some *******s


Senior Don Juan
Nov 27, 2002
Reaction score
they seem to me like typical idiots who thrive on the power given to them by fear. i'd be willing to bet quite a bit that they won't actually start anything. if you truly ignore them, then you take away a little of that power, and they'll leave you alone. there aren't that many guys, believe it or not, who actually start fights like this (if they have a better reason, then yeah, you'll see more fights). they're probably the types of wusses that'll sit there until you throw the first punch. when i'm confronted by someone, regardless of whether or not i can beat them, i'll just look them in the eyes the entire time and not react to what they do. i'll let them know that i'm not afraid of them, and they've always just walked off. no problem.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score

Whatever you do, DO SOMETHING. You are constantly going to be worried about this until its over this, thus stopping you from living your life and doing more entertaining/interesting things with your tiime. The way i see it, here are your choices:

1. Avoid him like a little girl, be constantly worried about it and waste your time.

2. Stick up to the ****er.

If i was you i would choose choice # 2.

A few tips:

If he grabs you (Which people often do before a fight) grab both his little fingers and break them.

Smack him in the kidneys/lungs so he gets winded, then punch down on his cheek / right below his eye on a downwards angle (he should be bent over from the lung shot) so he is blinded temporarily.
Then lay into him.

Or just get beaten up.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo New York baby!
Oh really? My advice was terrible? I don't know where you live, but if someones punched me in the face, and continued to harras me, thats BAD and needs tob e taken care of. Its not a matter of "stooping to their level" its a matter of taking controle of the situation.

Why make *******s your friends? Because having tough *******s for friends creates an aura of untouchability to you. If everyone knows those really tough kids roll with you, they'll be less likely to **** with you.

Why beat him into the ground? OBVIOUSLY you have NO CLUE what you are talking aobut... when you get in a fight, and prove to the other guy that you are crazy and tough [by beating him badly] he will be scared to F with you anymore... DUH. Its the truth... how do I know? I've done it.

Lastly, if #1 fails and #2 is just too risky, grow a pair of balls and show him you are a man. Don't talk trash, dont be a faggot, just throw down. When you loose, ppl will say "Hey, at least he did something about it" Try and have ppl around to break it up after you get clobbared a few times.

ALL 3 of those ^^ are better than running away scared. And don't believe that "Don't stoop to their level" ****, because he is a level ABOVE you. You are AFRAID of him, you react to HIS actions... you are lower then him already. Teh fact that you subscribe to DJ forums over the internet does not make you the better man, chawk it up and deal with it.

Mr. Latte

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
I agree...don't START a fight, but don't back down. There's absolutely nothing "unmanly" about not wanting to fight...up to a point. I'm 20...the last fight I was in was in 7th grade. The kid punched me, I hit him, and it was over, it got broken up that quickly. Since then, I've had such a smartass attitude that I can joke my way out of anything. You want to fight me? I'll make such an ass out of you, that if you're not laughing yourself, you'll look like an absolute tool for hitting me. I wont back down from a fight, but I do my best to save face, and I'll fight if need be.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by MoAF
Oh really? My advice was terrible? I don't know where you live, but if someones punched me in the face, and continued to harras me, thats BAD and needs tob e taken care of. Its not a matter of "stooping to their level" its a matter of taking controle of the situation.

Why make *******s your friends? Because having tough *******s for friends creates an aura of untouchability to you. If everyone knows those really tough kids roll with you, they'll be less likely to **** with you.

Why beat him into the ground? OBVIOUSLY you have NO CLUE what you are talking aobut... when you get in a fight, and prove to the other guy that you are crazy and tough [by beating him badly] he will be scared to F with you anymore... DUH. Its the truth... how do I know? I've done it.

Lastly, if #1 fails and #2 is just too risky, grow a pair of balls and show him you are a man. Don't talk trash, dont be a faggot, just throw down. When you loose, ppl will say "Hey, at least he did something about it" Try and have ppl around to break it up after you get clobbared a few times.

