Well facts are facts. Say if a guy gave you fitness advice that you should eat a number of small meals a day instead of 2-3 big meals, that would be good advice right? Sure it would.
But wouldn't the messenger be a non-credible source if he was OBESE and you had no real tangible provable evidence that he was a fitness trainer/athlete in a prior year? Why is an OBESE man who has NEVER reached such fitness levels, giving me fitness advice he read out of a magazine or found on a blog? The information MIGHT be true, but I just think that certain "people" need not step on the soapbox and present it if they themselves are not living it or haven't lived it.
With Gunwitch, we have absolutely no proof on who he said he was six years ago, for all I know he could just be a very good keyboard jockey. Why was he on the soapbox? Same with Pook? Why does the seduction community prop up guys based upon how they WRITE instead of the experiences they PRESENT? I think crediblity should be given to the guy that posts field reports, pics, experiences with individual girls, etc. If a theory is going to evolve let it come from a specific or a number of field reports, NOT armchair psychology.
Now, to go back to my obese example, Gov. Arnold doesn't have the body he had back in the day, but if Arnold was to give me fitness advice would I take it? YES. Because I can point to a specific time when Arnold WAS what he preached and that combined with the good advice he would give, I would take heed.
But some seduction artist armchair/keyboard jockey? Who made countless threads and websites about "how to get laid" without a single field report, PICTURE, girl on his podcasts, or ANYTHING? No, hell no, I don't see HIM as a credible source at all. Maybe his advice was correct on some levels, but my beef again is that HE should not have been on the soapbox presenting it if he himself didn't embody it or presented evidence that he embodied it.
Again, the ugly mugshot is the FIRST pic most of the seduction community has ever seen of the guy, that further proves my point. He also talked about in his threads about how looks didn't matter that much (which is what most ugly and/or fat guys say), and from an overwhelming number of guys IN THE FIELD, they tell you that EVERYTHING matters and you can't have one without the other on some level (looks/game/money/status).