Something minor I've noticed about leadership and dominace when Dating


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
So I'm seeing this girl who lives about 181 miles way from me. We've been seeing eachother for 4 weeks today. She's auditoning for a role in a new British filmcoming out directed by Noel Clarke. She lives in more rural city and bartends in a top celeb club in her city. So where she lives, the women there are particularly grown up to wear the trousers in the household. She is easily a HB.9 in my books and I hardly ever rate on scales, but she is the most beautiful girl I've ever dated to date and I think my "What if I lose her" outcome is kicking in.

I can't but help acknowledge the slight dominance aspects when we're together. We'll be watching TV and I might say something to her about the programme or any random flufftalk, and she'll reply with a sudden "Shhhh, Wait, Look" or "Wait!, Listen" really quick and not even take note of what I said.

Other times, her phone will ring whilst we're trying to have sex or finishing sex and she'll completely disregard me and focus her attention to the conversation on the phone.

Should I really be taking this seriously, I mean. I am screening her, doing the whole 6 months before exclusive BF and GF thing (credit to Anti-Dump) but she seems to be a keeper apart from this. I enjoy our time together, she's laughable, ****y, partially sassy, goes to uni and knows she's hot. But I can't help notice when she does these slight annoying backhanded subconscious subtle "Shut Up HeyPachuo" sub-communications.

Should I tell her when she does this it actually irritates me and isn't cute or leave it alone, would you consider this an early dominant role that I should stamp-out now?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
HeyPachuco! said:
Other times, her phone will ring whilst we're trying to have sex or finishing sex and she'll completely disregard me and focus her attention to the conversation on the phone.
Are you freaking kidding me? This cannot be tolerated. A couple of years ago I had a FB who came over and proceeded to take a phone call from some guy while we were watching a movie. It pissed me off so much, I smiled sweetly at her, winked at her, took her to my bedroom, pulled down her pants and bent her over my bed. She quickly got off the phone with him.

Anwsering the phone during sex is the height of disrespect in my book. I'd toss the phone across the room and then drill the sh1t out of her. I'd sportfvck her like I was trying to do HIIT cardio and then get up and leave. Fvck that.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
Warrior74 said:
I'd toss the phone across the room and then drill the sh1t out of her. I'd sportfvck her like I was trying to do HIIT cardio and then get up and leave. Fvck that.
:crackup: Funny sh1t.

It's not that she ALWAYS does it when we're having sex. It's the few times I've noticed that and I've wanted to shove the phone up her azz on many occasions. I do not tolerate guy friends, but it's her girl friends that ring. It's like some "MUST ANSWER" ideology ritual and if you don't, you don't get in with the most-recent-gossip bullsh1t. I'd just about pass if it's her mum or dad calling, but girl-friends :down:

I'd only wish that a guy-friend or any guy rang her phone whilst I were shagging her, it'll give me that extra boost to annihilate her in the sheets. I've even heard one of her friends ask "What are you doing, Ewwww" and she responded with "Can I ring you back, sorry".

Somtimes I'll just pull her pants down whilst she was already on the phone and fvck the shyt out of her too. So I guess it's tit 4 tat.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2009
Reaction score
HeyPachuco! said:
So I'm seeing this girl who lives about 181 miles way from me. We've been seeing eachother for 4 weeks today. She's auditoning for a role in a new British filmcoming out directed by Noel Clarke. She lives in more rural city and bartends in a top celeb club in her city. So where she lives, the women there are particularly grown up to wear the trousers in the household. She is easily a HB.9 in my books and I hardly ever rate on scales, but she is the most beautiful girl I've ever dated to date and I think my "What if I lose her" outcome is kicking in.

I can't but help acknowledge the slight dominance aspects when we're together. We'll be watching TV and I might say something to her about the programme or any random flufftalk, and she'll reply with a sudden "Shhhh, Wait, Look" or "Wait!, Listen" really quick and not even take note of what I said.

Other times, her phone will ring whilst we're trying to have sex or finishing sex and she'll completely disregard me and focus her attention to the conversation on the phone.

Should I really be taking this seriously, I mean. I am screening her, doing the whole 6 months before exclusive BF and GF thing (credit to Anti-Dump) but she seems to be a keeper apart from this. I enjoy our time together, she's laughable, ****y, partially sassy, goes to uni and knows she's hot. But I can't help notice when she does these slight annoying backhanded subconscious subtle "Shut Up HeyPachuo" sub-communications.

