Something horrible has just happened


Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score

I think I must further explain somethings here.

I dont in any form or fashion, pray a girl flakes on someone, but a girl WILL flake on you if you approached her like an AFC. Has nothng to do with the girl, SHE might be a great girl, but girls give their numbers out to AFCs all the time, and flake on them.

To confirm my point.............follow me.......and I am not trying to be harsh here, but my friend white cloud says that he FINALLY did it....did what?

Then my buddy says, and white cloud I am just helping thats all, that even if he went back to ask her, she might not give it to him again, hmmmmmmm.......I wonder who is in control here?

First off, when you DO approach a girl, you do not just go up to her and get her number. You set up a date first. You say I am doing this or that on whenever, then tell her she ought to meet you there or come with you, THEN you get her number. ....okay,

You do not approach a girl to GET her number, you approach the girl to get HER, her number is just like another piece of information you know about the hoe, like besides where she works or whatever.

Phone numbers are nothing people. If she rejects your date setup when you meet her, that means, YOU DONT HAVE HER. She probably would have still give you her number, because it does not mean anything.

White cloud what I was saying kid, was that you were putting too much into the fact of getting her number, and you probably did not set up anything with her before you got it, and that is why she would flake on you. It is not about me giving you a chance, or blowing you off, kid, I am trying to help you out here....summer is coming, and I want all of you to be able to go out and fvck! Constantly! No more AFc ****!

do yourself a can do one of two things right now.

Go back to her and get another number.....probably fake anyway.
Go back to her and set up a date (probably too late because I just dont think her interest is there because you approached her like an AFC)
Forget about her, evolve into a don juan, and this summer....go out and fvck all types of eights and nines and tens.

AFCs approach to get numbers.
Don Juans approach to get the girl, then just get the number for a point of reference.

You got me.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
You say you're from Winnipeg? Man you have no reason to be worried.

I had some airmiles saved up from all my trips to europe, and one of my old flames invited me to spend a week with her in Winnipeg, so I took her up on the offer and flew over.

My conclusion is that the whole city is a HB breeding ground. I went clubbing pretty much every night, and all the clubs I've been to (empire, coyotes, pharoah's, the lid and a few more i cant remember) were like 80% girls, and the girls pretty much chase guys. One time, I was dancing with my girl, and some chick came behind me, grabbed my ass and was smiling at me when I turned around. Another time, I left my girl to get a drink, and this girl came up to me at the bar and started talking to me & kinoing my arm. The whole time I was there, I had girls initiating EC with me left and right. If I wasn't staying at my girls place, I could have left the club with a different girl every night.

The female:male ratio is so high in your city, that girls CHASE and COMPETE for guys. I've lived in Belgrade, Los Angeles, Toronto, Montreal, visited Vancouver, traveled all over Europe, and by far, Winnipeg seems like the easiest city to pick up in. I've seriously contemplated moving there, it's like an untapped goldmine of women.

Over here in Ottawa, it's almost the exact opposite. The male:female ratio is huge, and on any given night at a club, your average HB9 will get hit on by at least 9-10 guys. If you wanna be the one she leaves home with, you have to have supernatural game/looks.

Don't worry about that number, just go out every night and talk to girls, you are gonna score so much ass it's not even funny.