be writing some of my approaches here, and i'm hoping for some positive or negative feedback.

Approach number 1:
I went to the club solo because I wanted to meet some girls, I started drinking a little, and spotted a cute japanese chick HB10. I eventualy got the courage to approach her, and said:

Me: hey
Me: I noticed you guys from a while back, and I just knew I said to say hi, so
Me: Hi! (smile, they smiled, and I left)
I reapproached them later, and said:
Me: Hey, my friend said when you go to the club if anything going to happen it's going to be in the first 10 mins, is this true?
Her: I don't know ( they laughed a lot)
I left
Reapprached them by dancing.
Me: Hey you guys speak french?
Them: no! (all serious)
Me: Well that's too bad I really like french girls ( they gigled, and I left)
Her: hey, I though you only liked french girls!
Me: Well, I usualy do, but if you got something else to offer I might consider it.
Her: gigled
Her: I got a boyfriend
Me: Well, you got some catching up to do I got two of them.
****blocker: Leave, now.
I left...

Approach number 2:
I spotted a HB7, and I wasn't really interested, but I approached them because they all had the same jerseys, and it intrigued me.

Me: Hey, what team are you guys on?
Her: We're not on a team it's her birthday!
Me: Welcomes the birthday girls hugs her, and say happy birthday
Me: Hey, you guys are aswome friends for doing this I wish my friends would dress in matchign jerseys for my birthday
* she gigled.
Danced for a while
Me: Hey, you know what! Let's do this for my birthday too, just give me your number.
Her: *gigled, aww I would like to but i'm not from around here..
I left...

Approach number 3:
Some girl touched my ass she was like an hb3, really not interested.
Me: Hey you why did you touch my ass!
Me: I don't like it when girls touch my ass...
Her: WTF you talking about... *she walks away.
*she obviously had low self esteem, and couldn't take a joke.

Approach number 4:
I was waiting for a taxi while my friend saw me, and said hey you need a drive?

Me: Alright!
I got in the van with a HB6 standing right beside me.
Me: Hi
Her: hey
Her: I'm feeling like **** right now it was my birthday, and the bouncers wouldn't let me in the club..
Me: Are you serious that's unfair, why not.
Her: Well, they said I was kicked out earlier, but I ddin't even enter the club.
Me: Wow, I would write a complaint letter if I were you, that really sucks.
Her: Yeah I know, anyways what's your name?
Me: I'm stephane
Her: I'm HB6
Her: do you go to college with X?
Me: yeah!
Her: Cool, i'm into hait cut school...
Me: Sweet any ideas for a cool hair cut for me?
Her: haha, I don't know it's kind of short.
Me: Well, maybe you could cut my hair do you have a number?
Her: yeah here it is!
*Gives number
Her: Anyways here my stop talk to you later!
Me: see yeah.

Anwyays, pretty crappy night but lots of approaches, and I don't think I did too bad except that I left too often while talking to the HB10, and I let her BF line effect me.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
good stuff. Liked some of the ****y/funny lines you threw out there, might steal a couple of em, lol. With the first approach, I'm wondering if you constantly leaving and reapproaching helped you or hindered you? What do you think about breaking the conversation after a high point and a bit of rapport instead of a good one-liner so that they have a bit more to miss when you no longer grace them with your presence?


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Microphone Fiend said:
good stuff. Liked some of the ****y/funny lines you threw out there, might steal a couple of em, lol. With the first approach, I'm wondering if you constantly leaving and reapproaching helped you or hindered you? What do you think about breaking the conversation after a high point and a bit of rapport instead of a good one-liner so that they have a bit more to miss when you no longer grace them with your presence?
Yes, I agree that I think that constantly leaving, and reaproaching really hindered me on that first approach, and that I did it a little too often, if I would to redo it. I would only leave out of the conversation once.

I'm putting my journal on a hold right now, but I shall resurect it really soon. I'm trying to concentrate on my education, because it's my last year of college, and it's getting really time consuming.


