The Book of Pook and the bible were written years ago when the climate was nowhere near as bad as it is today. The social deterioration since they were written has been massive in depth and scope.
What we need to do is to strive to understand what has been going on and what is going on today, and this requires discussion. However, limiting discussion to complaints is folly and works against us. We need to continue to devise strategies and paradigms in order to reclaim the authority that is our birthright.
I can see that around the world men are slowly waking up to reality, and SoSuave deserves a lot of the credit for raising the awareness of men. It is not practical for us to hate and despise women... just as we can't hate and despise children who have been brought up to be disrespectful brats. In both cases, they are unaware and are acting out, except for the few diamonds out there who have been only slightly affected by the media's damage.
However, I always maintain that we MUST, at all costs, hold women responsible for their behavior. This lack of demanding female accountability by men has been the very weakness that allowed the spark of feminism to become the raging inferno that it now is.
Hopefully this forum and others like it will continue to awaken men to reality, and once the inevitable anger phase has run its course, that these men will take part in finding solutions to the challenges we face. Things are in fact absurdly bad out there. The fact that this site has to exist at all (and believe me, it does have to exist), is an absurdity in and of itself. Imagine what the men of the early to mid 20th century would have thought had they seen the future. It would be shocking beyond comprehension to them what has happened to women and the need for sites to train men how to deal with women.
Did women always have these tendencies? Absolutely. No question whatsoever. But the sad truth is that in all ages past these tendencies were controlled and contained by men, the authority of the earth. Again I state my analogy... women are the stormy, chaotic ocean, and men are the limiting rocky shoreline.
Weak men (fearful of rejection and desiring political votes from women) removed themselves from their place of authority and the "ocean" flooded the landscape and character-wise became a thin, stagnant puddle millions of miles wide and with virtually no depth.
Like Bruce Lee said, water can flow and water can crash. We have allowed it to flow and crash over us because our recent forefathers' own will essentially flowed back in fearful retreat.
I agree that simply complaining is counter-productive, however we need to identify reality and deal with it. Education is key.
I've identified three types of men here. The pump and dump guys who care only about their own sense of power (these will eventually recognize how this dissipates them), the relationship guys who want to find a decent girl, and the ones who believe that we have the power to create an effective counterforce to the one that has been beating men down for the past 50 years. It's no secret which one I belong to.
Of course the noobs that come here are going to go through the phases that they must go through, and one of those phases is often the "all women are sh!t" phase. We who have been here for a while can choose to educate them and help them through the phases rather than ridicule them. The more men who are enlightened, the better and the sooner critical mass will be attained.
Only two forces can possibly turn social dynamics to a degree of normalcy. One is all-out nuclear war. This will eliminate feminism. If you want to find some nice, submissive women, go out gaming after the blast. Of course, we think and hope that this is an unlikely scenario. It goes without saying that it is least desirable. The other is encouraging men to discuss and educate each other, and then to take that knowledge out into the real world and effect change. Once critical mass of awareness is reached (and our numbers are certainly increasing), men will start to take the almighty PUSS off the pedestal and will re-take the world.