it's like the m ore spiderman movies they are, the father they get away from spiderman kicking ass and the more they flaunt Peter Parkers AFCism.
That's why I like X-Men so much. All of em. Simply because they put enough background in just so you can say they did it, but not soo much where it takes away from the coolness factor of the movie. I didn't pay 7 bucks to know why Scott Summers isn't in tune with Jean Gray, I want to see Cyclops blow up **** with his lasers!! I want to see wolverine! I want to see people float, and disappear, and all that good stuff.
Even the mortal kombat movies, you had to hand it to them... to this day I don't even know what the damn plot was in those movies, and to this day I still love them.. I literary couldn't tell you the difference between the first and the 2nd movie. If i guessed right it would be just that. I just know you are going to see about 2 hours of good ole fashion ass kicking.
While you get that with spiderman, I personally would think that people don't buy spiderman thinking "oh, this is a very romantic movie"... i mean it has it's romantic aspects, but you want to highlight spiderman being spiderman.