Should I tell her when she does this it actually irritates me and isn't cute or leave it alone, would you consider this an early dominant role that I should stamp-out now?
You've been seeing her for a month, and you're already assessing her as a keeper. Not only that, but you don't even live in the same town.

2 big red flags right there. Oneitis kicking in in 3....2....1...


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
2crudedudes said:
You've been seeing her for a month, and you're already assessing her as a keeper. Not only that, but you don't even live in the same town.

2 big red flags right there. Oneitis kicking in in 3....2....1...
Aslong as I don't start becoming a nutjob, I'm fine. Didn't I say somewhere in this thread that she was being "Screened" and the word Keeper in the UK is not the same definition as yours. Yep. We don't live in the same city. But she's in my city moreso than I'm in hers. I see her twice a week and it's not a problem travelling to see eachother. If that becomes an issue, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

And as for a Oneitis kicking in, I've been fvcking a different girl before and after I started dating this one. You're the least person to talk about Oneitis. It's funny how inexperienced know-it-alls always have something moronic to say in guys that are actually out in the-field or are dating and having sex with different women, threads.

Don't bring you're wet asnine inexperienced negativity to my thread dude, you're in no position to comment anyones thread with attempted shaming-tactics when you were staring down the neck of a bottle over an already knocked-up-kid-having women for 6 months.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2009
Reaction score
HeyPachuco! said:
Aslong as I don't start becoming a nutjob, I'm fine. Didn't I say somewhere in this thread that she was being "Screened" and the word Keeper in the UK is not the same definition as yours. Yep. We don't live in the same city. But she's in my city moreso than I'm in hers. I see her twice a week and it's not a problem travelling to see eachother. If that becomes an issue, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

And as for a Oneitis kicking in, I've been fvcking a different girl before and after I started dating this one. You're the least person to talk about Oneitis. It's funny how inexperienced know-it-alls always have something moronic to say in guys that are actually out in the-field or are dating and having sex with different women, threads.

Don't bring you're wet asnine inexperienced negativity to my thread dude, you're in no position to comment anyones thread with attempted shaming-tactics when you were staring down the neck of a bottle over an already knocked-up-kid-having women for 6 months.
First of all, you don't know me. You read 2 threads I made at particularly low point in my life, and now you think you can judge me. So to that I say: fvck off.

As someone who had MAJOR oneitis, I think I'm at the perfect spot to talk about oneitis. You know, because I have experience with the whole thing. That same thing you're trying to talk down to me about.

While its not really in me to explain my sexual history to some prick on the internet, I'll have you know this much: I've had more sex than you, even if I've been with less girls than you. I've also fvcked around and dated other girls, so I'm not at the "I've only met 2 girls ever" mark.

Since I made those posts that you keep alluding to, I've learned a lot. I came here with an open mind, eager to get over this b1tch but with no real idea of how to do it. I've read a lot and have learned a lot since, and it has cleared up many years of dating gone wrong.

So yeah, I haven't bagged as many girls as you have. But I still have experience in dealing with women and putting up with their sh1t. As a recovering chump, I can spot a chump when I see one from a mile away, and while you may be fvcking other girls, you're still a chump at the end of the day. Why?

Well, lets see. You've only been with this chick for a month and you're already writing about her.

Other times, her phone will ring whilst we're trying to have sex or finishing sex and she'll completely disregard me and focus her attention to the conversation on the phone.
Even in my inexperienced, asinine negative life, this has never flown. I've stood my ground and they comply. But what do I know, right? You're obviously better than me, although that sh1t is still happening to you.

Should I really be taking this seriously, I mean. I am screening her, doing the whole 6 months before exclusive BF and GF thing (credit to Anti-Dump) but she seems to be a keeper apart from this. I enjoy our time together, she's laughable, ****y, partially sassy, goes to uni and knows she's hot. But I can't help notice when she does these slight annoying backhanded subconscious subtle "Shut Up HeyPachuo" sub-communications.
You're just following a checklist. You're not experienced, you're not DJ, and you have no control over your life.

"I'm doing this because I read somewhere that its the thing to do"

One last comment I wanna make is that I came in here to give you my assessment of the situation based on what I've read and my own opinions and ideas. I wasn't being negative, I was being honest. You may not like what you hear so you jump immediately on the personal attacks. To that I say: fvck you. Just because I haven't bagged many chicks doesn't mean that I'm an idiot, that I don't think rationally, or that I've been living in a box and not know how the world works. You try to come off as a DJ but your thread says it all about where you really stand.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
First of all, you don't know me
Thank god, you'll cramp the circle's style. We're all out of mum's basement, but still provide from a distance if needs be regardless of social status, culture or whatever bogus excuse there is to have.

