I no longer read any material that pertains to game I like to figure things out on my own. Secondly, you don't just go to school and say to yourself "Okay, I'm going to talk to that girl." When a girl catches my eye, I just magically somehow bring myself there and talk to her. The minute we're laughing having fun, the next minute we're at the library, doing h/w getting to know each other, the next moment we're at some party dancing and making out...
Everything happens so fast theres no time to thing, just do it and run with it. If you want something really bad, you will find ways to get whatever you want.
When I'm with a girl I just be myself. I love latin women, but I'm asian. I speak spanish with them and they think they its muy lindo. I don't even have to try, I went to Mexico countless times, and eat at Mexican restaurants all the time. I also pick up the language from my latino friends. Now you can understand, thats pretty much my game, or lack of game. I just do whatever, its just natural. The same way your body reacts to the beats from music, its the same thing.
I don't know the terms anymore, HB... PUA... IOI.. all that crap I don't even notice them or use them, or even think about them. With a girl honestly I don't know what I'm doing.
When your mind is clear, and your fully in the moment, theres really nothing to think about. You just give off a radiant aura that people want to be around.
Everything happens so fast theres no time to thing, just do it and run with it. If you want something really bad, you will find ways to get whatever you want.
When I'm with a girl I just be myself. I love latin women, but I'm asian. I speak spanish with them and they think they its muy lindo. I don't even have to try, I went to Mexico countless times, and eat at Mexican restaurants all the time. I also pick up the language from my latino friends. Now you can understand, thats pretty much my game, or lack of game. I just do whatever, its just natural. The same way your body reacts to the beats from music, its the same thing.
I don't know the terms anymore, HB... PUA... IOI.. all that crap I don't even notice them or use them, or even think about them. With a girl honestly I don't know what I'm doing.
When your mind is clear, and your fully in the moment, theres really nothing to think about. You just give off a radiant aura that people want to be around.