Some good stuff here for all DJ'S....


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2002
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After reading some great posts by Gio,Galactus,etc...I felt maybe I should try to contribute a little more here- You guys have helped me alot.

Treat every girl the same, regardless of her beauty.Like POOK said- they all eat, sleep, and ****, just like us guys.Ever notice how when you look pissed or couldn't care less about women(those very rare times), a girl will start to talk to you out of no where or try to get your attention?

Always let a girl think that YOU are the prize, not her.Be confident, funny,****y,independant,controlled, etc.

Never stare at her boobs or ass, at least not while she's looking.

Remember ALL girls play their games and test you to see how you will react to them.Self control is critical.NEVER let them know they have their way with you, even if you have to hide it.As soon as a chick knows you like her more than she likes you, you're done like dinner.Let her INTEREST level always be higher than yours, even if you have to fake it.The hotter the chick, the more guys hit on her,the more her ego goes out of control.If you come along and treat her just like a "friend", she will wonder-"What's wrong with me?","How come Kevin doesn't kiss my ass like all the other guys?" "Why doesn't he sneak peeks at my tight cute ass like all the other guys do!?" "What is wrong with him?-Is he gay?!" Let her pine away over YOU for a change.

Imagine you are a girl, a hot girl.Every day of your life guys are hitting on you and trying to get down your pants-After a while,what boredom!You as a DJ must appear smooth, sincere, aloof and in control of yourself.Woman love that- they take control as challenge-they take challenge as romance and their interest level starts to rise,even if you are not in sight.

Watch other guys and really see what they are doing wrong as they approach women.Learn from THEIR mistakes and AFCness.Always remeber the stuff you hear on this board as soon as you start thinking like an AFC or thinking with your schlong.Just because women have the power of the ***** does not mean thay have to know it.Be different, be real.

Never,ever let a girl know you like them too much.One day treat them great, the next day ignore this all the time.Keep them guessing.As Doc Love says-"Women are like Unions...You have to get your time in 1st before you let your guard down at all."The less said about yorself the better. Women LOVE to dredge the info. out of you and ask you questions- never take that away from her.Always ask most of the questions, and LISTEN...the #1 complaint married women have about their other half is he rarely listens.Women love a good listener.

Go slower than her in a relationship.Let her "think" she's the one in control-lol-even though you are!Always focus on the positive, light topics on a date.Always let her go first- Say, "Well, I gotta get going soon,gotta work early you know".Women love this.It says challenge,discipline,etc.Plus she'll say to herself-"Kevin is the only guy EVER who didn't try to stretch out a date to get some sex".She'll respect you and now, you got her thinking about you.She'll tell all her friends the next day that she cannot figure this guy out ,and it will bug her- and at the same time, UP her INTEREST level.

Never ever go by a woman's words( which are confusing anyway)-go by her actions only.They tell the true tale of how she feels about you.Always remain calm and cool around her.Let her know you are strong,in control and that you WILL walk away from her and the relationship if she treats you with any disrespect.This is very important! Most guys are so whipped by a chicks *****, he will put up with way too much crap in a relationship.She will lose respect for you in stages over time UNLESS you let her know from the very first time you meet her-that YOU are in control....not her.

Let it look like to her that youre sort of a jerk, but that she "makes" you or allows you to feel and see your "nice" guy side, and that she is the only one who gets to see this side of you. They eat that up!

Girls are very selfish and ego driven and they want to know that they have "changed you".It makes them feel needed, special and important.If you are nice or mean to everyone, including her,there is nothing for her to change or work on in your personality. A woman LOVES to "work" on their man, sort of like a school project.They can brag to all their girlfriends what a super girl they are.This is why they like the "jerks" or "bad boys", more so than the nice guys or AFC"S>

Women are very insecure and in a subtle way guys must play on those, via neg hits, ****iness-humour, etc.Instead of kissing butt, like 90% of guys do(AFC"S).

Women speak different languages(********), thus men assume they are lting or confused.However women rarely lie outright- they say everything but the real, bottom line meaning.They are afraid if they say the word "NO", especially to a man, he will go hang himself.Woman tend to say everthing, which equals "no".This is were we say they are just making excuses- they just do not have the courage and backbone to say "NO" to any guy.

Another major mistake guys make is PROJECTING your own interest level onto her.Just cause you like her, does not mean she likes you at all.We tend to objectify and colour things rose when we do not see or hear what we like.Our favourite tool is denail.We are all guilty of it.

Many women today are driven to be like men.They seek increased love,freedom,respect at the expense of denying their own feminine values and qualities.Feminism has not only encouraged women to discover their potential to be like mmen,but has mistakenly interpreted to mean that women ought to be like men.AS a result,women have rejected,to a great extent,their essential feminine qualities.