You have no "corra" homie,

Are you p1ssed at the fact that you still live at home with your mom or the fact that I've got HeyPachuco as my username? I'm enlightened, because for you to take time out of you're schedule to come to my thread and bump you're gums, definetly shows what type of leva you're.

You didn't assess nothing. You're butt-hurt from Rescue Mission's thread and came here thinking you could start pleito with me. How much have you really changed since you signed here in December? Where are you're field reports? Where are the threads on self-improvement?

You did this in the last thread, you start off by bumping you're sh1t, then get called out and then you have to explain you're reasoning in an apologetic civilized manner with these essays. Me, **** off? NO YOU FVCK RIGHT OFF. This is my thread and you came here, so you can do one now.

You've either fvcked more than 2 girls or you haven't. What is "fvcking around" mean. Having more sex than me. Doesn't beat the fact that I prefer the chase than the end-game. So in a nutshell. It means fvck all if you've had more sex with 2 partners.

Yes, I've been dating her for a month and yes I'm writing a thread about her behavioural traits. I'd rather write this than asking fresh fish questions like why I can't meet girls as you've did and blame it on my weight. Didnt you say once upon a time "I'm new here and by no means any where near as experienced as some of the other guys here"

If thats the case, why are you woofing? Man, I don't even know why I'm replying to such a bum. I don't give a sh1t about acronyms of words invented by a website like "DJ". Acting upon common sense and good advice is not the same as following a checklist. You said you had been reading theories yourself, so what boat are you in?

I'd rather not hear ANYTHING you said here, whether good or bad. You're an inexperienced chode who lives at home with his mom. So my thread states that the chick answers her phone whilst we're going at it? I could really give a fvck, but its how I deal with this in a manner which shows I'm not emotionaly triggered by it, that I need opinions on.

Just because I haven't bagged many chicks doesn't mean that I'm an idiot
No you're an idiot because you believe you're pseudo-opiniated advice to guys that have MORE experience dealing with MULTIPLE women. You're really an insect among elephants here, and now you scoff when I tell you to fvck off? Get you're inexperienced no-girls-to-date having self out of here.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2009
Reaction score
Are you p1ssed at the fact that you still live at home with your mom or the fact that I've got HeyPachuco as my username? I'm enlightened, because for you to take time out of you're schedule to come to my thread and bump you're gums, definetly shows what type of leva you're.
This makes absolutely no sense at all.

You didn't assess nothing. You're butt-hurt from Rescue Mission's thread and came here thinking you could start pleito with me. How much have you really changed since you signed here in December? Where are you're field reports? Where are the threads on self-improvement?
I didn't come here starting sh1t, I came here to give an opinion. Butthurt about your retarded post? Come on bro, you're not that important.

You won't see any field reports or threads on self-improvement because that's not my cup of tea. I came here mostly for moral support, mostly because I was hung up on a girl that just wasn't worth my time, but I could not detach from emotionally. Every thread I read about "dumping the b1tch" helps me stay strong when I'm missing her again.

You did this in the last thread, you start off by bumping you're sh1t, then get called out and then you have to explain you're reasoning in an apologetic civilized manner with these essays. Me, **** off? NO YOU FVCK RIGHT OFF. This is my thread and you came here, so you can do one now.
I don't "bump my sh1t". I voice opinions from my perspective. I don't try to come off as successful with women, because I don't like fooling myself, and don't intend to try to fool others. If I was experiencing more success with women, I wouldn't be posting here. Most of what I've learned from this website has been on managing my emotions and getting over a LTR. I'm still not at the place I want to be. And when I do get there you'll know it, because you won't be seeing much of me. I'll be out getting laid.

You've either fvcked more than 2 girls or you haven't. What is "fvcking around" mean. Having more sex than me. Doesn't beat the fact that I prefer the chase than the end-game. So in a nutshell. It means fvck all if you've had more sex with 2 partners.
edit: forgot the word "around"

Fvcking around means everything except penetration. And I've gone out with a lot of girls that I don't fvck, so I don't count that sh1t at all. So you've met more girls and been more successful in general, but I'm still more sexually experienced than you, because I've done it more than you.

