thers lots of things in life that feel good. i guess its different for everybody, but i'll jsut give some examples in my life, for instance, i play guitar, and i love music, so playing guitar gives me pleasure and like when im' with my band and we play together, it feels rlly awesome with all the instruments playing together and harmonizing. other things ppl like doign are ilke working out, that feeling u get when u look at urself and see ur hard work finaly pay off. just small stuff like excelling in hobbies can rlly feel better than sex if u look at it from the right point of view. watch some standup comedy on youtube, that always does it for me when i can't sleep at night. just laugh, and live. go drive a fast sportscar and speed if the road is clear. or go to mc donalds and eat a big mac, or go to 7-11 and buy a kit kat bar and give urself a break. just treat urself whenever u get an urge by doing somethign u love.