Someone clear this up for me please!


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2003
Reaction score
I have read Desiels guide to cutting up but I dont really get the part that it says that cardio is underrated and that it actually burns muscle.....

Ok, Im tryin to burn fat in the best way possible. I have the diet thing going on and I do weight training every other day. But I also run in the morning for 20 minutes. I have done this about 3 to 4 times a week for the past 2 weeks.

My question is, if I run EVERY day, will this truly burn up muscle? As opposed to running every other day?

I dont understand how runninh can burn up muscle. I can understand that it can burn muscle in the LEGS because those are the muscles doing the most work when you run, but I dont think you can burn muscle in the upper body while running. Unless you can prove me wrong.

What if I eat something like a granola bar and a banana and some water before I run. Would eating before I run burn the calories instead of burning muscle like the guide says?

The reason why I am asking is because I want to lose weight quicker and more effectively and I think running everyday as opposed to running every other day will make me burn fat faster.

Please correct me if im wrong and clear this up for me.


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
miami, fl, usa
hey Boricua,

Let me clarify:

Cardio is OVERRATED as a means of burning fat. The only reason you do cardio (for the purposes of cutting up) IS AS A BOOST TO YOUR DIET TO INSURE THAT YOU STAY UNDER (but not too far under) YOUR CALORIC BASELINE.


WHY DOES YOUR BODY BURN MUSCLE INSTEAD OF FAT? The very simple reason is that the body, being an efficient machine, will synthesis the protein in muscles much easier than it will body fat (protein takes up 4cals of energy, while synthesizing the same amount of fat would take 9 cals of energy.)

This is basically the reason why cutting up is best done over a long period of time - you have to train the body to tap into the fat reserves GRADUALLY (via slowly reducing your carb intake and increased physical activity) - you can't expect to retrain the body to do what comes naturally to it overnight.... that's why those "jared diets" leave you skinny, but hella flabby.. (Ever wonder why you never see him with this shirt off??)

This is also the reason why HIIT works better than regular cardio for fat loss... ALL HIIT DOES IS GIVE YOUR BODY A METABOLIC BOOST that can last up to 6 hours post-cardio.. that increased rate (along with the reduction in carbs) is where your body is forced to tap into the fat stores for energy. (since there you are only giving the body enough carbs to fuel the workout and restore blood sugar levels post-workout) This metabolic effect is just not there for the most part, with more traditional forms of cardio.

The catch of course, is that you have to train yourself into HIIT, you just can't start doing right off the bat. If you're new to endurance training.. give yourself a two-month base to build up your aerobic conditioning... when you can run for 45 mins. w/o stopping.. then you're ready for HIIT.

Also remember if you're going to be doing cardio for fat loss, you have to KEEP LIFTING!! this and adequate protein intake are imperative to keep as much muscle mass as possible.

I hope this clears it up a bit.

good luck,


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2003
Reaction score
I dont expect to lose weight over night. I expect to lose at least 40 pounds in 3 months. Is that a reasonable amount? School starts in just about 3 months from now. I want to come back to school completely transformed.

Right now I weigh 230. So my goal for right now is 190. Unless during those 3 months I can lose more, but I doubt I can. I dout if I can even lose 40. Damn, losing weight takes such a long time!

Heres my plan.

I have a diet going on.
Every other day I do cardio. (running for 20 minutes nonstop, but I will gradually increase it.)
The days I dont do cardio I lift.
I have no break days. I do something everyday.

Do you think I can reach my goal by the end of those 3 months? Even if I do, I still wont stop working out, I have made a commitment to make working out a habit. Because if I want to pull females I gotta look my best.

So do u think i can reach my goal?

Also, when you say "too much cardio", do u mean too much cardio as in doing it every day or too much cardio as in running for too long?


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
WA State

i weigh 175 ne way so whats the estemate to get a 6 pack!!?? im 5,7 so kinda chubby in the gutt


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
I wouldn't like to try and lose 40lbs in 3 months! Perhaps over 9 months to a year. Be patient, do it gradually. Everyone wants results yesterday.

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2003
Reaction score
I dont know if this goes against any plans or not. This guy I knew started running about 4 miles a day every morning and lost ALOT of weight in about 5-6 months. He had worked alot before but was just chubby and not defined.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2003
Reaction score
dammit it really takes that fvcking long!?!?

Looks like my high school dreams are not gonna come true... or at least delayed, for a VERY long time. Ill be a senior next year, or maybe the year after, depending if I dont fail......


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2003
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Aye B...

