Someone explain!


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
I'll be quick cause I have to leave for my uni...

There is this girl I met 2 weeks ago, everything went fine, we started kissing when we met, on the second date we f*cked in my car (which was pretty uncomfortable cause she is almost as tall as I am 1.81m) on the third date we went to the movies cause there was a movie I wanted to see and nothing happened after it cause I didn't really want to do it again in the car! So, on the 4th date I plan to get her to my place and have descent sex :p, she asked where we're going when I went to pick her up from her house and I told her, somewhere were we can be alone! :)

She didn't say anything she just joins me in the car and I start drive towards my home! As soon as we get under my apartment and I start parking she says, were are we going? I replied "my place" and her mobile rang so I w8ed for her to hang up and tell me is she wanted to come up, (cause I saw some strange look)! While she was talking she told me, open up, it's cold out here! So I open up, we come up and she sits on the couch with her jacket and her purse on, I go towards my room to leave my staff and she if she will follow, but nothing! So, I ask her "you want us to leave?" and she said, yes!! lol!

We went out for a drink and I was a bit distant but not in a way that would make her think I'm hurt or w/e cause we didn't stay home! (I wouldn't kiss her first etc) So, after a while she starts kissing my with passion, having her hand over my **** rubbing it etc...

Now, I would think that she is just a f*cking teaser and she wouldn't really want to have sex with me but just play her attention wh0re game, BUT WE HAD SEX BEFORE!! And I could have f*cked her again in my car on the 3rd date as well!!



Don Juan
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
Question: What was the second date? What did you do?

I'd definately say because you just picked her up and went to your home with no plan of doing anything but sex. She sees you as just taking her home to have sex. Women like that whole romance thing and want to be wooed (spelling?). So next time maybe have her over for a movie or something and romance her a bit. Make sure you throw in some teasing her about trying to get with you. I love doing the whole smelling her neck while cuddling and maybe a bite or two then pulling away. If she goes with you into your bed make sure you let her know nothing is going to happen :p


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
on the second date we went for a drink in a strange place cause she said she'd like to go there but no one would cause it looked so strange and scary from the outside (proved to be an ordinary club)! The thing is I find the movie explain too childish nowdays to get her to come to my place! Maybe I should have went somewhere for a drink (so we can leave w/e time we wanted, and after doing the things you said invite her to my place...)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
PHAT Rabbit said:
As an aside, this is also why game is such a subtle artform. 5 guys can say the same lines and get drastically differing results..because women are extremely attuned to what you're feeling! Actually all humans at a base level can detect (whether consciously or subconsciously) other's emotions, it just comes down to your acuity and experience in mindfully trying to pay attention to these cues.

The reason a girlfriend can be a slvt, though, is because social convention dictates her actions are not slvtty but those of a good girlfriend. A single girl doesn't have this loophole -- unfortunately!
Yup, the only way out is for her to be able to say to herself "it just happened" and other girls will understand this's their way out too. :rolleyes:

If a single girl wants to screw, even a ****-buddy, I don't just say "let's go ****", I'll pop out with some comment like how I've been thinking of getting a new fish for my fishtank but I'm not sure what would look best..." and there we go. She'll offer to look and help me but we both know what's going to happen. There's unlimited ways to get a girl to a house for sex if it's thought about from her viewpoint.

And, if she does tell a friend the next day, or is thinking about it herself, it'll be this embellished mentally rewritten story about how we were looking closely at the fishtank and then "it just magically happened". Always give a lady an out.

Actually, guys are missing out all the time on getting laid. They don't understand that a "normal" girl who wants to get it on is expecting the man to craftily help her bypass her anti-slut defense so a) people won't think she's a slut and b) so SHE won't think she's a slut. Guys get directly pushy, know the girl wants to have sex, but don't understand why the girl shuts down really fast and starts jerking him around. She's trying to get the message across but she can't verbally say it because it's a catch-22, talking about herself in any way related to sluttyness --- "dude, you're making me feel like a slut so i'm going to **** with you now".


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
So, I actually had to give her a reason (completely different than sex) for being my slvt! It sounds weird but that's what I figured out and I got it now! It was the first time I got a girl to come over my place for the first time without giving her a reason, I thought it is childish to do so, since we both know what we want, but yeah, you are right about the slvt feelings etc... ty


New Member
Nov 29, 2009
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ThatMysteriousGuy said:
Actually, guys are missing out all the time on getting laid. They don't understand that a "normal" girl who wants to get it on is expecting the man to craftily help her bypass her anti-slut defense so a) people won't think she's a slut and b) so SHE won't think she's a slut. Guys get directly pushy, know the girl wants to have sex, but don't understand why the girl shuts down really fast and starts jerking him around. She's trying to get the message across but she can't verbally say it because it's a catch-22, talking about herself in any way related to sluttyness --- "dude, you're making me feel like a slut so i'm going to **** with you now".

I'm a woman and completely, totally agree with this. I've seen so many men fail miserably (not just with me, with other women too) because they simply don't get this. They become too pushy and totally ruin the opportunity. I've tried to explain this to guys but they still just don't get it. It's painful to watch when he wants sex and she wants sex, but then he totally screws up the opportunity just because he's too direct about it.

I know, this isn't logical, but logic rarely gets into a woman's pants.