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
approaching with "Hey" or "hi" always seemed kind of weak to me. When i go for an open I just go. If theyre just sitting there i'll try something like "You two dont look very busy, mind if i ask you a quick question?"
Usually ask an opinion question, there are several examples everywhere. This wil strike a conversation, but it might sizzle down quickly, so think of other things to say as well, or make your exit and approach them again later.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Alright today, I spotted a great looking HB 7.5 at work, and I was able to find an original opening too.

Me: Hey are you guys sisters?
Them: Yes, we're twins!
Me: Wow, really? (I'm thinking how did I get that right. lol)
Them: Yeah, We get that a lot.
Me: Well, that's really cool, I can see that you both have your own style.
Me: Where are you from?
Them: Moncton
Me: I never seen you guys before.
Them: We went to some english school.
Me: Ah, ok i'm french
Me: You guys go to school?
Sis1: Nah, we just finished, i'm going to into nursing.
Sis2: Really, I didn't know that. lol. I'm also going.
Me: That's cool.
Sis1: so what do you do?
Me: Well, i'm into financial planning, but I really want to be a boxer model. I mean walking in your boxers all day there no better job then that, and I mean i'm confortable in my own body.
Girls gigling.
Me: Well, Anyways I g2g, but let's go for coffee sometime, or something give me your numbers.
Sis2: Ask her, I got a boyfriend. hehe.
Sis1: Sure, it"s XXXXXX
I try to write down the number then my cell phone f*** ups. I can't write down anything, and i'm like f***. Then I asked her how she knew how to work it, and she couldn't, and i'm thinking f***. Then she asked me for my number, and I said that I didn't know it I just bought my phone. (f****) Then she finally asks for my e-mail.... (and im thinking f***)

Me: Anyways, cya later i'm going to try, and figure out this phone.

She probably won't e-mail me, but whatever worth a try. Stupid f**** blackberry.


Nov 21, 2007
Reaction score
Stéphane said:
Alright today, I spotted a great looking HB 7.5 at work, and I was able to find an original opening too.

Me: Hey are you guys sisters?
Them: Yes, we're twins!
Me: Wow, really? (I'm thinking how did I get that right. lol)
Them: Yeah, We get that a lot.
Me: Well, that's really cool, I can see that you both have your own style.
Me: Where are you from?
Them: Moncton
Me: I never seen you guys before.
Them: We went to some english school.
Me: Ah, ok i'm french
Me: You guys go to school?
Sis1: Nah, we just finished, i'm going to into nursing.
Sis2: Really, I didn't know that. lol. I'm also going.
Me: That's cool.
Sis1: so what do you do?
Me: Well, i'm into financial planning, but I really want to be a boxer model. I mean walking in your boxers all day there no better job then that, and I mean i'm confortable in my own body.
Girls gigling.
Me: Well, Anyways I g2g, but let's go for coffee sometime, or something give me your numbers.
Sis2: Ask her, I got a boyfriend. hehe.
Sis1: Sure, it"s XXXXXX
I try to write down the number then my cell phone f*** ups. I can't write down anything, and i'm like f***. Then I asked her how she knew how to work it, and she couldn't, and i'm thinking f***. Then she asked me for my number, and I said that I didn't know it I just bought my phone. (f****) Then she finally asks for my e-mail.... (and im thinking f***)

Me: Anyways, cya later i'm going to try, and figure out this phone.

She probably won't e-mail me, but whatever worth a try. Stupid f**** blackberry.
wow that is brutal man.. Is it wrong that I laughed?


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Alright my report. I went out tonight at the gay bar, because a bunch of my friends are gay. I spotted the hottest girl at the bar, and I did this.

Me: Hey, what's your name?
Her: I'm Crystal what about you?
Me: I'm stephane [removed], nice to meet you?
Me: Are your enjoyring yourself?
Her: blah blah blah
I'm gazing in her eyes, and trying to kino her the most possible
Her: What are you thinking?
Me: Not saying, that's you to figure out.
Her: I'm bisexual :) (bingo!)
me: that's great (kiss her)
Me: Well, Crystal what do you think about me?
Her: blah blah blah, I have a boyfriend.
Me: That's ok, i'm not the jealous type, kiss her.
I realise I shouldn't steal people girlfriends now, but I couldn't help myself she was the hottest girl in the club.
Her: What's your e-mail?
I give it.
I didn't want to f*** her because of the boyfriend deal, and i'm still a virgin.
Anyways my gay friends leave pissed because I got more actions then them... lol
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Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
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F*** what did I get myself into, I hooked up with a hot bisexual girl with 2 kids, and a bf...