Don't worry about not being the 'perfect' weight for highschool prom pictures. there's a WHOLE BIGGER world after highschool...wouldnt you want to be a cut 165lbs hitting the nightclub scene in miami?!?! YEAH? SO start now!!!

Diesel has the right path if you're willing to take it. Actually, I cutted and pasted one of D's comments he made to another DJ for my own personal motivation for working out.

After you Read'll be crazy pumped about lossing that flab..My personal thanks to the Man Diesel for this one:

Congratulations on taking that difficult first step to make a change. I'm not going to bullshyt you, this is the hard part, but hopefully you'll see the rewards at the end of the line will be worth the sacrifices you'll have to make.

1. Read my GUIDE TO CUTTING UP. Your first step is getting rid of all that extra fat before you can even think about putting on muscle. Even though, since you're a total newbie, you'll still put on a little muscle just from the newness of weight training.

2. Clean out all the junk food from where you live. Take a garbage bag, throw it away, give it away, but GET IT THE FUKK OUT OF YOUR HOUSE!! You can have no temptations around to fukk with your diet. No easing into it, none of this pvssy, fat housewife shyt. You're a man, and real men go fukkin' hardcore.

The first week is going to suck, you're going to get cravings. Gut check time. That's why you get all the shyt out of the house. You're not much different than a smackhead going through withdrawal.. except your drug of choice is whatever the hell it is you gorged on to get you close to 300 lbs. The second week won't be nearly as bad, but you still might get cravings. After that, you're pretty much on cruise control til about the sixth week, where you might get another round of cravings... but get through that unscathed, and you will succeed, it then only becomes a matter of when, not if.

3. Plan to begin your new diet on Monday. This weekend is for preparation. Go to the groceries, clean out your fridge, kitchen, go to the bookstore, and join a hardcore gym...i.e. light on the spandex and heavy on the smelly iron. Trust me, the guys in the hardcore gyms will help you and become your biggest cheerleaders if you keep showing up and busting your ass and proving to them that you're not some fat pvssy who is going to quit after 2 weeks. hell, you may even pick up a training partner along the way.

4. Start reading this forum and for general background on training. Do not read the shyt you see on the newsstands. It is only going to confuse you. Trust me on this one.

5. Go to the bookstore and buy Arnold Schwarzenegger's Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. Follow his "basic routine" with the modifications outlined in my GUIDE TO CUTTING UP. This is not optional. Read as much of it as possible before Monday. When you buy it, check for animation on how to perform the exercises.

6. Take a picture of a guy you WANT to look like. Take a picture of the kind of woman you WANT TO BE FUKKIN'. Got that? Good, now paste those pictures on your refrigerator door. Every time you get the urge to cheat, you'll have to stare at what you're giving up for that piece of pie. Pretty effective motivation, huh? Every time you go for that boring, umpteenth bowl of oatmeal and thousandth chicken breast you'll know why you put up with it.

7. Go to grocery store and buy the following items:

Quaker Oatmeal - the natural shyt that comes in big tubes.. not that microwaveable garbage that comes in little packs.
Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts , Turkey Breasts
Green Vegetables (particularly green beans, broccolli, and spinach), Onions, Peppers, and Green Onions.
Tuna in Water
Brown Rice
Tons of Water
Myoplex protein shakes - get em here - go with the Strawberry Cream or Orange Jubilee flavors.
A good whey protein powder - (I use chocolate Optimum Pro-Complex) also available at
A bottle of Hydroxycut, Xenadrine, or MD6... all very good fat burners
A bottle of Vitamin C
A bottle of Vitamin E
and if you still have some cash left over... a bottle of L-Glutamine.
Cold-pressed Flax Seed Oil (available at health food stores or a local GNC)
Barbeque Sauce or a Fat-Free Dressing for the Chicken / Veggies
Sugar Free Jell-0
Sugar Free Lemonade or Iced Tea (to stave off the sweets cravings)

This is what you'll be living on for the next 4 months. (except for one meal on Sundays - for sanity's sake and other metabolic reasons) Follow the cutting diet/training to the T and by the beginning of the summer, you will be at least 50-60 pounds of pure fat lighter.. as you educate yourself on training you'll see why this is different than just losing 50-60 pounds period.

8. If the revulsion you get from looking at the sad sack, no ***** gettin' motherfukker staring back at you in the mirror isn't motivation enough to get off your ass and into the gym, then you're fukkin' hopeless.