Yes, I've been dating her for a month and yes I'm writing a thread about her behavioural traits. I'd rather write this than asking fresh fish questions like why I can't meet girls as you've did and blame it on my weight. Didnt you say once upon a time "I'm new here and by no means any where near as experienced as some of the other guys here"
Yeah, you were never a new fish bro. You're right.

If thats the case, why are you woofing? Man, I don't even know why I'm replying to such a bum. I don't give a sh1t about acronyms of words invented by a website like "DJ". Acting upon common sense and good advice is not the same as following a checklist. You said you had been reading theories yourself, so what boat are you in?
I'm on the boat that if I'm feeling a girl, I don't give a fvck what anti-Dump said about 6 months or whatever. I read the advice, analyze, and take heed. I still act based on MY instincts, however misguided they may be, as they are my own, and not someone elses.

I'd rather not hear ANYTHING you said here, whether good or bad. You're an inexerienced chode who lives at home with his mom. So my thread states that the chick answers her phone whilst we're going at it? I could really give a fvck, but its how I deal with this in a manner which shows I'm not emotional that I need opinions on.
I'm not even gonna explain to you why I still live with my mother because you're a jackass. Its in one of the threads if you care to find it. I don't have to explain everything (or anything) to you.

So you don't need emotional advice. More power to you. Yet for someone who tries to come off as "experienced" you sure ask a lot of dumbass questions. You know, the kind an inexperienced chump would ask.

No you're an idiot because you believe you're pseudo-opiniated advice to guys that have MORE experience dealing with MULTIPLE women. You're really an insect among elephants here, and now you scoff when I tell you to fvck off? Get you're inexperienced no-girls-to-date having self out of here.
Its not pseudo opinionated. It IS opinionated. Do you even know what the word means? Man, I feel like a mental giant after reading your post.

I'll admit this much: I'm replying to you mostly because I feel smarter than you just from reading your replies.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
HeyPachuco! said:
So I'm seeing this girl who lives about 181 miles way from me. We've been seeing eachother for 4 weeks today. She's auditoning for a role in a new British filmcoming out directed by Noel Clarke. She lives in more rural city and bartends in a top celeb club in her city. So where she lives, the women there are particularly grown up to wear the trousers in the household. She is easily a HB.9 in my books and I hardly ever rate on scales, but she is the most beautiful girl I've ever dated to date and I think my "What if I lose her" outcome is kicking in.

I can't but help acknowledge the slight dominance aspects when we're together. We'll be watching TV and I might say something to her about the programme or any random flufftalk, and she'll reply with a sudden "Shhhh, Wait, Look" or "Wait!, Listen" really quick and not even take note of what I said.

Other times, her phone will ring whilst we're trying to have sex or finishing sex and she'll completely disregard me and focus her attention to the conversation on the phone.

Should I really be taking this seriously, I mean. I am screening her, doing the whole 6 months before exclusive BF and GF thing (credit to Anti-Dump) but she seems to be a keeper apart from this. I enjoy our time together, she's laughable, ****y, partially sassy, goes to uni and knows she's hot. But I can't help notice when she does these slight annoying backhanded subconscious subtle "Shut Up HeyPachuo" sub-communications.

Should I tell her when she does this it actually irritates me and isn't cute or leave it alone, would you consider this an early dominant role that I should stamp-out now?
2crudedudes is right that Oneitis is kicking in now. And I can see this going downhill now. Here's the few problems I can point out:

First, you are demanding attention from her, but when she is not giving that to you, you stay silent. Sure it's you are testing her, but you gotta be firm about this. Imagine this, if your kid suddenly called you by your name, would you let it go by just like that? No, right? If you let her do this, then she'd do it again. Not because she's a woman or she's a b!itch, but that's just because how people are. About the movie, that's no big deal, but the sex, you gotta do something about it. Do it like Warrior told you.

Second, the fact that you want attention from her and you are annoyed when she's not giving it to you is a sign that she already is in control of the relationship! She's supposed to be demanding attention from you, not the other way around. You are living miles away from her, I'd suggest that you start getting yourself busy and cut it down to once a week.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
This makes absolutely no sense at all.
You know what I'm getting at "chicano", don't give me that "Huh what" dumb response scenario because we're on a forum.

I didn't come here starting sh1t, I came here to give an opinion
Where in this thread have you given you're opinion. Stop lying. You're trying to go against my psyche. The same thing you did in Rescue's thread. Any opportunity to see a shortcoming, you can bring that self-doubt and negativity peddling somewhere else. The fact that I've risen to be in a position of "spinning plates" shows the level of where I'm at and where you are.

