Some Advice My Mother Gave Me...


Sep 3, 2004
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welcome to my world
Ok, I know I have less than a 100 posts, and I'm by no means a DJ yet. Although, I do have a quick story / advice I'd like to share. It's probably already been said, which is why I'm choosing to put it in "Anything Else," since it's by no means original enough for "Tips." The reason I chose to post it is because it's not completely worthless; I was surprised to hear it from my mother (though probably the first time I'd listened). So, this is the way some women really do feel. I mean, even though I've read a ton of stuff of this site, listening to my mom tell me it really ingrains it in my mind even further ... so, I guess what I'm saying is that even though this is old stuff, it probably won't hurt you to hear it again.

I was sitting in the car with my mother today, and she was quite upset with a few things. We have conversations like this one (the one I'm about to summarize) every now and then. She is usually upset with my father and my brother for being too nice, not balancing their lives, and getting 'walked over.'

What she told me was basically what this forum teaches, though this forum is geared mostly towards our interactions with women only. My dad and brother are sometimes too nice. For example, she tells me that at times if they are talking to someone, they may keep doing so even if they have to leave and be somewhere. They help others too much, and those people don't necessarily do much in return.

She tells me that you should be nice to friends and family, but only polite and assertive with everyone else. That will save you a lot of time and you won't waste others' time either by keeping your interactions straight to the point. Be blunt with people, and say what is on your mind. Don't waste time beating around the bush, and people will respect you more for that.

Don't be a workaholic. Life is too short to be working all the time. This means that if you work 9-5, don't create work for yourself after those hours. Balance your life, because that is the only way you can truly enjoy it and live life. You don't want to be 70 and look back at all the times you wasted.

When it comes to women, set a barrier. Don't reveal every detail about your life. Especially when it comes to family, there are some things that are meant to stay between you and your family. If you tell her everything your woman will crawl all over you. (Remember, my mom told me this) I guess not revealing everything will also allow you to maintain that bit of 'mystery' about yourself.

Set aside quality time to spend with your family, and quality time to spend with your girlfriend/wife. For instance, when my brother is at my parents' house and his girlfriend calls he always picks up (and talks for at least 20 minutes each time). She calls him like 4-5 times in only a few hours, and it pisses my mom off that he can't leave her alone for only a few hours and focus on only being with family. She (gf) will respect you more if you set aside quality time. This is very similar to what is taught here. You shouldn't give up all your time to the girl or she will have control; you shouldn't let a girl control you. My mom says she knows guys that are literally enslaved by their wives/women (we know these guys as afcs) ... and it's not good because they spend all day with them and pledge to them but may not 'mentally' be there with their wives; their minds will drift, they won't listen, etc. It is much better to balance and spend less time, if it is quality time.

My brother has unfortunately let his girlfriend 'crawl all over' him. One time, my mom offered him some dessert, and he declined...later, I overheard them arguing, and my brother said something along the lines of his girlfriend wants him to stay lean, so he watches what he eats. Damn. I don't believe my brother is like that. Sure he has what most of you would rate an hb9-10 gf, but he should stay in control. That's the only way for a healthy relationship.

I've never really told my brother anything about it, mainly because I think it would be awkward, and since I don't have a gf at the moment, I don't think he would take me seriously (he is 8 years older too).

She tells me nice guys get walked over and encourages me to not be nice. Never let women walk over or take advantage of you, don't even let it happen once. Be straight forward with women.

Like I mentioned before, my mom told me all this. She is always encouraging me to approach and meet women. Funny thing is, until I found this site, I would never take her advice seriously or make any effort to apply it. You can learn a lot from your parents, so take a few minutes to listen. I wish I'd listened to her long ago. Now that I've found this site I understand how valuable her advice has been all along.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
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Dude, sometimes moms are the jam and really want to help you. At one point in my life when things were really rough, my mom told me "Shizam, the only problem in life that can't be fixed is death." Man that really stuck with me.

Your mom sounds really cool. Be lucky you have such a nice woman in your life.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
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You've got a great mom ..some mom's out there breed AFC's, my parents were neutral never taught me a thing & mom both never had anyone in their lives before they got into an arranged marriage.