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
I don't f**** get it. Anyways I went to the club solo last night, I was dancing with this chick that was teasing me hardcore, she said she saw me in college, she was touching, and kissing, and when our tongues met she would pull back. Then she leaves for a smoke, and says stay around, I stay around, she comes back, and she's pulling the same ****. Then she finally says anyways i'll brb i'm going to get my boyfriend. (I WAS THINKING WTF)

I was seriously pissed off, but I was thinking f*** it it's only one hoe.

Then I meet this girl, the conversation goes like this.
Smile :)
me: Hi, my name is stephane what's yours"?
Hb8: I'm Jackie, nice to meet you.
Me: Jackie, where are you from?
Hb8: Nova scotia, i'm here for the weekend.
Me: really, do you need someone to show you around.
Hb8: it's ok, her uncle knows the area ( f***)
Hb8: What do you do?
Me: I'm a financial planner, what about you ($ dolards in her eyes)
Hb8: I'm a dentist assistant.
Me: I can tell you got nice teeths (smile, to show off my teeths)
Hb8: Wow, so do you.
Me: Anyways, nice meeting you.
She comes and find me later.
Hb8: It was nice meeting you stephane, i'm leaving now. (B*tch had to get the last word)
Me: Yeah, have a good night.

Anyways, this whole time I was buying drinks from the same bartender. First time I bought a drink, I said coor's light. She gave me one, and I gave her a nice tip around 1$. 2nd time she gives me the coor's light right away. I said Girl I just met you, and you already know me. She giggled. 3rd time she gave me another coor's light, and I was like holy crap is my body language that good? Like I didn't even said a word, and you gave me a beer. She gigled. I approached her one last time when the DJ said last chance to hit the bar. I approached, and said hey the DJ said it's my last time to hit the bar, so i'm guessing it's my last chance in getting your number.

She giggled, and kinoed me, and said I have a boyfriend. I said that's alright i'm not the jealous type. She laughed, and said your cute though, then I said well if it doesn't work out, just call me. (f*** idiot I am I didnt leave my number)

Anyways then a HB6 approaches me, I knew her for a while, and she was like this guy is the hottest guy ever, she said that to the other girl. Then she hooks up with another guy (im thinking wtf)

Then I finally meet some two girls, and I introduce myself, and I was like where are you guys going later, and they said Sport rock. I was like sweet mind if I tag along I like meeting new people. So I tag along we finally get outside, and this other dude flips out after another dude, and they get into a fight. So me and the girls bring him home, then im f**** wasted. We eat kraft dinner, and I was like sweet im probly not getting laid but atleast i made new friends. Then I ask for there numbers, they give it, and they give me some blankets to sleep. I sleep for a while, and im thinking wtf im at a stranger house this is f**** weird. So I call a cab, and I get home, then I had 2 hours to sleep, and I had to work the next day. I woke up f**** drunk and I start working with my eyes bleeding. I just got done trying to call the guys, and girls I met, and both the numbers the girls gave me are fakes! ( I was thinking f**** b*tches, and wtf). I called some of the dudes ones working and the other one who got into a fight idk where he is. Anyways, pretty weird and good night I guess.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
im trying the shock and awe method tonight, and im making way more statements.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Cmon guys give me some feedback, I dont even feel like writing this if im not getting feedback.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Just got done talking to the girls on msn, and I guess they had long distance cell phone numbers, and I had to dial '1' to reach them. Now it sort of make sence.... Man, i'm stupid..


