Spring 2007 Bootcamp


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
Well winter is finally winding down and spring is coming up fast, so in the spirit of rebirth give up your AFC ways for good and become that DJ you want to be. This is an open boot camp for any member who wants to improve themselves and isn't going to just give up before even trying. You can find the link for the official boot camp here, i suggest anyone who wants to join to read through it and understand what your getting yourself into.

Anyone who wants to join up just post it in this thread.
I hope to see a lot of you join up so we can help each other through it and make an epic thread that people will read and be inspired by.

Edit: Unless some people join up by tonight I am starting it alone tomorrow.
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Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
Belle Vernon, PA
It's about time we see another bootcamp in here!

I'm not joining I'm actually doing ok with my game, but I hope to see some of you join up. I enjoy reading other's progress


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Do your own thing. Don't worry about recruiting others. For better or worse, most people will give up sooner rather than later whether or not they sign up now. Rely on yourself. You will get plenty of encouragement from people who have actual experience.


Rock_Solid said:
Well winter is finally winding down and spring is coming up fast, so in the spirit of rebirth give up your AFC ways for good and become that DJ you want to be. This is an open boot camp for any member who wants to improve themselves and isn't going to just give up before even trying. You can find the link for the official boot camp here, i suggest anyone who wants to join to read through it and understand what your getting yourself into.

Anyone who wants to join up just post it in this thread.
I hope to see a lot of you join up so we can help each other through it and make an epic thread that people will read and be inspired by.

Edit: Unless some people join up by tonight I am starting it alone tomorrow.


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
Week1 day1

thickandcreamy said:
Do your own thing. Don't worry about recruiting others. For better or worse, most people will give up sooner rather than later whether or not they sign up now. Rely on yourself. You will get plenty of encouragement from people who have actual experience.

Ya, that's what i decided to do, but whoever wants to join up can. I'm going to follow the format of Walden's (excellent) boot camp and title each week and day on the top. Anyone who wants to do the boot camp is free to post their experiences in this thread, just title it like I am going to.

Anyway, today i started...and let's just say I have a lot of work to do. Even though I have improved tremendously with my game and I work good game on girls I know, my cold approaching is terrible.

As anyone whose been here for a while knows, week one involves making eye contact with strangers and then saying hi to 50 of them. So today I went to the gym to work out and get some hi's in. Well, the eye contact part was no problem, and i caught lots of HB's checking me out too. The hi part was a different story though, I only got in 3!

I can't believe it, only 3 hi's, and i consider myself a social and funny guy. I do have a few excuses, but i do realize there really are none for this. For one thing I'm still in high school and i know pretty much everyone in my school (it's only about 1000 students), and the people I don't know I just don't see. Second, it just seems like everyone is always in their own worlds, not paying attention to their surroundings and zoning out.

Tomorrow will definitely be better...


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
Week1 Day2

Today went better, not great but better. I got in 6 hi's today and had 2 conversations with an Ugg and an HB8, both situational.

There's nothing really to write...I know what I have to do, so Saturday I'm going to the mall and I expect to finish it then no problem.

Hi's left: 41


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2006
Reaction score
Starting Bootcamp

I'm down for it.
Right now, it is pretty late. Most definitely I'll start the hi's and eye contacts tomorrow and post.


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
You guys are definitely allowed to post in here, and 50 hi's shouldn't be that hard, after all it is the weekend now. Try to get it done by next Thursday so we can all be at the same place.


New Member
Mar 22, 2007
Reaction score
North Jersey, for now
Went to the mall yesterday to pick up some stuff from breast buy and I took a stroll around. Did plenty of the eye contacts (not even going to count, I just look at everyone that passes), most were successful, except 2.

One was an older woman pushing a stroller. I made eye contact, she broke, looked back and I smiled, which she returned. Immediately following her I made eye contact with a guy carrying bags. His eye contact pierced holes through me and I thought he was going to stab me when I walked by. I put 2 and 2 together and realized he was her hubby and saw the smile. Oops!

Second was an average looking younger guy. Made eye contact, he didn't break so I held too. As we were passing I was going to say hi but he beat me to it....and winked. Fag. oops. last male hi of the day for me.

All in all I have 12 hi's for yesterday, going back out today to do some, be back later.


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
I'm already doing approaches and stuff but.. this will keep me more active. I'll start april 1st.


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
Yo I did this stuff before. Just goto the mall and spend like 2 hours there and you should get it all in. I am starting my bootcamp on april first because I am having a shift change at work plus I am going to get a gym membership so it seems like a good idea. Actually hold up. First week is just saying hi to 50 people eh? Ok I start tomorrow then.


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
Week 1 completed

Finished today easily. Got about 10 in last night at a party and the rest today at work no problem. Not even counting work though i probably got in a good 15 today while running errands and stopping by a party.

I see a lot of people have now joined up, everyone try to finish as soon as possible so we can all move on to Week 2 together.


Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
Belle Vernon, PA
lol, by the way I work in sales at a clothing store. My job is basically to greet every customer that walks in the door, and hold a conversation for as long as I can.

My job was my bootcamp, and now its cake to talk to strangers ANYWHERE. You do start to learn how to use your environment to strike up conversations. just so you know this practice does do wonders for you and a few months down the road, you'll look back and think "I can't believe that was actually HARD to do.

Anyway, good job guys, can't wait til you get into the "starting convos" and "Number closing" stages. Those ones are always fun to read. Can't wait to see improvements.