Mar 30, 2005
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Austin, Texas
I wish that my mother had of been more like yours.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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My mom told me similar things when I was younger. Respect people but you have to have a back bone. Stand up for yourself because no one else will.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
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My mother told me to do the exact opposite of everything you just said....always treat girls with the respect you would want to be given, you're family will always be here, go spend time with your friends (this always kind of bugged me cus she said it in a 'i'm sick of you' sort of manner), hard work is the key to life

I envy you man, you're mother has really done a good job


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
when people turn into parents and get a little older like around 30 or 40 they start thinking differently . they no longer want to beat around the bush and are very blunt about things. they dont care so much what others think anymore because they know it doesnt really matter.

sounds like your mother wanted to share her newfound knowledge.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
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hahaha, my mum tells me the same things all the time. Especially when it comes to woman, although my dad always told me the opposite. He was an AFC,and like most woman, she knows how to play the game and encourages me to do so. Never let anyone walk over you, especially your girlfriend, becasue most girls will make the most out of an opportunity to manipulate you, even if they personally dont think they are doing so.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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You know what I want to take this knowledge and apply it to my wishy washy girlfriend who suddenly isn't sure if she wants to be in a long distance relationship.

It is almost like I'm dying to say **** or get off the pot!

The Illumi-nation

New Member
Apr 13, 2005
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Photonic proximity
This very much does belong in the Tips section. It has very insightful advice relevant to recovering Nice Guys who sometimes become disillusioned in the strains life can set on us.

Women can sense Niceness in males through your behavior and attitude very quickly. Not having a part in their games projects the alphaness every man has buried in him.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
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strangely i have a family very similar to yours.

my dad is a nice guy afc and would probably let anyone push him around. my mom is like the man of the relationship, she does more stuff than he'll ever do in his lifetime. all my dad does is work, and come home and watch tv.

My bro used to be a very nice guy, and sad to say he somewhat is but lesser. His 3 yr ltr with his gf has left him whipped (sadly). And he basically pays everything for her, so she's a freeloader you could say. But since he never set the standard when they began going out, he'll have to continue paying in the relationship.
so whenever his gf has moodswings or gets *****y/mad, he'll try his best to comfort her.

just recently he took 1 week worth of his vacation days from work, to go to jamaica w/his gf, apparently to visit her so called "dying grandma" which upon returning from his trip, i discovered she wasnt dying after asking him.

But he's only had a few gf's from h.s. to now, guess he's not to confident with the ladies. He's probably afriad to lose his current gf, which is why she pushes him around in the relationship. He's assertive with her sometimes, but if you ask me....not enough.

My mom despises his gf, but hey...there's only so much a parent can do. Funny thing is my mom told my bro over the phone that she sees me as the type taht would annoy the woman, instead of the woman annoying the bf (bro). Which was an insult to my bro!! cause he's had more gfs than me so far. but my mom only speaks the truth, and would despise the day they get married cause she knows in the long run, the relationship wont hold.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2001
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This definitely rings true to me too. I remember way back in the day when I first got into a relationship and it went sour. I lamented over it and knew it was best it ended the way it did, but it wasn't until my mother gave me some advice that I was really able to dissolve the connection I "thought" we had.

My mother told me "don't let a girl make you feel bad. If she does, then she isn't worth it, so find one that does make you feel good." Those words stuck with me back then, and still stick with me today.

Be true to yourself.



Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
Yeah...I knew there were probably others who had heard similar advice from one of their parents...but the mother is usually the one to give such advice, especially if your dad has been "afc." ScrewIt, yeah, our family situations seem oddly similar. My brother has been in an ltr for the past 2 years (him and his gf seem to get along like your bro's relationship), and my mom is pretty much the 'man of the house,' like you say yours is.

I guess my mom just doesn't want me to repeat their mistakes, and has been increasingly pushing me to make the right choices towards becoming a real man. I am very thankful, and am all ears every time she's talked to me since.

Along the same lines, she signed me up for this online newsletter, that sends some interesting articles on success and whatnot. I am by no means taking credit for this advice, and don't want to seem like I'm advertising either, but it's just has some pretty good insight into how to better achieve your goals, which is helping me lately.

