Some quick makeout tips...


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Just an idea...

I was just thinking...

Why dont you guys also give some "toungue" methods.. eg: what you do with your toungue while u are kissing your girl... i think this will help many guys out there, so please reply;)




Don Juan
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
yeah... and maybe put some ideias about kissing (without tong) and as aequitas said, tong ideias hehe

i was making out and shyt, when it came to a point that i didn't had any other ideia...

here goes some stuff that i do...

- u can bite her lips, not hard and slowly, she will notice what ur doing and let u do it...

- u can suck her lips very hard...

- u can kiss wrongly, i mean, only with half of ur mouth actually kissing her's... the other part of your mouth would be kissing the air or her facial skin...(very nice this one, at least my gf says)

- u can touch her lips with ur toungue, like when u do it havin' some icecream..

- u can kiss that shyt thats right down her lips that i don't know the word in english, that some ppl have a little butt there haha.. =/

ok diff stuff:
- tell her before that u gonna do some new shyt... get ur hand and squizze her lips (from the sides) and gently lick it and kiss that pressed lip.. she will feel something different, as u will too.. from that u can get ur hands down and keep the kiss goin'

- very slow kiss... this is good when u have some deep connection or moment with the girl... it took me like 10min to kiss her 10 times... so every 1min we gently kissed and pulled back, just feelin' the others lips... some times u struggle to keep the thing going and not kiss her, thats the whole ideia... of course it dont need to be every min.. u can indeed just be almost kissing and almost not touching each other lips for a few minutes...

- put ur toungue between her teeth and lips, and explore that part...

guess i dun have any other ideias :/

i hope i helped, we all know how to kiss, we just need this few hints that can help a lot...

and i sure need some more tips... anyone?


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
First time I pop in here in a while and, surprises abound, one of my threads finally has re-emerged from the dead...or something like that. :D

About the ears:
From all of the girls I've been with, I can say with confidence that ears have definitely been hot spots for almost all of them. I say 'almost' because they were actually a turn OFF for one girl - but she also had some head issues for a professional shrink, so...;)

The neck:
Yes, if you have a playful girl you can do the old retaliation, if she marks up your neck you do hers twice as worse. Pretty fun if she can take it as a joke...and get the message to stop marking up your damn neck. :D

Some more random side notes that I've been meaning to add to this thread:

Hair pulling is actually MUCH more effective than I thought when I wrote this. I've tried it out a bit more lately and it is a DEFINITE winner. I would suggest, naturally, that you not yank her hair as if you intended to remove said hair from her head.:D In all seriousness, hair pulling is great, and I think I'd have to cite a Chancelot thread somewhere for this, but it's also a GREAT move for during sex, too, if it's a particularily aggressive session. (not the candles-and-pillowtalk session ;)).

To further elaborate on hair, I remember reading on this site but my memory fails me as to the precise source, so I apologize to whomeever this blatant plagarism is towards, but a GREAT move is to run your hands through her hair. This isn't the 80's, she doesn't have big hair, you won't catch on any nasty tangles, just go for it. Run your hand(s) through it nice and gentle, remember, and don't be petting it like a house animal. I recall I touched on that before.

Tongue methods? On this, you should just go what feels natural. I mean, don't just let it sit there like a statue, but I'm not a big proponent of going hyper with it like it's the last minute of play in a heated game of tonsil hockey :). I'm a fan of something gentle but noticeable, if that helps any. Tongue, I really can't find the words to explain - possibly some other reader on the thread could chip in?

And to everybody: remember, these are guidelines to the clueless or to those a little lacking in their techniques. As I believe I previously stated (since it has been a while since I originally wrote the post and so my memory may be off), these are just guidelines, not absolute truth or the be-all-and-end-all gameplan. I don't believe in game plans or game - I play it honest and fair, but I recognize that everyone needs a primer on the essentials once in a while, so here it is. :) Loosen up and read with an open mind, and hopefully the women in your life can thank you (if they want to thank me, hey, that's cool too :D).

I'll mark this thread to email me the replies so I don't miss anything - take it easy, everybody, and have fun.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, here is one i am thinking of..

Grab her hair, and lightly pull it to the side (back, left, right, whatever) but do it in a way so her neck is revealed. Now lean in and kiss her on the neck. Sounds like a winner to me, test it see how it goes.

Another thing, biting (nibbling) Girls i've encountered really enjoy their neck/breasts being nibbled on GENTLY.. i've seen girls literaly go wild over this, so try it out.

We could make this already awesome thread the ultimate "Make your woman beg for it everytime she sees you" thread ;)


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Oxide
Ok, here is one i am thinking of..

Grab her hair, and lightly pull it to the side (back, left, right, whatever) but do it in a way so her neck is revealed. Now lean in and kiss her on the neck. Sounds like a winner to me, test it see how it goes.

Another thing, biting (nibbling) Girls i've encountered really enjoy their neck/breasts being nibbled on GENTLY.. i've seen girls literaly go wild over this, so try it out.

We could make this already awesome thread the ultimate "Make your woman beg for it everytime she sees you" thread ;)
As for the hair pulling: that's usually how I do it :D, that's spot on.

The nibbling - it does work great, just re-emphasizing the 'gently' there, too much teeth and she'll want to kill ya. :D

Excellent stuff.