Hey, WorldTraveler, you seem to be a pretty smart dude from your posts that i've read so far. SO you are from Spain, and where are you staying now, Costa Rica?
Anyway, I've lived in quite a few countries myself: USA, Russia, Philippines, Malaysia. So I can understand where you are coming from when you say, how you may be very popular in one country and totally ignored in another because of your ethnicity.
Now, I am Russian Jewish, but I look somewhat like Iranian or Turkish. I'd say I look like Antonio Banderas, back in the days when he used to play in Pedro Almodovar's movies, like the Matador. So where do you think that look would be most in demand, from your experiences (geographically speaking)?
here r 2 of my pictures, but now i am growing long hair. So be realistic with me.
About loyalty, I think it has A LOT to do with the culture, traditions, religion, customs, folk ways of a country more than anything else. It also has to do with the temperament of the people -- are they percieving or judging, extravert or introvert, static or dynamic.
I mean it is easy to see with Honesty. Like some countries like Japan, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, you can leave things on the street and nobody would take them. But try to do that in Italy or Indonesia.
So I think with Loyalty it is the same thing. And it would be nice to have more information on the demographics of Loyalty.