Attract Success

Four years ago, while at a party, my friend Sandy Davidson and I realized we had a lot in common. We both went to Cornell University. We both lived in Atlanta. We were married to great women (I hope my wife reads this). We both had dreams of living near the beach and we both wanted a lot more fulfillment from our lives and careers.

A year later I made the move to the beach. Sandy was still in Atlanta, unhappy with his job and life. I began to wonder if he would ever take the leap. Six months ago I received my answer. Sandy and his wife Jenna moved to St. Simons Island, Georgia, only about an hour from where I live. Jenna obtained a job selling real estate while Sandy went to work selling home sites for Sanctuary Cove, a new community being built near St. Simons.

When we went to visit Sandy and Jenna a few months ago, to possibly invest in one of Sandy's home sites, I asked them how they made the move- how they went from where they were to where they wanted to be. Their story is a lesson for us all.

They bought a subscription to Coastal Living Magazine and started looking at all the pictures of houses on the beach. They bought a regular spiral bound notebook and on the front of the notebook they taped a picture of an ocean front home. Every week they held a planning meeting where they wrote their goals, ideas, dreams and plans inside their "move to the beach" notebook. They painted their Atlanta condo "ocean blue" and decorated it as if it was a beach cottage. They hung pictures from Coastal Living Magazine on their walls. Each day they visualized themselves living and working near the beach while they investigated job opportunities in various coastal communities. While their friends and family thought they were crazy for trying to move to a small beach town with a small job market, Sandy and Jenna were focusing their energy and transforming their vision into reality. Now that reality includes a beautiful home in St. Simons Island, just minutes from a beach. Jenna has a thriving real estate business and Sandy is one of the top sales people in all of Blue Green Corp-the company that owns Sanctuary Cove. They are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams and it is not by accident. Their recipe is something we all can follow...

They had a powerful vision.
If you can see it, you can create it. What you think about you attract.

They acted as if it was already happening by decorating their condo like a beach cottage.
When you act "as if" you become a magnet and receive the energy you project.

They wrote down their goals and plans.
By writing down your goals and plans the energy becomes more powerful and real.

They met often to discuss these plans.
With a team approach you create a powerful collective energy that propels you forward.

They ignored the doubters.
When your vision and belief is stronger than anyone's negativity, nothing can stop you from achieving your goals.

They invested their time and energy to make this happen.
Your focused energy, attention and action transform thoughts and ideas into reality.

They made the move and took a chance.
To achieve great things action is required-often in the face of fear and uncertainty.

So now I ask, "What success do you want to attract?" Whether you want to start a business, increase your sales, obtain a promotion, get fit, or make a life change, you must start by projecting powerful energy that attracts success into your life. Start thinking about what you want to create. Start writing down your goals. Think about your vision and your goals often. Place your attention and energy on the very things you want to create. Take a break from the radio and television and spend your energy broadcasting your goals and dreams over your own media network. And of course... take action. A Chinese proverb reminds us that talk doesn't cook rice. Action is necessary. You must take the leap. You must put forth the energy to transform your vision into realty. So have fun, work hard, enjoy the moment and trust that the energy you project, you will attract and receive. It worked for Sandy and Jenna and I believe it will work for you.

May your day be filled with boundless energy!
- Jon

phone: 904.285.6842
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Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
This is an awesome thread.

Just what I needed right now...


Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world


Master Don Juan
Sep 23, 2004
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Inyurvij Eina
Damn, you have an awesome mom. I wish I had grown up with at least one parent like that. My dad is far from "spineless" when it comes to business and whatnot, but when dealing with people on a social/family/etc level, he's such a supplicative afc with no life of his own that it makes me sick. My mom isn't any better, but for different reasons. They never really tried to teach my anything truly valuable or useful about life. I never really had anyone to look up to as a role model in my life, so it's kinda sad to say I don't know what my attitude towards life, women, etc would be if it weren't for sites like this. They really have opened my eyes.

You're lucky to have a mom like that. Maybe you should have a good, hard talk with your brother?


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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My mom says I have to marry a girl from a rich family who can cook, clean, and is a stay-at-home wife.