Some perspective on Women

Don Giovanni

Don Juan
Sep 18, 2002
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It has been almost two years now. What a pleasure to be able to give after taking for so long.

I see a certain type of post appearing every so often on the board. It's written by striving beginners, blossoming Don Juans, and even by veterans of this site. It goes along the lines of "I lost the DJ mindset- HELP!" Lost some of your Jedi powers, eh? Happens to the best of us, right? Does it really now?

There is a difference between feeling blue one day and suddenly losing your "mindset" or "game." We all get down at times, but how do we lose ourselves and essentially the Don Juans in us?

I look around at the guys spitting game and I always think back to a professor of mine. He never tried to behave in any special way, yet women (and guys) were drawn to him. I wish you guys could see the way in which he walked through the world- you could literally get caught in his wake and get swept away from whatever you were doing. You could feel the conviction and strength in his eyes. It's amazing to me now how self conscious he made me feel in his presence. What's even more amazing though, was how joyful he seemed to be pursuing his work. It wasn't the mere content or happiness you see in people doing things they enjoy, but it was the joy of someone doing something they need to do.

I'm telling you guys this now, because I believe it is very important that you know this. I know a lot of guys over here are still trying to figure out this crazy game with women and I think it is necessary that they do so, but I want them to know that there is more to it than simply getting all the Jedi tricks down pat or acquiring a certain type of mindset with women that is here one day and gone the next.

I realized something a while ago: all your hobbies come out to very little in the end. They (as the label "hobby" implies) are merely forms of entertainment. While I was questioning where I was going with my life, I couldn't help think how absurd it was to believe that my hobbies defined who I was. I'm sure everyone has read their share of posts advising beginners to start some sort of hobby to get them off of wherever they are. While for a start I think it's great, you must go beyond this. This doesn't mean abandon your hobbies if you enjoy them, but go beyond this in your search. What if you were to be separated from your hobbies? What if you could not go rockclimbing or skating anymore? Would you be castrated as you're separated from all you've put your time in?

Hmm, ok. Now something more solid for you to get your teeth around. Humor. What do you think about humor? Will it get you the chicks? I think there have been some good posts around debunking the myth that being funny will get you the ladies, but I'll add an extra voice to it.

I was standing on line oneday in front of this guy who began shouting out to a girl further up. He was using the typical ****y and funny stuff, exclaiming that they should only speak in Spanish since they were both studying it. Did he get the girl? Probably not. Did he even want the girl? Who knows. I know I used to do this too. I thought I was so deadly with the ladies. I couldn't help thinking how pathetic he was on the line and thanking myself that I didn't stay where he was. Being funny is not important. What is important is that you have fun. Your vibes will make you fun and humorous naturally. The problem with this is that if you do it naturally, you will not always make everyone laugh. You know what? That's how it is meant to be. Why do you think you have less friends than acquaintances? Friends are people you get along with better naturally. You'll therefore have more fun and be funnier. Same with girls. Some will fit you and some won't. This helps a bit in sifting through all of them.

Where is Don Giovanni with the ladies then? Why isn't he surrounded by him. You would not believe how weird things have become. I laugh outloud every once in a while thinking about it. I'm not sure how it happened or how it works, but girls are no longer a problem. I've had girls do some pretty interesting things to get my attention. Would you believe me if I told you that girls have just suddenly changed? Or perhaps it was me. Regardless, something is different and I find myself trying to avoid making eye contact with girls now. When this change first began occuring, I wasn't really aware of it and did what I always did. I know now that you really have to tone it down and not lead people on. I remember how it feels to have been led on by a girl.

So, the tip? There really is no way around it. Embrace your sexuality and explore. You have to go beyond just entertainment and hobbies. There is a lot to drink from in this life, so drink deeply.


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2003
Reaction score
I'm glad that you posted this. I've been reading the board a lot tonight and this is exactly what I've been looking for. It's not that I really needed it, I just feel the exact same way and it feels weird. But I knwo that it's me that's changed, because I remember how uptight and unconfident I used to be. It's a great feeling to know that your confidence in yourself gives you a sort of "freedom". I think it feels great.