Conversly,many men have responded by trying to be soft and sensitive(AFCness),in order to fulfill these women.This new sensitive man has been rejected by women as "WIMPY" or "NICE" (AFC), but NOT desireable.In becoming more feminine,these men have long denied their masculine traits and qualities that women are instinctively drawn to in the male.Men are frustrated because they have recognized that the old values of the 1950's did not work, and have still not found today clear examples of what works(what women like).

When men and women start to "mind read" eachother, problems are inevitable.A man prematurely decides that he knows what a woman is saying to him.His error lies in ASSUMING that she started out making a point she wanted to make, as a man would.He may be listening and then, before she is finished,says "I got it."But to a woman, his statement is INSULTING, not understanding-She knows that he cannot know what she intends to say , because many times even SHE does not know what she is going to say.While talking she is in the "process" of finding out what she wants to say. In laymans terms she "thinks out loud", whereas most men get right to the point.NEVER offer a string of solutions to her problems.This is a huge turn off for a woman. She just wants to feel HEARD.

Women mind read too,but differently.They tend to see things in a negative light. Ever notice when you are quiet she thinks something is wrong?Because she's not a man, she has no reference point to help her understand why he does what he does. We speak different LANGUAGES.

Women fall in love with you because of 1 thing.The way SHE feels around YOU.

We all like a challenge, but Women like it more than men, because they are used to getting their way with guys for years.They seem to respect a guy more when he seems unattainable or a challenge to her. That's why women tend to run away from a guy if she knows he likes her. Never let a woman KNOw you like her, until you know for sure she likes you FIRST. When you give her space, it shows you respect her, yourself and it shows you are willing to walk away, and you can get any other woman you want.Women love competition, or hate it, depending on your perspective.

Always keep her guessing where she stands with you(MYSTERY) and she will be the one chasing you.Ever notice how chicks you do not like chase after you? They hate rejection.They can tell you do not NEED them.This is how you must act around ALL women.

I hope this helps some of the newer DJ"S....

"sweetie, youre paying for dinner, right?"

Women avoid, men confront.

Only a REAL MAN admits his mistakes.

RULE#1-A woman knows in the first few minutes if she will sleep with you or not.

RULE#2-Regardless of her intentions, a woman will let you spend your time, money and attention on her.

RULE#3- You can't convince anyone to do anything.You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make 'em drink.

If we all took our OWN advice, we'd be alot smarter.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 10, 2002
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I remember when you were greener than an early morning loogie.

"By George, I think he's GOT IT."


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2002
Reaction score
Good post JM. I have the following question:
Posted By Just Me:
<b>Girls are very selfish and ego driven and they want to know that they have "changed you".It makes them feel needed, special and important.If you are nice or mean to everyone, including her,there is nothing for her to change or work on in your personality. A woman LOVES to "work" on their man, sort of like a school project.They can brag to all their girlfriends what a super girl they are.This is why they like the "jerks" or "bad boys", more so than the nice guys or AFC"S</b>
I've noticed this too, and it's a card that I haven't played, yet. I come across as a guy who has his act together. This is one reason that girls date losers (I hate to see it). Girls love to think that they can change them. I'm emotionally and financially stable. I'm also religous. How can use this character flaw in women to my advantage if I'm not a loser who needs to be changed?


Dec 31, 2001
Reaction score
I know what you're talking about JUST ME, but sometimes we don't even notice how much attention we give them.

How do you stop it?


Look at girls and make your mind belive that you are the hottest guy in the world and she is a waste of time to you. Be mean but nice.
What I mean by 'mean' is ignore.
Nice means, smile and talk to her and listen like a Don Juan when they initiate conversation. Sometimes intitiate them too because you might end up like a looser and you don't want that.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
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Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Originally posted by Mark:
I know what you're talking about JUST ME, but sometimes we don't even notice how much attention we give them.

How do you stop it?


Look at girls and make your mind belive that you are the hottest guy in the world and she is a waste of time to you. Be mean but nice.
What I mean by 'mean' is ignore.
Nice means, smile and talk to her and listen like a Don Juan when they initiate conversation. Sometimes intitiate them too because you might end up like a looser and you don't want that.
Here's a tactic that I use sometimes on really hot chicks.

When I was in high school there was this chick named Tracy that had a crush on me. That's kind of a flattering feeling -- at first. But then it just gets annoying. She was not really much to look at, maybe a 5 or 6 at the very best, but she worshipped the ground I walked on and was always trying to talk to me. But I didn't like her *at all*. I was totally disinterested in her and what I didn't realize was that it was making her like me MORE.

Now, whenever I am around a girl who is drop-dead gorgeous or that I'm really attracted to, I just try to pretend that she's Tracy. It works wonders.


"You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you."
Eric Hoffer

"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it."

"Before we set our hearts too much upon anything, let us examine how happy those are who already possess it."
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

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Don Juan
Dec 8, 2001
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The only time I get a ****ing number is when I'm pissed off out of my mind.
Mar 13, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sakuraba:
The only time I get a ****ing number is when I'm pissed off out of my mind.
Also...keep saying your name over and over.
That would get you numbers too.