When you are always available in the evening to talk to someone and chat, the minute you go off radar with another chick the others will notice it.
I’ve now decided to stop communicating with women so much because 1. When you deal with a few it takes up time and 2. When I want to go undercover and spend a Friday night and following Saturday with a new/different plate the other will harass you and even call you. I can’t remember my stories of what I did at the weekend so I am trying to keep everything vague.
Does anyone have tips for keeping literally everyone at arms length because they ALL want to know your business and whereabouts 24/7 which makes me feel sick but also catches me out.
Example: this Friday night I’m out for a bday drinks in the city, could potentially go back to Spanish house nearby when she finishes work, Saturday me and hsv1 are going to an art gallery, Sunday is free but potentially a date. The main girl Sophie isn’t going to get a look in all weekend unless she meets up with us Friday night during the bday drinks. That means she will come back to my place, and I need to get rid of her ASAP Saturday to go on my art gallery date. It’s all a fvcking mess every weekend I can’t see everyone and I am bad and saying no to people
I’ve now decided to stop communicating with women so much because 1. When you deal with a few it takes up time and 2. When I want to go undercover and spend a Friday night and following Saturday with a new/different plate the other will harass you and even call you. I can’t remember my stories of what I did at the weekend so I am trying to keep everything vague.
Does anyone have tips for keeping literally everyone at arms length because they ALL want to know your business and whereabouts 24/7 which makes me feel sick but also catches me out.
Example: this Friday night I’m out for a bday drinks in the city, could potentially go back to Spanish house nearby when she finishes work, Saturday me and hsv1 are going to an art gallery, Sunday is free but potentially a date. The main girl Sophie isn’t going to get a look in all weekend unless she meets up with us Friday night during the bday drinks. That means she will come back to my place, and I need to get rid of her ASAP Saturday to go on my art gallery date. It’s all a fvcking mess every weekend I can’t see everyone and I am bad and saying no to people