Jumping on this post because TOO much misinformation is being spread.
1. You saw what? 3 Approaches? At best, 20 approaches, maybe...and you can LABEL these men or any men who are similar to these guys as typically unsucessful?
You know the only thing you're spreading is your OWN REALITY. That's it. And that's fine. But guys who feel this way or are overweight or are tall and skinny shouldn't FEEL that way, because anyone who bases it SOLELY on looks might as well scanter down to the bunny ranch and bang chicks.
MANY girls have known a model or 2. Be it an A&F model, a model for designer clothes, or just some beefy model. What you would label as hot guys, and the DESIRABLE woman will take a 5-8 with charisma and character and confidence and manliness OVER a 9-10 that's metro with no personality.
The only thing I see here is another MATRIX TRAP, sucking guys back into some demonic hole of the mind. I ignore and invalidate guys who say such things as you Skip. It's sad to see a member of these boards come on and only post what he knows in his own reality. That's it. You can't lather these stats across 1,000 guys, or 1,000 approaches. And I don't really care if you attempt to.
The point is, THAT'S YOUR REALITY, not guys everywhere else. All you do is give a guy who might be seeking to improve an EXCUSE to not IMPROVE, because like all AFC's, they're crabs, and they yank each back down with their negativity. Your attitude, is also reflective of why those guys in the video AT FIRST DIDN'T HAVE success. Had they been confident, OK with who they are and WHERE they are going, they'd AT LEAST bag some cuties.
What, do you want a 100% closing ratio? This attraction thing isn't perfect, yet guys try to boil it down to some exact science. There's a lot of women that DON'T go for the cut/built style, and prefer a thicker football-type. Shyt, I have a guy on my Flag Football team who's got pimples, a pot belly, and yet he has a girl who's a 6-7. Very nice body. Petite. The kind you could lift in a shower and bang.
The point of all this is...who you are TODAY isn't who you'll be. EVERY guy has been rejected. Sometimes its just difference of lifestyle. Or maybe it's different of wants. It's attraction. Again, attraction ISN'T a choice, but that doesn't mean if you become her DON JUAN she'll want you anyways. Even if you're manly, maybe you're not the skater, or surfer, or athlete, or prep, she wants. In the end it IS not about what SHE WANTS, it's ALWAYS about what you want. That's it. And if she's so EASY to dismiss you, then why would you want a woman with such poor quality in taste?
Not to mention, like poker, you have to KNOW when to hold 'em, fold 'em, or go all in. There are times when direct approaches work, and there are times when they won't work. My current gf wouldn't have fvcked on the first or second date, and I didn't want to, nor did I care, but I can't get her to STOP and let me watch football. Seriously. It's the "girl next door" phenomenon where she's good, down to earth, but wants a relationship to let loose her womanly desires, and that's what I prefer, because she's reasonably pure and unused, unlike most American women.
If you keep this negative attitude, you're only going to be left with NICE fat girls, OR, Pretty, Fvcked Up Bytches. The glut of posts on such topics, suggest most guys are LOWERING than standards JUST to get cute girls, RATHER than raising themselves up and learning who they are and what to do. It isn't neuro surgery. It isn't.
Are looks a problem? There's a HUNDRED ways to fix that.
Are your approach skills a problem? There's a million ways to approach that, too.
Need a wing man? There's plenty of guys wanting someone to sarge with.
Need ideas of where to go? Plenty of ideas, too.
THIS IS NOT FVCKING ROCKET SCIENCE. Your own RELATIVES have done it since the beginning of time, and found ways to adapt because obviously ya'll who are reading this MADE IT HERE. Only time will tell what the strength of your mind and genetic line truly are.
The only thing you do is create a STRONGER prison in your own mind of what you're capable and what you're not capable of. The biggest problem with those AFC's or ANY AFC's is that 1) they think they're not worthy of anything; i.e. low self-image, or improper self-image of what they want 2) they think the woman they desire is of high-worthiness and prizability, they don't realize she's a woman LIKE ALL the rest, full of baggage, ridiculous emotions, blood dripping from her pvssy once a month, and likely to make you ditch your friends for her, but out of 100, you might find 1 worth staying with for more than a week. 3) so their actions DICTATE the outcome."WHAT WE THINK ABOUT WE BRING ABOUT." WINNERS THINK ABOUT THE OUTCOME. THEY THINK ABOUT WHAT THEY WANT. HOW THEY WANT TO FEEL. AND THEN FIGURE HOW TO GET THERE. If you see the obstacle, FIGURE A PLAN TO GET AROUND IT. That's it.
You what the AFC's BIG BIG PROBLEM is?
They're afraid of LIFE. If you notice the COMMON thread of what most GURU's try to teach, it's about HER. It's about observing and having fun. And the guys who are big, or ugly as so many KBJ's put it here, get chicks because THEY HAVE life. They're alive. They're not trapped in the mind. They don't see a hot chick, they see something interesting that they can begin a conversation on. If you don't see that in a girl, OF COURSE approaching is tough. It's like trying to sell a person a product they don't even need or can afford. Same thing with women. Why convert a woman who's taken? Why go after a woman you're not the least bit interested in talking to? If you see a girl with a unique drink @ the bar, ask her wtf it is. If she snubs you, why would you want an unfriendly bytch anyways. Move on. Later when she sees you talking to someone else, she'll probably approach YOU, because she'll see it wasn't some lamearse PUA approach, but one made by a person to a person, or a man to a woman. The AFC fears LIFE, because women are just one component of life. Most AFC's try to BUILD a life, rather than LIVE with GENUINE curiousity like a CHILD moving through it, trying to experience the most. DROP THE VEILS of the mind. FORGET whatever crap comes in an LIVE. Each day, each moment is TRULY unique. You're given the gift of opportunity, and your TRUE fight is to FIGHT THE MIND and the crap it gives back. WIN, and you win LIFE. You win awareness. You win consciousness. AND maybe, you win a ticket to HEAVEN. Maybe that's what heaven is, BEATING THE MIND THAT HOLDS YOU BACK. Yet, you let. Many of you, with your incessant posts on NOT BEING able to do something. You can't fight a fire by throwing more gas on it, and you can't beat a woman by PLAYING her games, so why would you attempt to FIX a problem that originates in the mind anyways??? GET OUT THERE LIVE LIFE. There's 3 billion women, and more being born ever second. ENJOY. Who cares if she nexts you?! Hold firm these thoughts ALL times, and you'll succeed. Lose sight of them, and you'll fall off the path.