9. Welcome to the rest of your life. Be a fukkin man and change yourself, don't settle for being a fat fukk the rest of your life. There are a lot of girls out there waiting to get fukked. By you. Are you man enough to do what it takes to get there?? I have given you blueprint, and we are here to answer your questions, and of course, you can always just sound off here.. we won't judge you. But ultimately, this is all you. Don't be a pvssy. Make it happen.

good luck,



Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2003
Reaction score
My worries are not really how Im going to look in my prom pictures, its if I ever WILL get any prom pictures or even go to prom. I also want to AT LEAST lose my god damn fvcking virginity before I graduate, and I can make that happen if I lose weight. Dont get me wrong though, all this thinking is actually pushing me harder to lose weight.

I dont know, I think I might even fail next year on purpose so I can stay back 1 more year of school that will make a difference in my life. You dont know what it is to have been the biggest hermit loner of your life with no freinds up until maybe the sophomore year and they are not even good freinds, they all treat you like sh*t! I have ditched these freinds and now Im starting all over again, but the first thing that has to change now is my appearance.

I want to at least have 1 year of some popularity out of all the 12 years Ive been in school stuck being in the "weird/scary/intimidating" category.

Trust me, you wouldnt understand....

Thanks for the info though I really do appreciate it man. Ill take it into consideration.

One thing though, I dont control what is not to be bought in grocery story. I live with 5 other people in my house and one little girl step sister whose not related to me LIVES off of junk food and will die if she eats regular food. Skinny as hell though, thats because she runs around the house all day. But I can make additions to the grocery list. So there will be temptations, but I got my food, so I can still manage eating just my food.


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2003
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Aye B,

What are you talking about guys on this thread wouldnt understand? We probably don't understand you're scenerio entirely, but, we've all gone through our own personal pain and struggle.

This board is here to help you, and i'm gonna be blunt because being nice aint gonna help you.

On the real, you sound like you need to take your panties off bro. It sounds like you're already conceiving defeat before you even stepped on the battlefield. This sh*t is hard, you've got to WANT it more than anything else in this world.

If you want to see pictures of a 215lb fat kid at age 18 who is now a 26 year old 140lb cut man, I'll be glad to email you pictures.

yea, i've been there..i cried like a lil b*tch because i wondered why girls in HS always LJBF'd me, i wondered when i would finally get my chance. i didn't have this site and the experience from all these DJ's to motivate myself when i was younger. it took me trial and error, and error, and error to finally be at a maintenance state...but it the was ME who went to the gym 3 hours a day 4 days a week, it was ME who ate chicken breast and steamed veggies for months, it was ME who constantly asked questions to become fit and lean.

the guys on this board have made it as clear and simple as possible. but we won't do a single pushup or ab crunch for you. take your first step into being a MAN.

MEN dont worry about failing a year ON PURPOSE, just to salvage your highschool career. that sounds like a b*tch move bro. get the f*ck over it and start NOW to change the REST OF YOUR LIFE...BE A F*CKIN MAN..B*LLS OUT.

I'm not even gonna wish you luck, its in YOU to do it, we all know you can.



Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2003
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
I'm with HPNOTQ on this. Purposely failing a year old school is one of the stupidest ideas I've heard in my life. Maybe this will give you a little hope though; when I graduated high school I was a rotund 230 lbs. After two weeks of college I was getting head for the first time. Don't get me wrong, she wasn't the hottest piece on the planet, but I've seen much worse. Being a social outcast, or loser, or whatever doesn't have to go on to college with you. You can leave all that crap at home. If I were you I wouldn't be so worried about losing X pounds by my senior year, I would be more worries about looking good by the time I went to college; which by the way seems to be a much more reasonable goal. Much in the same way that you think that none of us can understand your predicament, it seems that YOU don't understand how small a memory high school will be once you're gone. Now that I'm a junior in college the only people who still care to remember high school were the kids that were cool then, and aren't now. So don't worry about your senior year and all that, concentrate on being who you want to be by the time you move away from home and are sleeping on a bed bunked over some guy you don't know. Even if you do go to a state school with a bunch of people from your high school, they aren't even a drop in the bucket of all the other people that you can get to know.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2002
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Word up. You can't expect yourself to change overnight. More importantly, work on your confidence and self-esteem on top of your physique. If you read the DJ Bible, you'll no doubt have a date for the prom.

And another thing, kill the desperation. So what if you couldn't lose your virginity before college? Big Deal!? There are tons of guys who are still virgins. I understand that you want to "make a mark" during HS. But afterward, you're in a much bigger sea and you're back to being a chump again. Focus on changes for the long term. Peace out.

