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Some Things I've Realized


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Follow your bliss
Hi everyone.

Please I beg you, that if you have any interest in helping people out through their problems, take the time to read this post and comment on it.

The reason being that I haven't been satisfied with my life for a long time now. I have tried everything from Outer to Inner Game to NLP/Hypnosis to Spirituality to Affirmations and everything in between and in that general field of self-help.

But one thing has remained constant in my life: lack of results.

I always had supposed I was depressed, and in fact the only thing I haven't tried was consciously feeding my depression. I just started university, and the new atmosphere made me absolutely sick, because I couldn't bare to see that I still had the same attitudes that didn't serve me or my goals, and could not do what I wanted to do.

So I decided that all my efforts to better myself have been in vein, and I decided then to sink deeper into my depression by affirming to myself all the bad things that were true in my life. A lot of the times what I was saying to myself was probably just complete bull****, but there were some moments where what I was saying, I realized, was absolutely true for me during regular life. I want to note that I do not usually "feel" depressed, but I always thought there was something underlying that was keeping me from getting to where I wanted to go. I remember some of the things I've uncovered about my attitudes and actions in regular life, and I wanted to share them with anyone who will lend an ear(or eye) to listen.

Hopefully, someone can see the basic underlying problems between the lines of what my attitude is normally like, and recommend some program or some advice to fix that, or the direct problems themselves. Until then, I will be indulging my depression, because:

-The only feelings I can really make last are the ones that are bad.
-Any good feelings either that I make or get from myself or other situations/people are always short lived (while what caused it is still going on, sometimes not even that long), and never last.
-No matter if I feel good on my own or based off things that happen or other people, how I feel always goes back to bad.
-This is why I think that the only "real" part to myself is the depressed, sad part of me.
-I think this side of myself is always persistent and successful in showing itself, regardless of how much I try and cover it up by changing my attitudes, beliefs, or actions.
-When I'm not trying to change my state, I live in a state of mediocrity.
-From this state, I cannot get anything done.
-I cannot motivate myself to accomplish any of my goals or do anything I want that requires any sort of uncomfortable situation to be faced (i.e. meeting a girl, or making a friend).
-I can make people laugh that I am comfortable with, sometimes really often, but when the time comes that we see each other again, they are less than thrilled to see me, and act it. Sometimes they ignore me altogether.
-I cannot have the same sort of fun and light-hearted interactions with girls only.
-All my conversations are peppered with awkward pauses.
-This is especially true in groups, where if I am new to the group, or there are people who are new to me in the group, it feels hard to take the lead, and if I am not leading, I am usually sitting back doing nothing.
-I feel jealousy over my friends (what few I have) having other friends besides me, especially when they hang out with them.
-Whenever I am consciously trying to do something that involves other people (where I have an expectation of what I want to happen, even just a general vague one), I never succeed and always incur this feeling of self-sabotage, that works.
-This feeling and the success of its purpose also occurs when I am trying to create genuine change in myself.
-I am unable to create intimate relationships with people, (i.e. getting to know them at all).
-I cannot remember what people have told me in conversation.
-I have a hard time doing critical thinking stuff during conversations, like linking anything someone has to say to anything else (responding in any way), especially with girls.
-My default responses with girls are usually negative and deflecting, perhaps so as to diffuse the conversation and get out of there asap, even if I'm interested in them.

I think because of all these things, I don't deserve anything good to happen to me. So, I do not expect much out of this thread, and it is more here to feed my depression. So if you can shed some light on what I am facing, and how to fix or circumvent it, thank you very much. Otherwise, thank you for reading this far, and I hope life finds you better than it has found me.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
Medellin - Colombia
Okay. I know this will seem like a selfish promotion, but you should really gauge how hard you're truly trying to improve.

In this thread, I posted a tried, formal method used in projects. See if you're really willing to take the bull by the horns.

Hey, be careful. Trying to improve doesnt mean reading gigabytes of info about pickup.


Don Juan
Jun 11, 2009
Reaction score
What you are facing is general depression. And it takes a real man to get out of it. Atleast you recognise your problem Man. Atleast you are willing to improve. Know that many people are not even willing to do this. Consider yourself lucky that you recognised your problem and intend to work on it. This thought itself makes you worthy of deserving a better life. Be proud of yourself. Dont let any shyt get you down. I would have written more. But what you need is already here. Go to DJ bible. Read the posts by a guy named senor fingers. And believe me. If you have even the slightest willingness to change your life. This guy's posts will do the rest. Now go. Why are you still reading this. Go read Senor Fingers posts.


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
My longest post ever haha!

If this doesn’t help, I STRONGLY recommend that you see a doctor who can see the root of the problem. Now before I give you my tips, I want to define “sadness”.