I don't have to explain everything (or anything) to you.
If you won't say why you're still at home with your mum, then why do you find it neccesary to state that you've supposedly had more sex than me, you're talking in different cliches everytime. I promise you, you're not experienced with women.

Yeah, you were never a new fish bro. You're right.
Where did I say I was NEVER a new fish you silly tubby moron? I will and never be emotionally stuck with a woman who had a kid that wasn't mine and it would've been common sense to bail at the very first sign of confrontation even being an AFC then. You're just inapplicable or cable to realize this, probably even to this day. You, however still admit to this day that you're a recovering AFC.

Man, I feel like a mental giant
Only on SS. Get out of you're delusional SS bubble for a hot minute. Yes, you're holding stubbornly to you're opinions that are impostering towards people like me, who have more experience than you, what part of that do you not understand.

you won't be seeing much of me. I'll be out getting laid
So for the time that happens, you gathered you'll post around and troll others threads who ARE getting laid and who ARE nearing there end-goals or at the very least getting to designated goals they had since last year? You on the other hand are in a fairy tale bubble with absolutely no sign of female interaction.

It's bigmouth jokers like you who have made this forum a living nightmare or out in the real world, made the price of pvssy rank up. Whilst I'm looking forward to watching the new Predators movie tonight with my girl, rather you'll be looking for advice and giving it from useless virgins and inexperienced chumps. Everytime I feel confident and reassured, a small minority of jackasses on here advocate analyzing every detail, overreacting and losing sight of the end-game.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2009
Reaction score
HeyPachuco! said:
You know what I'm getting at "chicano", don't give me that "Huh what" dumb response scenario because we're on a forum.
Yes, I'm Mexican, and yes I speak Spanish. I still don't understand why I'd be pissed because your name is HeyPachuco or that I live with my mother.

Where in this thread have you given you're opinion. Stop lying. You're trying to go against my psyche. The same thing you did in Rescue's thread. Any opportunity to see a shortcoming, you can bring that self-doubt and negativity peddling somewhere else. The fact that I've risen to be in a position of "spinning plates" shows the level of where I'm at and where you are.
Everything I say is my opinion. I've read the posts, I've analyzed them, and whatever comes out of my mouth after that is my own understanding and ideas regarding this. I don't peddle negativity, I try to be as honest as possible. I also don't high five people who are doing the right thing, so maybe that's why my posts seem to "point out shortcomings". I figure if I can help people not be what I've been for so long, I'd doing something good. The people doing things right don't need my praise.

If you won't say why you're still at home with your mum, then why do you find it neccesary to state that you've supposedly had more sex than me, you're talking in different cliches everytime. I promise you, you're not experienced with women.
I pointed out to having more sex than you because you insist on my being inexperienced. I'm inexperienced in some ways, yes, but I'm also experienced in others. You're not better than me, is my point, and that is my way of showing how so.

Where did I say I was NEVER a new fish you silly tubby moron? I will and never be emotionally stuck with a woman who had a kid that wasn't mine and it would've been common sense to bail at the very first sign of confrontation even being an AFC then. You're just inapplicable or cable to realize this, probably even to this day. You, however still admit to this day that you're a recovering AFC.
Baseless opinions and namecalling aside, I'll concede that you are a bigger person for not putting yourself in the situation that I got myself into. However, its unlikely that you would have had the common sense to bail if you were in my position. The only reason I stuck around that long was because I was a hardcore AFC and preferred sticking around for some guaranteed pvssy than get out of my comfort zone and strive for some better lays. In a similar position, with similar mentality, I doubt you would have left.

As for where I am right now, you can't really judge.

Only on SS. Get out of you're delusional SS bubble for a hot minute. Yes, you're holding stubbornly to you're opinions that are impostering towards people like me, who have more experience than you, what part of that do you not understand.
What is there to understand? I gave an opinion, and you immediately shot it down because I was hung up on a single mother some months ago. You resorted to name calling and unfounded personal attacks because you SAY you're better than me, but your posts reflect a lot of self doubt and need for validation, meaning you're not as experienced as you claim.

So for the time that happens, you gathered you'll post around and troll others threads who ARE getting laid and who ARE nearing there end-goals or at the very least getting to designated goals they had since last year? You on the other hand are in a fairy tale bubble with absolutely no sign of female interaction.
I'm not trolling. You may disagree with me, but I'm not trolling. I stand by what I said. You are developing oneitis for this chick.

