What is wrong with me, seriously? Even if the girl is making some good eye contact and smiling, I still won't approach them. Then I'm kicking myself after I see someone that I know I look a lot better than go up and start talking to the girl. I've read the DJBible, and I still can't seem to shake the worries, but last night I think I got some motivation. Good lookin broad was eyeing me, my wingman says, "let's go talk to those girls." I respond, "later." So later rolls around and some old balding guy had already moved in. I'm confident in my looks and physique, but when it comes to talking to girls that I don't know, frankly, I'm a p|_|ssy. If I see a girl that I've seen before, or is one of my classes, I've got no problem talking to them. Any suggestions on how to get the balls to go approach?