Trial Error

Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
man, if you decide to only read Pook's pieces, it's all you really need. i've donwloaded that 'Pook Book', i read it's articles quite often. it has helped tremendously.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2003
Reaction score
actually, I AM failing. Im not too good at school. The idea of failing purposely is partly because I already WAS failing. Right now I need to get my report card from the school to see if I failed my last sceince class. If I did, then I will have to repeat the class and I have to stay for another year. I have no choice but to do that. And guess what, I think I did fail that class, and now they are even stopping summer school AND nite school so now it even increases my chances of repeating.

Seriously I did not do bad in my science class on purpose, Im just a lazy fvck who didnt pay attention in class and always slept. But for some reason on the beginning of this summer I promised myself to make a change in every aspect of my life, from doing better in school, to chaning my physique to getting new freinds and getting a better social life. So I had to drop my so called "freinds" who treated me like a pathetic loser, always teasing me, and I had to start from scratch. Right now I am freindless, and Im just staying home all day except when I work out. I still have to work on my shyness though.....


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2003
Reaction score
I have read both the DJ Bible and the High School DJ Bible. And have kept up with all the helpful threads written ever since I joined this site.

Its not really desperation that I have. Seriously I dont even mack it to girls because I dont think Im ready yet, the way I look and all. But when I do talk to girls I keep it casual, and I talk to them like a DJ, e.g. using C&F, looking deeply into their eyes, using that evil grin that turns most girls on, yet I dont pursue them. I just dont know HOW to talk to them, like having a conversation, without being casual, as if I am trying to get their number and stuff, having a full on conversation, you get me? this has gotten some girls attracted to me but because of my shyness I just dont take it any further.

That being said, I dont think its my desperation showing. Its that its so fvcking pathetic that I have been such a loser all my life ever since I popped out of my moms pvssy. I have never done anything good for my life until now. Some people have their ups and downs, well for me its been like down all the time, hence my clinical depression and 10 years of psychological therapy from tramatic experiences.

NOW is when Im having an up because I have had enough of this crap!! DAMMIT!! (Now I feel like screaming, lol.) But now is when I want to make a change. A change that will last forever because I will never stop changing. All this change will make up for all the sh*t Ive missed out on all my life. I feel like Ive missed out on everything. People say Im immature because I have missed out on alot of things, I would ask a a question and they would be like "where have you been all your life? Living under a rock!?" and a bunch of bullsh*t like that. Its like I have stopped my mental growth and stopped maturing when I was in elementary.

F*ck this im done talking.......
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2002
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Yo Boricua,

Sorry to hear about your bad news. I did a search and found a "success story" by Anakin. Check it out. The link is:



Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2003
Reaction score
I got this book called Body For Life that my pops bought me. Its a book about a workout and diet plan. Its supposed to transform your body in 90 days. HIIT is the method for cardio mentioned in this book. It also uses somewhat of an HIIT plan for lifting to. For any weight lifting excercise you start off with 1 rep of 12. Then you increase the weight to do reps of 10. Then increase again to do reps of 8. Then increase the weight one last time to do reps of 6. I think Ill try this workout plan since I have a whole book on it.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2003
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
One thing I think is good to mention, although it could be argued if it is a matter of being a DJ or not; this whole failing school thing isn't cool. I don't mean to lecture like I'm your dad or anything, but failing high school is plain unacceptable. Maybe I feel this way because I thought high school was a complete and utter joke. I don't mean to say that my high school experience was exactly like yours or that your school is any harder or easier than mine was, however, this whole failing high school thing is ridiculous. Not graduating with honors is one thing, but actually failing is another. I know so many kids who did poorly in high school that kick themselves everyday for it, and I don't want to see you ending up like some people I know. I'm sure plenty of the guys here either have, or want to tell you this whole "woe-is-me, my life sucks" is a pathetic way to go around. We want to tell you that because many of us have been there too. It's great that you are making a concious effort to change your body and actively read posts on this site to better yourself. Ask yourself this question: Do girls really want to be with a guy that can't make it through high school? I'm sure you can argue that a girl will hook up with such a guy, but would the type of girl you want really date such a guy?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2002
Reaction score
Body-for-life is ok for BEGINNERS.

I hate to say it, but take some responsibility. Be a man and take care of your problems. A DJ improves in all aspects of life, not just one. Fat, failing and have no friends? Then do something about it!

Let me ask you this. Do men have to have their parents look after them? You have to do this for yourself. Not anyone else.

You say you're parents buy the groceries. Ok, so go with them next time, or hand them a f*cking grocery list.

You say you're failing. So read a book and find ways to do better!

Your insufficient ambition and sense of responsibility is what's keeping you from doing this.

And saying trust me, you wouldn't understand. Are you looking for advice, or are you looking for pity?