Some girls think I'm too ****y n good looking


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2005
Reaction score
Ok I sometimes act a lil ****y n I've been told by girls that I'm a real good looking guy n sometimes I kinda get from girls like they feel like they're not good enough 4 me. What should I do? Not be ****y sometimes? Also I'm kinda quite sometimes n people think I'm concieted then also. Should I smile more or wat?

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
You have a rare problem. You're a very good looking/confident guy and your problem is that girls think they are out of your league! you have to remember that girls are very low self steam creatures. They don't ask guys out because a rejection would kill them.

You also got another problem, you are quiet. Being a very good looking guy is what everyone wants to be but unless you go to parties a lot/have tons of friends and are very social, your good looks won't do the work for you!! The only thing your good looks will do for you without you doing any work for it is get you is lots of smiles/looks from girls. That alone is plenty and you just have to be brave and approach those that give you the eye contact/smile. But remember a girl fears asking a guy out more than she fears spiders!

Being good looking only helps when you're very social (and are famous) but if you ain't the two you're only advantage over average looking guys is that you get more eye contact/looks from random girls, and more of them will say yes to you compared to an average looking guy. You still have to ask girls out just like every other guy. Don't expect to be asked out just cause of your looks.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Show them that they are good enough for you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Turn down the ****y a little bit.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Lol what Dan really wanted to say is "if your as good loking as I am, ..." lol
And to the OP, haha most dudes wish they had ur promblem bro


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
Joe The Homophobe said:
The only thing your good looks will do for you without you doing any work for it is get you is lots of smiles/looks from girls. That alone is plenty and you just have to be brave and approach those that give you the eye contact/smile. But remember a girl fears asking a guy out more than she fears spiders!
That's not necessarily true. If you're a good looking guy who is reserved, you'll get fleeting looks occasionally, but girls will often be too intimidated by your looks to smile or give you direct EC. What they will do is, they will check you out when you're not looking. And from my own personal experience, it is damn near impossible to catch them doing this.

A lot of times girls will see a guy they think is really hot and just assume that he is out of their league or that he has a girlfriend. Girls are completely retarded, I know, but this is just kind of how things work. Like you said, they completely lack self confidence when they're faced with the challenge of attracting or approaching the opposite sex.

I get told I'm a really good looking guy all the time, but I will sometimes go days without getting EC or a smile from a girl. That's just how it is. I'm outgoing, but I can also be kind of a reserved person. Reservedness + good-looking face can be damning to a guy, especially if he is still a little bit of an AFC like I was three or four years ago. When I was about 21, I had to really overcome that and force myself to talk to chics even if I wasn't getting EC or smiles from them.

I imagine the OP has this problem. If you have a really good-looking face, you can't be ****y and you can't be shy. If you're shy, you just have to force yourself out of your comfort zone and approach random girls. Literally eight or nine times out of 10 the girl will be into you the second you open her. And when you talk to her, ****y is something you can't be because you're just going to intimidate the hell out of her and come off as arrogant. When I first got to this site about five years ago, I read about ****y+funny and it did not work for me at all when I tried to apply it. What does work, however, is having a thin layer of ****iness. I've played the "good guy with an edge" role for about four years now, and it's just gradually become part of my personality.

I know a lot of guys on the MM forum don't agree with me on this subject, but these are my personal experiences, so I stand pretty firmly behind them. And I also can tell you it gets worse with age. When I was in high school and an underclassman in college, I would have girls give me looks, smile and even approach me all the time. I was too AFC to ever have a ton of success with them back then, but I think I'm still making my point. Once I got to be an upperclassman in college and into my mid-20s, the girls became a lot more cryptic with their EC and their glances.

Anyway, I've probably already taken this thread too far off-topic, but if anyone wants to talk about this further they can PM me. I still think most of this is pretty good advice for the OP.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2005
Reaction score
No im not quite all the time. I just am when Im around people I dont know.
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Don Juan
Jul 4, 2005
Reaction score
haha jagoff

it could be to that i sometimes dress nice cause i work at a business company and i sometimes go to school in a suit n tie cuz i have 2.

ya i get what ur saying but some good looking girls i know like me, get wit the most buster looking dudes.

ya girls are ****ed up in the head. if it werent for ***** id probably be gay lol jp


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
I am a good looking guy and I also have problems.

Girls don't give me much eye contact rarely approach.


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
gunit630 said:
Ok I sometimes act a lil ****y n I've been told by girls that I'm a real good looking guy n sometimes I kinda get from girls like they feel like they're not good enough 4 me. What should I do? Not be ****y sometimes? Also I'm kinda quite sometimes n people think I'm concieted then also. Should I smile more or wat?
You lack charisma and probably aren't talkative with people. I've been in the same situation.. you've got to open up and have more fun. Don't ignore people and don't have an attitude that you're better than everyone


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2005
Reaction score
wheelin&dealin said:
Don't ignore people and don't have an attitude that you're better than everyone
This is a problem that I have been dealing with for some time now... ignoring the "unworthy" seriously will **** up your situation, if you do it, another thing Iv learned is to not be ****y, its the worst thing to do when your a good looking guy. Guys who have mastered the game rarely use ****y funny or negs. they compliment women.