SOmeone please give me a suggestion as to what to do...


New Member
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Fullerton, CA
well before i start of i'd like to give little background info about myself: i'm a senior and i used to be really quiet and introverted but recently I tried to get out of the shell by being a sort of jokester in order to make people laugh...also, I pretty much lost interest in girls for a while because things just weren't going well for me. In the past, I've had girls like me even though I haven't talked to them or liked them back; I know this because 1. i have my sources and 2. because I live with outgoing mom and sis, living around them all my life helped me gain the ability to almost always know what girls are thinking

onto my sob story...

well my friend wanted me to come to this CASC (a club sort of like FBLA) event on saturday which were to last from 8am to 5pm, so I went because he was my friend even though I'm not part of CASC. Day was going usual and I tried to enlighten the mood a little bit my joking around and stuff. Soon, I came across this junior girl and she had my ideal eyes and smile (i look at eyes and smile when it comes to girls); it was pretty much love at first sight...well because I gave up on girls for a while, I guess unconsciously I got nervous or maybe even little bit too excited. So eventually we ended up in this group activity together so I tried to joke around and stuff in an attempt to enlighten the atmosphere and to catch her attention...well, to my disappointment...I got this feelin that I came off as an annoying senior to her...for instance, during a voting tedious voting event, I just said in a friendly way "annoying.." and she gave me a dirty look and said "you're annoying (thinking i said she was annoying)" and of course I tried to recover by saying in a friendly tone "what's up with the animosity? I was just trying to say this event is sort of tedious (because everyone was getting agitated by now since we kept on having tied votes)"...thats jus one of the I don't even know if she'd even talk to me...

I dont know...I might be taking this situation too seriously...but now I feel like I have pretty much NO luck with girls...I sort of feel like I should just wait until college (USC) to maybe try meeting girls...what would you guys think?

p.s. i have no dating experience...


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
Hatye to break it to you, but you are an AFC. But on the bright side of things, Girls don't always say what they really mean. Have you read the DJ bible? If you haven't you should. She could just be messing with you( playing might be a better word. Just how funy are you? You want to be funny, but definitely not off-colored.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
lol...@ calling the new guy an AFC....what a groundbreaking idea Sherlock Holmes...a guy...who just came to the No! NEVER!

Do you guys even read what he posts anymore? He said annoying and she thought he was insulting did she play him praytell?

Alright, I am much like you to twomix... I lived with 6 females back home, so I know how women think. Don't worry abou the situation with the girl, nothing you can't salvage just talk to her next time again, and be your normal funny, charming self.

Check out the HS bible stickied at the top of the forum and read a couple posts in the bible you think pertain to your situation.