It's bigmouth jokers like you who have made this forum a living nightmare or out in the real world, made the price of pvssy rank up. Whilst I'm looking forward to watching the new Predators movie tonight with my girl, rather you'll be looking for advice and giving it from useless virgins and inexperienced chumps.
Again, baseless personal attacks. I only read this sh1t while at work because of web-based internet filtering. There aren't very many websites of interest that I can read that aren't blocked. I don't read this at home because of people like Rescue Mission and you, who think they got their sh1t down, yet when someone tells them they got it wrong prefer to just spew insults.

Everytime I feel confident and reassured, a small minority of jackasses on here advocate analyzing every detail, overreacting and losing sight of the end-game.
If you're feeling that confident and reassured, then what the fvck does it matter what others have to say on the subject? Everyone's gonna say something, if you're that confident, that sh1t's not gonna phase you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
So while you ladies are bickering, what's the chicks number so I can come over and fvck her?

She will drop you quick if you let her lead like this. Girl i am with doesn't even look at her phone when we are together, she is listening as mine keeps getting text messages lol.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Oxide said:
So while you ladies are bickering, what's the chicks number so I can come over and fvck her?

She will drop you quick if you let her lead like this. Girl i am with doesn't even look at her phone when we are together, she is listening as mine keeps getting text messages lol.


Yeah I'm just sitting back with a bag of popcorn enjoying the show. Who will come out on top? Neither.
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score

You are striving to be a don juan who likes to be in full control of himself and of women around him, right?

If that is the case, then I can tell you right away that a RELATIONSHIP with this HB9 that you are seeing will NEVER make you fully happy, because her attitude is just too masculine and dominant. You would be much better off committing to a calm submissive girl who is just as hot.

With all that said, KEEP this girl around, and KEEP fvcking her for as long as you possibly can drag it out.......but whatever you do, in your HEART, DO NOT TAKE HER SERIOUSLY OR YOU WILL GET HURT

Just because she's the hottest girl you've ever had sex with, doesn't mean that you need to ever be serious about her


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
I agree with Rescue mission, she doesn't sound like relationship material ... yet...

I think the problem may be your are developing oneitis, and like you said yourself, you are scared of losing her, so you are now developing a "walking on eggshells" mentality. The solution is to start becoming more dominant i the relationship, when she does disrespectful things then call her out on it and "punish" her, she is even probably doing these disrespectful things so that you do punish her. Girls who are given the mantle of leadership in a household tend to enjoy being totally dominated in a relationship. So I think it's time to go Stanley Kowalski on her ass (minus beating and raping lol).

Don't think about having a relationship with her until you are the in charge of the relationship and commanding her full respect.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
I would say that us guys have to do more work than women do in dating and relationships, a lot more work.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
I flew off the handles before for no reason, I apologise that this thread has gotten so far into that.

because her attitude is just too masculine and dominant. You would be much better off committing to a calm submissive girl
Rescue. You're totally right, man. +1 Rep. Essentially, I didn't say I had given her my ballsack lol. I just said she doesn't have my full attention at times. Usually, I would do what Warrior74 mentioned and just own her for it, but thats how I've always been. The last time I did that, was the time I noticed me and my Ex-girlfriend started petty arguements.

I think the problem may be your are developing oneitis, and like you said yourself, you are scared of losing her, so you are now developing a "walking on eggshells" mentality.
I agree totally with you. +1 rep CaptainJ. However, I did say that I have my OWN fvckbuddies when needs be and I'm spinning other girls. There's no harm in breaking a few arbitrary rules here. When I am speaking, she listens. When I want to fvck, she'll fvck. When I don't want to go out, we won't so in all rights. I'm in control. The minor things I've noticed was the few times she answered the phone during sex and gave sub-communications that her attention was elsewhere. I'm not taking this seriously, so I don't know why other posters were.

The solution is to start becoming more dominant i the relationship, when she does disrespectful things then call her out on it and "punish" her
I see where you're coming from. But "Calling her out" on it at this STAGE over something she is definitely sub-consciously exhibiting is the quickest and easiest way to come off as a self-important, delusional over-protective dude who is too busy criticizing every small thing women do and taking himself to seriously.

So I think it's time to go Stanley Kowalski on her ass (minus beating and raping lol).
LOL. I get the hidden messages here. It's not that I'm not portraying these characteristics. It's "How". Without portraying coming off as too try-hard or an over-protective dominating guy in early stages of dating, who she can suss out has been like this with previous girlfriends.