Some Advice Keeping her


New Member
Mar 18, 2004
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England aAhHH!
Right, there’s this girl I’ve been on and off with for the past few weeks. Where in the same class at school. We mainly get together on weekends and we've messed around and stuff. I know she likes me, but I did the stupid mistake of telling her I was beginning to like her.
We got to talking and she totally opened up on me, saying that she gets frightened when guys like her, that she’s afraid to get hurt. Shes the kind that wont ever show there feelings, she’s always trying to be tough, but its paper thin. She’s never even been with someone more than like two week. And before me, she had done NOThing with a guy. I had her down to her panties in spare bedroom at a party last week. (Until we were.. interrupted :S)
I would have no problem continuing just messing around with her, but I want her to MyselF!:D
So I don’t know what to do. Any advice would be appreciated.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
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ask her to an exclusive relationship.


Don Juan
May 6, 2004
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Alexandria, VA
Yeah, man, there ain't nothing wrong with letting a girl know that you're into her. You've just gotta do it the right way. After all, it's up to us guys to initiate things. Conversation, dating, hooking up, and, yes, going out, too. Now, saying the words "I like you" ain't exactly what I'd call the numero uno way of going about things, but it seems like you actually triggered a good response out of that, so don't worry about it. You're a DJ, remember? You don't sweat about making mistakes. Don't get nervous or anxious.

This girl sounds like she trusts you a lot if you're the first guy she's ever messed around with. On top of that, she let down her barrier and brought you in to let you know some of her really deep secrets. You seem like you're in pretty good with this girl, so I think you should follow Lik's advice and ask her to become official sometime soon. Other than that, I can't see what you're so worried about. She's hooking up with you and putting a lot of trust in you. Sounds like a goldmine to me.


New Member
Mar 18, 2004
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England aAhHH!
but if i told her i wanted us to go exclusive, i know she would back off. Shes afraid of gettin close to people, shes scared of gettin hurt or hurtin someone. we aint been tlking for a week now, though i always catch her looking, and online she trys to chat to me, but i just kinda ignore her. I need to get things back to how they were, but without letting her know i like her, she thinks i dont like her at the moment. Ill probably see her at the weekend at another party, any suggestions on wat i should do, i appreciate the help agen.

oh and yeh, im from a strange town haha, englands weird


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
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I would never ask to be exclusive with a girl just because it's hard to judge her interest from that. I would say keep messing around, possibly ask her where all this is going, but truthfully, if you display interest and she wants a relationship, she'll ask you. You'd do the same if a girl was all up on you and you wanted her and wanted a relationship. But I say it's the girls job to initiate all that, simply because it's too hard figuring out what a girl really wants.

So you can ask her where she thinks the relationship is going. Otherwise, keep messing with her, go on dates with her, do couples things, and just start acting a little like a boyfriend. See where that ends up.

Jerky Boi

Master Don Juan
Feb 10, 2004
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I agree. I wouldn't right off the bat tell her that you "like her" simply because you really don't know how she feels about the whole situation. Gain her interest a little more and get her to trust you more. Maybe one day she wont be scared of hurting you and you guys will be exclusive. Because like you said, she's scared of having guys like her. I can understand that too, because I've known quite a few girls that share the same feelings.

But, on the other hand, if you wait too long she might find someone that will ask her out and you'll regret missing your chance. It's really your call. Just make sure you read her signs and whenever you think she's ready, go for it.