Master Don Juan
Is STD's and Sex. Not Sex in the sense of what to do but the consqeunces of your actions. Now this ain't a "how to" thread. I've noticed lof of guys just wanna bang bang bang. Now if that's what you wanna do then power to you. However, you have to be careful. In my state for instance the rate of STD's has gone up by 4% over the last year not a lot right? (but its seventeen thousand more people infected), the crazy part is herpes isn't even on the list(yikes!!!).
My thing is this guy, It's fun kiss closng a chick on the field, or even banging them But do you wanna wake up a couple days later just to find out she left you a "present"?. Condoms can only protect you to a point, some of these women (and men) are foul they don't care if they know. There was this lady in london who was sleeping with men for revenge, because she got aids from her exm, 10 guys got infected y'all, 10 motherferking guys. The scarier part is, some of these STD's are dormant so a person won't even know they have them until it's to late.
All I'm saying is protect yourself and be careful in the decisions that you make. One night of pleasure is not worth a lifetime of misery
peace and elbow grease
p.s. and Don't forget to get tested regularly
My thing is this guy, It's fun kiss closng a chick on the field, or even banging them But do you wanna wake up a couple days later just to find out she left you a "present"?. Condoms can only protect you to a point, some of these women (and men) are foul they don't care if they know. There was this lady in london who was sleeping with men for revenge, because she got aids from her exm, 10 guys got infected y'all, 10 motherferking guys. The scarier part is, some of these STD's are dormant so a person won't even know they have them until it's to late.
All I'm saying is protect yourself and be careful in the decisions that you make. One night of pleasure is not worth a lifetime of misery
peace and elbow grease
p.s. and Don't forget to get tested regularly