Sosuave. net, embarrassing?


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Just something that I'd like to hear you guys' view on.

I got the inspiration from the troll post about the guy losing the girl over using Sosuave, so I wanted to make a non troll post really inquiring,

Do you care if people see/are aware of your use of this site?

Sometimes at work, I used to get nervous, I would surf sosuave igcognito on chrome and make sure no one was behind me looking.

This started after a Co worker had been walking by and said "Looking for single asians?" (damn it, those ads lol) another had seen the ad "Get girls now!"

I also had a friend ask me what the site I was on was specifically about and I wasn't really sure how to respond.

I mean, I'm not embarrassed about using the site & I'm proud I found it, but for some reason I feel like this is frowned upon or will be seen in negative lose esqe "how to get girls" light.

So I was wondering your ideals on the matter, do you tend to only get on ss in privacy?

Or do you just not give a fųck?

Do you make sure you delete your history and have a lot of tabs open?

Or do you surf as you please?

Does your girlfriend know?

How about your friends?

Just curious. I still surf in private haha.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
Yea if i'm honest i'm not thrilled that i've needed to seek advice on line, especially when all my friends are in LTR's and I doubt they went through anything like the amount of effort to modify their behaviour in order to get them that I am having to. (given i'm naturally a very apathetic/passive person).

Might be a different story in a year or two when i've sorted my game out.


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2014
Reaction score
Boston, MA
I only visit SoSuave incognito. I'm not embarrassed by visiting a site that helps improve your confidence, dating game, etc. I'm embarrassed that so many of the guys on here are clearly damaged misogynists.

I'd never be ashamed for someone to find out I was reading a post on "how texting kills relationships." But if someone ever saw I was reading a thread where someone was sympathizing with Ray Rice, ugh, it'd be brutal to be associated with that.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of negativity and bro-ism to go along with the real practical advice on here.


Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
SmooveMooves said:
Just something that I'd like to hear you guys' view on.

I got the inspiration from the troll post about the guy losing the girl over using Sosuave, so I wanted to make a non troll post really inquiring,

Do you care if people see/are aware of your use of this site?

Sometimes at work, I used to get nervous, I would surf sosuave igcognito on chrome and make sure no one was behind me looking.

This started after a Co worker had been walking by and said "Looking for single asians?" (damn it, those ads lol) another had seen the ad "Get girls now!"

I also had a friend ask me what the site I was on was specifically about and I wasn't really sure how to respond.

I mean, I'm not embarrassed about using the site & I'm proud I found it, but for some reason I feel like this is frowned upon or will be seen in negative lose esqe "how to get girls" light.

So I was wondering your ideals on the matter, do you tend to only get on ss in privacy?

Or do you just not give a fųck?

Do you make sure you delete your history and have a lot of tabs open?

Or do you surf as you please?

Does your girlfriend know?

How about your friends?

Just curious. I still surf in private haha.
I'm not embarrassed anymore. I don't care anymore if she reads my posts or SSauve or tells anyone.

I'm on a better path now so she can keep the trash drug guy shes dating seeing whatever.

Back to reading and learning for me. Thanks guys for the help


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Yea id agree with both of you. I use it on my phone at work mostly so people dont really see, its good entertainment. Also, it is very helpful as most men seem to be conditioned to think that seeking help (especially from other men) or not knowing something says you are a weak pvssy or a homo, which is bvllshît of course. Saying it is bvllshît does not imply that i wouldnt judge somebody for it or deny ever being on the site tho hahaha.. No integrity here :(


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
Almost all the dudes on here that live in my area i have extended my hand out and inivited to meet up somewhere and get girls or just have a fun time...they all declined.

So yea, i think dudes are embarrassed deep down.

In 5 years would you care about it?


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
_sideways_ said:
Almost all the dudes on here that live in my area i have extended my hand out and inivited to meet up somewhere and get girls or just have a fun time...they all declined.

So yea, i think dudes are embarrassed deep down.

In 5 years would you care about it?
I noticed the same thing. I have a different theory. I think most of the guys here actually are all talk and barely approach girls. If they did approach girls, they'd realize there's no shame in being rejected as it is very common, no matter your skill or looks.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
Theres no shame at all...getting a NO from a girl should be applauded. At least you took a swing. Playing baseball you dont boooo ur team mate for striking out. And you shouldnt booo yourself in ur own head.

But yea, i figured most dudes study the theories here and feel good for a bit, but when the hb in real life presents itself...its like a deer in headlights

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Personally I'd be mortified if I was recognised on here with some of the anecdotes and opinions I've posted here.
Only my brothers know I'm a member and one skank who found out after the guy she dumped told her about it because I sent him the link.
What a fvcking arsehole. I wiped him, explained to the chick that SS wasn't a woman-hating site, and then proceeded to cvm in her mouth a few times over the next couple of weeks.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
_sideways_ said:
getting a NO from a girl should be applauded. At least you took a swing.
You betcha, this is one of the problems with a lot of men. They don't want to put themselves out there. They don't want to get out of their comfort zone. Also they care too much what other people think of them, which is somewhat valid, we are MEN be the way. In this instance, the means would justify the end.

Greasy Pig said:
Personally I'd be mortified if I was recognised on here with some of the anecdotes and opinions I've posted here.
Only my brothers know I'm a member and one skank who found out after the guy she dumped told her about it because I sent him the link.
What a fvcking arsehole. I wiped him, explained to the chick that SS wasn't a woman-hating site, and then proceeded to cvm in her mouth a few times over the next couple of weeks.
Good on ya, you tried to help, while he tried to shoot you in the back to win back the girl. But if he would have taken your advice and learned something, he would have realized that wasn't going to work. Oh well.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
How many simps go out of their way to read something of value, let alone actually take time to write something of substance that isn't a fvcking magazine, the newest trendy book or a text message of Facebook status post.