ALL 3 of those ^^ are better than running away scared. And don't believe that "Don't stoop to their level" ****, because he is a level ABOVE you. You are AFRAID of him, you react to HIS actions... you are lower then him already. Teh fact that you subscribe to DJ forums over the internet does not make you the better man, chawk it up and deal with it.

i disagree.

NEVER reduce your respectability by trying to make friends with such idiots.

MOAF let me tell you about my experience that happened just last year in high school. Some punk gangbanger thought he was gonna be smart with me and f*ck wit me, despite the fact that i didnt even know anything about him (i guess he knew about me..and had some idiotic grudge towards me).

he started sh*t while i was walkin to class..i took off my glasses, turned around, asked what the fukk his problem he did that, and punched him right in the eye. end of story. we went to the principals office, i described the situation calmly, and had no problems.

i never got any sh*t from this guy anymore. and he was one of those guys with lots of little friends.

i know for one that i could never have standed to make friends with these kinda people. i also believe that your idea of beating the guy as hard as you can is not a good idea too..theres no reason for this. i do not feel you should go overboard with anything.

If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
I understand your predicament man, as both of my best friends have had the same problem with jack*sses in the not too distant past.

In the first situation a kid who was probably tougher than my friend but much more of a p*ssy at heart decided he wanted to fight my friend. After several minor confrontations (which involved the bully asking to fight my friend and my friend turning him down each time as he was scared to get in trouble) my friend got sucker punched in the eye while taking a drink from the water fountain. Charming hey?

This just goes to show that by ignoring him and running away from the situation is not going to make it go away. My friend could have done other things asides from giving into a fight that would have resulted in a different outcome but he chose the way that a lot of people, who are scared of getting in a fight, choose. This doesn't work because it only puts the bully in the drivers seat and he thinks he's got you on the run and if he confronts you now, he thinks you'll be even more of an easy opponent.

The next instance happened just at the end of last school year when a very big and very tough looking kid decided to challenge my other best friend who could be described as tall but skinny and more of your friendly computer type guy. Anyways to make a long story short, the bully confronted my friend 6 f*cking times in public, at school, pretty much wherever they met and the bully would always challenge my friend to fight with my friend eventually getting out of it due to their being a teacher in sight or him having a much marger crew backing him up. On the 7th time he did this I was standing beside my friend and told him to just flip out on the guy. Well let's just say the computer kid worked over the bully with the baggy clothes and bad*ss attitude in like 5 seconds. Believe it or not the bully kid was crying. The whole time he had been bluffing!!!

Bluffing is an all too common method of intimidating kids and it makes you out to be much tougher than you really are. If you're a scrawny kid and you bluff, most people will call you on it. If you're big and you bluff most people don't wanna take a chance and assume you're for real.

Me thinks the kid you have on your case is your sterotypical bluffer/sucker-puncher and I've seen more than my fair share of these.

I find they're big, spoiled kids who have always had a tough, older brother looking out for them as their level of ****yness skyrocketed and like to pick out the pretty boys or the kids who wouldn't stand up for themselves if put on the spot as victims. Pretty much this backs up everything they portray and they don't have to lay a finger on anyone. If the kid won't run away then he'll make threats of pounding them into the ground that would sound believable to even the most skeptical. And odds are when put in this position you'd rather slink out of a beating with your dignity than stand up to a notorious bully on the off chance he's really a p*ssy.

Personally, I won't label any kid as "tough" and make a mental note not to f*ck with him until I see him take a beating and carry on, not just give a beating. It's much easier to punch a kid then it is to be punched and go on to win the fight.

If you call him on his bluff he's liable to up the bluff. And trust me they get pretty good at sounding convincing so that you'll even second guess your original thoughts about these kids. If you are cornered and they initiate a fight and you manage to follow a few basic fighting techniques (see:fighting tips ) you'll do a lot better than anyone would have suspected.

However if confronted your primary objective is to avoid a fight at all costs. They're ugly, dirty and just get you in a heap of trouble over f*ck all.