Sadness or grief is one of the longest lasting feelings that that you can have. When I talk about sadness and grief I’m not meaning the extreme form, like someone dying. I am talking about something general. There are many factors that make us sad and depressed. But foremost it is when we lose something/someone. It can be losing your confidence, fail at work, resentment from a friend or partner, losing a body part etc..
We call it being down in the dumps, depressed, sad, blue and low. When we feel those feeling we become passive, reserved and get the opportunity to save our energy to recover our strength. But if you are sad all the time and are passive all the time you may suffer of depression. Now there can be mental issues that make you suffer of depression or it can be biological. By biological I mean the lack of positive hormones! If that is so you MUST see a doctor!

History of my experience
Either way from my own experience I have been depressed for YEARS. I have been bullied at my early years were I was called “ugly” all the time. (I have recently realized that I can look at myself in the mirror and give myself a positive compliment for my looks). I have later when I was around 14 years old been assaulted by rasists because I was an immigrant. I still remember how afraid I was, mostly hiding in to toilets begging them for not for once, hit me. Think of it, you alone.. surrounded by guys double your size. Screaming at you that you’re not welcome, beat you up and calling you names.

Even thou, these are harsh memories; I did not really care about them. I thought of it mostly that these things made me who I am today. I started martial art school and sometime after that; one of the racist guys wanted to be a smartass towards me. Suddenly I was the one with the power. Defending myself, and it ended up me doing I side kick at his stomach and throwing him in the toilet. Now years later, I changed school, worked on my grades.

Years later I got my first girlfriend, I was 16 and meanwhile I was moving out to another town, and it didn’t work out she rejected me. I became very depressed and suddenly the old harsh memories that I didn’t really care about came back. Everything seemed dark. New town, no friends, missing my ex-girlfriend, bullied when I was litte, racist beating me up. Ohh poor me… Everything bad, hate life, no friends. You know that ****. Suddenly you see only bad stuff. It even went so far that I nearly tried to kill myself :O
Now years later, I started new school, worked on my grades. But I was still sad, I was nagging about my ex girlfriend. Seeking every possibility to get approval for my looks. Now I realized time wouldn’t help me coming over my ex. And that was the time I got into “the community”. Being in the community gave me hope. I read into many pick up books, but I disliked the “How to get laid stuff”, I wanted a good life, I wanted happiness. Not sleeping with hundred of girls. Either way I met this new girl and she was so fantastic. Gorgeous girl, but it didn’t work out, she rejected me and that was the time I joined sousave. You can read my first post, seeking help hahaha (

From the 8 November 2008 which was my birthday, with only having the experience of one ugly ex girlfriend that rejected me. I made the decision to take this seriously, doing “kaizen”. NOW, the 12 september 2009 I have made out with 5 gorgeous girls (that I rejected THEM, because I didn’t have time, I am working on getting in to medical school I Sweden, which is nearly impossible, but I’m not giving up. It or I die trying never giving up! I am always happy and positive. I work out and have a good body and rejections don’t bother me. Either way I hope this gives you a picture of who I am. Now let us analyze you a little bit.

I can from your post see MANY, mistakes you do. First of let us start with the words you use.
loving said:
Please I beg you
. Let me give you a simple lessen. You shall never, beg for something! And if you use the word “please”, remove IT! You are man, not a beggar. Drop the victim boyish thinking and be a man! This is one mayor key in becoming a man and that is accepting stuff. Remember you do not need to explain yourself .

loving said:
lack of results.
If I got a dollar for every person who gave up because they couldn’t get results I would be a rich.

The book Mastery by George Leonard, describes preciously why some people succeed and some people don’t.

“Mastery isn’t reserved for the supertalented. It’s available to anyone who is willing to get on the path and stay on it- regardless of age, sex, or previous experience.”

Read this book and learn how to be successful and have a long term fulfillment.

Either way it is not about results it is about enjoying the ride even thou you don’t get results. Because it is then you really get result. It’s hard to explain, but in time you will understand.

loving said:
efforts to better myself have been in vein
Then you haven’t internalized it. Or it is that victim thinking again. Remember my experience? How a rejection from I girl made me suddenly depressed over every bad thing that happened to me? You are now doing the something. Look at your list? Do a positive one instead; it becomes a self for filling prophecy.

loving said:
I have tried everything from Outer to Inner Game to NLP/Hypnosis to Spirituality to Affirmations and everything in between and in that general field of self-help.
Do you really believe in that stuff? For what do you use them? Getting girls or being happy? I myself do not believe in NLP/Hypnosis to Spirituality for getting girls, too much headache. Thus, there are some that are INCREADIBLE to read for having a better life. Such as, The monk who sold his Ferrari - Robin Sharma I bought this book both in Swedish, English and read them both two times. This book is fantastic.
Also the Miguel Ruiz - The Four Agreements, is a fantastic book. If you really follow his stuff you will never be sad again. His four agreements in summary are.

Agreement 1
Be impeccable with your word - Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

Agreement 2

Don’t take anything personally - Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.