I rarely meet, no, have rarely met ANYONE in my travels who has displayed a desire for study on their own time for fun or for improvement, or who even reads anything interesting. So to think a person is going to judge you is a laughable.

What is the difference if you were on a pet owners forum, expressing interest in the study of domestic pets, becoming a better owner, etc...would you feel embarrassed thinking others may judge you as incompetent with animals?


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
Greasy Pig said:
Personally I'd be mortified if I was recognised on here with some of the anecdotes and opinions I've posted here.
Only my brothers know I'm a member and one skank who found out after the guy she dumped told her about it because I sent him the link.
What a fvcking arsehole. I wiped him, explained to the chick that SS wasn't a woman-hating site, and then proceeded to cvm in her mouth a few times over the next couple of weeks.
how in the hell were you able to pull this off? damn

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
@Wolfbones: She had the hots for me big time. I wasn't interested because I could tell she was nuts and I worked with her.
She later told me she'd been on anti-depressants, so my spidey sense was spot on. She was very attractive though and jogged every day.
Whenever she saw me out at the clubs, she'd basically proposition me to the point of being embarrassing but I stayed strong.
I also worked with her ex and he was still heartbroken over her. He could tell she liked me and confided in me about how heartbroken he was.
I felt sorry for him and sent him the link to SS.

Two days later, she came over spouting bullsht about how I was a member of a woman-hating forum and how lame that was.
The spineless prick had showed her - as someone else said - to obviously denigrate me in her eyes in the hope she would go back to him.

I explained to her that the forum was for men seeking advice on how to boost their self esteem and get over breakups. She bought it and things continued as normal for a few months.

Then she left her job and I didn't see her for a while although she continued texting me which allowed me to build her desire to fever pitch with some arsehole and C&F text game.
One night she told me she was out drinking, I told her to come to the bar I was at, she rocked up, we started making out within seconds and I fvcked her that night. She was an amazing screw (the crazy ones always are) and I subjected her to various acts of degradation a few times that would make homos sick and then she moved away.

It was pretty easy because she was completely into me, but I have no doubt the single biggest reason why she was into me was because of the shyt I've learned here. I stayed aloof, treated her like an annoying kid sister, stuck to my principles even in the face of being back stabbed and accused of hating women.

She was powerless to resist her primal desire thanks purely to me using game. And she's just one of many. Thank you So Suave!


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
Los Angeles
The only reason I would be embarrassed is when someone sees the damn ads! "Wierd trick that turns her on" great, just what I want the cute girl at work to see when she comes up from behind me :rolleyes:

But as for the forum itself, not I am not embarrassed. If someone sees I am on here and asks what it is, I tell them that it is a forum for men who want to improve and be the best version of themselves possible.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
Espi said:
Some things are just better left unsaid. Beware that other people will oftgen try to demean your values and goals, especially if they run counter to the mainstream. I would never openly share my DJ mindset with anyone who's married or pro monogomous.
Others will say "He's on there because, like, obviously, he just doesn't get it...or he is [insert shaming words/ phrases]," while us in the redpill pill/ game community will say we're on here because "we didn't get it, now they don't get. Get it?". It's an argumentative loop that's merit only serves the bias of the less open-minded. Better to not say anything until you encounter a receptive, like-minded listener.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
If I was with a bunch of say sexless IT nerds then I coulden't careless if they knew I used this and other PUA sites. I would not admit it as such but they could for example, at work, check my web usage and find out, its perfectly ok.

With anyone else, its a massive NO.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
I hide this site away from everyone to be honest. When I'm using the computer I usually tab out when one of my sisters walks by or my mom. When I'm around friends, which I would be on my phone, I just home screen. I feel like if I can't tell people the advice that I get and give on here then why would it make any difference if I showed anyone the source of it? I don't give relationship or life advice in real life unless I'm directly asked. My friends complain about women, their situation, their jobs, etc... Before, being a bro, I used to give my input but their close mindedness just ignored it. They just wanted to be heard they didn't want help, kinda like women! So every time they complain about something I'm just sitting there smiling, because I already know the solution! Its really not my fault that they're choosing to live in a place of doubt and ignorance.

The master will appear when the student is ready! Not saying I'm a master or anything but this saying does apply to this site.

And IT nerds make a lot of money...


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Frayzer said:
And IT nerds make a lot of money...
To be fair because there is a lot of money involved, a lot of non needs get involved in IT. It is no longer the total monopoly of the nerds. And since a lot of technical aspects of IT have been simplified, you don't need to be a brain box to work in IT.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2012
Reaction score
Real men don't care what others think of them. Who cares if they see you using the site. No shame in picking up pointers.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
applegoo said:
I noticed the same thing. I have a different theory. I think most of the guys here actually are all talk and barely approach girls. If they did approach girls, they'd realize there's no shame in being rejected as it is very common, no matter your skill or looks.
Lol, I suspect this too.

There was a thread in the wingman forum for NYC hangouts that I may do this fall. I may be started a new job in a few weeks, so until then Im not going out too much. I grew up in NYC but now I live in the burbs. So when I go to NYC I tend to stay the night with friends or my brother.

Between travel costs, food, and spending money for the weekend it can dent my wallet. And Im saving for a new car and holiday gift money. The NYC thread was talking about doing the club I wanna have decent scratch when I go out.