Senior Don Juan
Wow this discussion really took off. Thank you everyone for contributing.
In particular I think 2 things stood out especially.
All in all, it goes to show how effective 'pull-back' 'cold game' 'push-pull' can be (whether intentional or otherwise). I don't consider myself a so suave DJ veteran but I am certainly more experienced now than most BP guys and its having an effect on me.
On a side note, I do really like this girl. I would be interested in exploring something more with her but her current actions seem to show that casual is the only option with her at the moment. Although this too is confusing because she would take initiative and make tons of plans to meet up (many times) more times/frequency than the usual FWB I've had. But yes all things are still in its early stages. I'm still trying to make sense of it
In particular I think 2 things stood out especially.
I think @manfrombelow is right. She is clearly pushing for a FWB situation because of her actions. She is behaving very much like how I would behave when I am trying to casual some girls. I guess the roles are sort of reversed this time and because of the lack of neediness it has been very confusing to me and has made me pry and think about what is going on.This girl wants you for SEX, and nothing else.
Contrary to many prior comments, I really do not see this as a case of lacking interest or having low interest level.
A woman only fvcks you if she likes you enough, it's the principal.
So rest assure this girl does like you, enough to fvck you.
Basically, she's treating you as a FWB, no more no less. This girl knows exactly what she wants in you: Crazy wild steamy wet sex and nothing else (sounds like a dream comes true to me, if you ask me).
But the fact you got so confused that you you had to come up here tells me that you are behaving like a typical girl in a FWB situation - You wonder about her Interest Level in you and you don't know where you stand - while she is, in fact, behaving like the guy.
Again @catsmeow is on point. Most girls I have pursued tend to go into a needy mode after s'x; and this one is doing the exact opposite.I don't consciously "pull away" DJ, please read my posts again for clarity.
And I don't think @jamesfromhouston's girl pulled away either. She is simply chilling after spending intimate time with him. Lot's of high interest, lots of passion. I do (well did) this as well when I was single and dating, this is what I meant by ebb and flow. All relationships have an ebb and flow in my experience, best to try to understand it versus attach something negative to it.
She's not initiating texts or otherwise blowing up his phone (like the vast majority of women who are insecure and need constant validation). And based on what he wrote, I think this is what's throwing him off and referring to as "pulling away." It doesn't match his previous experiences with women who are high interest.
I say judge by her actions while ON the date. In this case, her actions reflect a woman who is HIGHLY interested in him and passionate about him. When he reaches out after their dates, she's responsive and passionate.
Again, I don't really see what the issue is. If he needs a woman to initiate long protracted texts or blow up his phone in between dates, she's not the girl for him.
All in all, it goes to show how effective 'pull-back' 'cold game' 'push-pull' can be (whether intentional or otherwise). I don't consider myself a so suave DJ veteran but I am certainly more experienced now than most BP guys and its having an effect on me.
On a side note, I do really like this girl. I would be interested in exploring something more with her but her current actions seem to show that casual is the only option with her at the moment. Although this too is confusing because she would take initiative and make tons of plans to meet up (many times) more times/frequency than the usual FWB I've had. But yes all things are still in its early stages. I'm still trying to make sense of it
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