Agreement 3

Don’t make assumptions - Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

Agreement 4

Always do your best - Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.
loving said:
-Any good feelings either that I make or get from myself or other situations/people are always short lived (while what caused it is still going on, sometimes not even that long), and never last…..-No matter if I feel good on my own or based off things that happen or other people, how I feel always goes back to bad
Write all the good things down, and re-read them every night. Do good things all the time so that you can add your list.
Do an experiment!
What if no one liked you! It didn’t matter what you rear or did. They would still dislike you. Every one would see you as a weirdo and resent you, dislike you, and hate you. They would all talk behind your face. Now, what would you do if that was the truth? Most probably would just sit home and cry I’m I right? Now that would old me do. But why not and have fun still?
“whhhhaaaaa? How can you have fun?”
You do things you like, sports, make fun out of people. Joke around, for your own pleasure haha. If someone tries to bully you, you just give him back the biggest SMILE and say “is that the best you got?”. Be happy, smile at everything, even thou they would just look weird at you. Do a moonwalk to the buss, go to cybertown. Enjoy LIFE :D
(REFRAME everything to something positive :))

loving said:
-I cannot motivate myself to accomplish any of my goals or do anything I want that requires any sort of uncomfortable situation to be faced (i.e. meeting a girl, or making a friend).
This is just normal laziness. But remember, if you passive it leads to depression. If you do action, you get motivated and become happy :). Look at Mindos by Dr Paul and The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People (HarperCollins-2000). Fantastic product.

By the way when did you last time move your body?

loving said:
-I can make people laugh that I am comfortable with, sometimes really often, but when the time comes that we see each other again, they are less than thrilled to see me, and act it. Sometimes they ignore me altogether.
Expand your comfort zone then. Work on making YOURSELF laugh, then others will start to laugh with you.

loving said:
-All my conversations are peppered with awkward pauses.
It’s because you are not having fun! Do stuff that you love to do, say stuff that you later can laugh about :)


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
loving said:
-This is especially true in groups, where if I am new to the group, or there are people who are new to me in the group, it feels hard to take the lead, and if I am not leading, I am usually sitting back doing nothing.
Become more assertive and learn how to take the lead. You know your problem, now it is only the solution left :)

loving said:
-I feel jealousy over my friends (what few I have) having other friends besides me, especially when they hang out with them.
I still have to deal with jealousy, have you read my FR?

loving said:
-I cannot remember what people have told me in conversation.
I have a hard time remembering people names and that was because I never listened. Start to listen, if they talk to fast, interrupt them and tell them to speak slower. Do NOT fantasize about “what to say next” or “what do they think about me?” Do what you want to do, be always positive.
Have you read 48 laws of power? Either way, that book keeps me always company when I feel alone. It deals also with feeling misery, but in the way of being misery because everyone takes advantage out of you.
Remember, if you come to a point were you feel pain. Ask yourself “why?”. And continue asking that question until it stops. Eg.

I can’t approach that girl.
I don’t want to be rejected.
Because it hurts
Because I lose my validation.
Because my selfesteem, is external.
Because I never realized one could have an internal selfesteem
Because I am stupid
Because I never read books
Because im lazy
Because I want to feel sorry for myself
Because mommy never gave me comfort
Because mommy left me
Because im worthless
Because mommy left me
Because im worthless

Do you see the obvious problem in this example?

As summary
- Be desire less, you want something but do not NEED it.
- Don’t be a victim
- There are other people feeling worse
- Be positive, always reframe it
- TAKE ACTION! Passiveness = depression
- Follow the 4 agreements
- Read the books, 48 laws of power, The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People (HarperCollins-2000), the monk who sold his Ferrari by robin sharma
- See the Mindos program by Dr Paul
- Always laugh about everything
- Read some Pook posts
- Win or die trying winning. There is no “give up” or I’m a looser. Only a champion fighting to his last breath.

Remember life isn’t fair and that is a good thing. Because we can evolve and be the winner, but that happens only if you stop being a victim and start making decisions.

Either way IF THIS DOESN’T HELP! Seek a Doctor!

Best Regards
Masked Angel


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
Heres an idea:

How about you make the conscious effort to go out and talk to someone new. Thats right...I said it! Go out and find some way to connect with your fellow human beings in the real world. Reading a bunch of stuff online and endlessly conjuring ways to self-correct your position in life are all fine and dandy, but you have to use them. Most (if not all) of the problems surrounding males who cannot associate with other people stems from fear. One of the most common denominators in any person who is a "loner" is that he or she has not opened themselves up to be hurt by another person. They continuously find ways to insulate themselves from other people because they might experience pain.

But, pain is what you have to experience in order to truly live. You must open yourself up to others and let down your guard so that others may hurt you. Only then will you truly understand that it isn't that bad, and you will form connections with other people. It hurts to hear something like this, I know. But that is the key to being in a world with others, and more importantly, showing a female that you aren't afraid.