Mr. Latte or Cloud-UK can you share any strategies or tips you might have about avoiding fights by talking? I'm not doubting you could if confronted, just would love to see some examples in writing to give me and others an idea of one way we could go about bailing ourselves out.

Also if you do manage to embarass this kid and you two don't get in a scuffle, keep an eye out as they are prone to sucker punch you the next time you pass in the hallways as a last resort.

In response to some of the other posters, don't let these pricks make you feel like any less of a man. Stand up to them if it continues. Get a strong gathering of people to support you and to break it up if something does go down. Make sure he knows you're not just another loner chump he can shake up. Re-read what Slickdon said, he was right on all points.

Nothing would be more cowardly than if the bullies, who already outnumber you, had to go bring in more thugs. If you hear any word of this tell the bully straight up that if he's got a problem with you that it should be between you and him, NOT you, him and his older cousins with baseball bats.

Don't feel the need to become his best friend but don't escalate the situation by talking sh*t about him. Not a good way to put an end to the whole ordeal.

If it does go down and you're taken to the office or whatever this is your chance, as a DJ, to shine. This happened to me and I got the other kid damn near expelled whereas I got off scot-free not being the provoker and having my facts straight.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2003
Reaction score
thanks for all the advice, i think its all died down now tho, plus you dont have to worry about me, i wasnt goin to let him and his friends push me around completely, anyway me and a few friends decided to walk round the park, and we saw him on his own on a bike, he saw me then we made eye contact an he looked down straight away... so i guess i won that one, he just peddled off, and he just seems to ignore me now.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2003
Reaction score
read my post, it will be the only one you need to read from here

everyone above seems like they dont know how to fight, i mean really fight (except maybe a couple)
and wtf is shake his hand, lose and be friends? defeat is not an option

heres what i did, now i pray for a fight

in highschool i was 160-170 all 4 yrs (kinda strong for my size, benched 200, squated 225x6) nothing special, didnt know how to fight for crap (couldnt throw a jab or a correct punch)

after highschool i ganed 30 lbs in 6 months, a lot was muscle (little fat on my gut) btw im 6'1

my friends and i took a MUAY THAI and BRAZILIAN JU JITSU class this summer

i only took 2 MONTHS of it, sinice i have to go back to college now

but i am very very confident in the fact that i can get in a fight with 99% of americans and win

at the end of my 2 months i was tapping out people who had been doing the art for 6 months to a year (i weighed more than these people) although there weer others who owned me

i learned how to throw a jab, hook, cross, bob and weave, throw knees/elbows from the clinch, how to take a guy down, mount him and pound him all in 2 MONTHS

i highly recommend taking a brazilian ju jitsu (best to learn how to fight on the ground, 100% realistic) /muay thai (best how to fight stand up in a street fight) class

now i walk around with the confidence that i can just beat people's a$$es and not even think twice about it

although i am not a meathead, i avoid fights at all costs, the best fights are win no one fights

PM me if you want more info on this or strategies on how to fight a guy

if i were you

i would

1-walk around with my friends all the time until it cools down
2-tell a teacher this guy is giving you trouble and might fight you (tell lots of teachers/princple) so if you do fight it will look like its his fault and he started it, do this after school so no one thinks your a pu$$y
3-make him fight you IN SCHOOL (unless you are positive you can beat his ace in a fight, in which case, agree to meet him with ONE other person each for backup and to stop the fight, in which you get your strongest/craziest friend to back you up, and get him to bring a weapon to SCARE THEM OFF if they try to jump you guys with more people, do not use it casue you will be F'ed)
4- make him start the fight and have witnesses so he gets suspended and F'ed
5- befor you fight try and reason with him, but dont be a b1tch, just say, fighting isnt worth it, no one will benefit from a fight, only bad can happen, why cant you just talk about it instead of lowering yourself to punching and kicking etc (but if he yells at you or is being unresonable, make him throw the first punch) i.e- you: you are to pu$$y to do anything anways so turn around and get the F out of here (this will make him fight you)

in the mean time, start working out and EATING a lot to gain some lbs, and take the classes i mentioned

keep us updated, gl