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Went to the club, and social anxiety hit me too hard. I was going to get the bartender number, but she was already gone, by the time I decided. Oh yeah, I approached this one girl, and this dude just shoved me when I did. I guess it was her boyfriend, but he didn't need to be a jerk about it, how the hell was I suppose to know. I think that's when my anxiety kicked in. It seemed like every girl I was going to approach had a boy waiting right beside them...

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
LOL, I've been shoved by more boyfriends than I can count!

You are doing fine dude. You gott a great personality and sense of humor.

The only thing killing you right now is your paranoia

Hb8: It was nice meeting you stephane, i'm leaving now. (B*tch had to get the last word)
Me: Yeah, have a good night.
That looks totally misread on your part.

If you had not made an impression on her, she would have left without saying goodbye. It sounds like this was her coy way of getting you to ask for her number. She probably left in shock that you didnt jump at the opportunity!

Your social anxiety is rooted in your assumption that you are not likeable and you need to fool people into thinking you are cool. The ironic part is that you are already cool, you just don't really know it yet.

So far you are doing really well. In order to proceed to Level 2 tho, I would suggest that you stop bailing prematurely. You are doing approaches like a kamikazi pilot here.. LOL!

In the precise moment you start thinkin sh!t like..

"Oh she doesnt like me"
"She's wayyy out of my league"
"Hope I dont say something stupid"
"Don't fukk it up!!"

STOP yourself and invert your thoughts to the complete opposite

"She likes me"
"She's totally gettable"
"I hope she doesn't say something stupid"
"She better not fukk it up!"

The only thing making you anxious are your assumptions


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah your right, now I think about it I think that girl was into me, oh well no big deal there tons of girls out there. Anyways I reactivated my account in plentyoffish, and just today I sent this message.

I think we got a lot of commun, like I also worked for bell, and I like road trips, and I'm also pretty good at making friends. Anyways, I don't know if I want anything serious, i'm pretty much only looking for sex. Like I think you got a cute face, and probably a great body so if you want to have some fun, we could do that. Things, might get serious between us, but I can't really guarantee it.
haha well, im not looking for a relationship either.. but..i'm not looking for just random fun either :p.. i just wanna meet some cool people.. if you still want to chat though, add me on msn.. we do work together!!

Hey, I never said you were that kind of girl. I beleive in forplay, don't worry girl. I don't really use msn, if you want to talk i'll need your number, and your name. Oh, we worked together? Hopefully, I don't get a sexual harassement lawsuit on my hand :)

I'll call you sometime this week, I don't really make dates, I just call spontaneously out of the blue
I'm pretty sure i'll end up f***ckin that girl or she wouldn't of replied when I said that.

Anyways senor your right I need to change my thinking a little bit. It's getting in my way.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah your right I should of got that Jackie girl number, but i'm really not a phone person. I guess I rather just hook up right away, and skip the number stuff. I also guess if I want quality women i'll have to start going for numbers.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Alright some girl started to message me on plentyoffish again, and she was pretty hot, and does a lot of sports. She kind of sounds stupid, but w.e. she got a great body. I was able to convince her to give her msn, then we started talking about sex.

Me: So what girl are you because the one on the right got nice tits.
Her: Omg
Her: I look way better now lol.

and then we started talking about sex, french kissing, **** size, positions, marriage and stuff. She was like when we get married you better buy me a big rock. haha jk. I said well that depends how good your in bed.

Anyways she lives 3 hours away from my place, but I was able to convince her to come down here. I was trying to get her horny, so that she would be willing to drive over here.

so, i`m probably going to f*ck this girl too. I was able to convince her to give me her number. It`s funny at first she was like I need to be sure your not serial killer, rapist, etc. lol. I started asking more normal questions to make her more comfortable, and to assure her that i`m not a serial killer/rapist lol. I would rate her an HB 8.5, I told her that I wasn't driving down there, but she can come here, and I would give her the time of her life.

Anyways, we`re going to f*ck I have a way with words.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Just got a reply from that other girl she said:

oh i thought you said you were working for bell!! hah..
yeah i don't do dates :p haha.. so call me sometime (number).. my names kate :p

Anyways online dating is too easy, and boring. I think i'm going to let it go soon. I'm going to start approaching in the real world again/