Social Success = Women Success


New Member
Aug 22, 2004
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I was just listening to a tape by David DeAngelo and thought of some things that he hadn't mentioned.

He was talking about how women and men would look for partners who would provide good genes for off-spring. Men would look more to the physical, whilst women would look for more personality traits. Of course both work the other way around, but there is a primary instinct there.

Today, I had watched a program about apes and saw about the dominant male who would get all the women he wanted. He had two major advantages over the other apes..
1) He had proven his strength to be the best
2) Everybody respected him

1) Is obvious. It could easily be that women are attracted to the biggest, strongest man out there.. but really, I dont think anyone believes that's true - but it does come into the equation.
2) He has everybody respecting him! It almost needs to be repeated! How many of you out there value the respect of the people around you & feel bad when people dont respect you?

Respect is social acceptance. Respect can come in various ways.

The easiest way, if you are bigger than everyone else, is to throw yourself about and show that you are boss and scare everyone to respect you.

Another way is to be a good person.. be nice to everyone else and they will be nice to you.

That must translate to you being a social success and so will gain more women.. but wait.. its not true. Being nice to everybody does give you some degree of respect and social acceptance. It shows you care about others - a valued asset... but, if you take it too far, it shows that you are a "wuss" who can't or is not willing stand up for himself!

From this you lose respect. In fact, you become quite neutral. Not really stirring up any great positive or negative effects on women. That means they see you, but dont notice you!

Think about rock stars. They get social acceptance because thousands and thousands of people would happily stand to watch them perform. If a girl were to be with one of these guys she'd feel so great!! Even if he cheated her like ****e.. she's still with someone who stands out from everyone else!

The female ape is also more willing to be with the leader of the group...

So think about why certain people get lots of women. Here are a few examples:
Aggressive (Strong against other people)
Funny (Popular amongst other people)
Strong (Potentially better than other people)
Talented (Better than other people)
Confident (More secure in himself than other people)
Successful (Can give more to her than other people)
Fun! (Can give a better time than other people)

I'm sure the list goes on.

So think about it, think about how you act socially, and the other people around you who are good with girls socially. Then compare yourself with them. Which would be the best socially?

Sometimes you will win. If someone is a druggie, you'll win, because its socially bad. If someone is very confident, you may lose because you aren't as confident.. even if their confidence can be perceived by yourself as negative.

I think its an interesting theory. Does anyone have any examples of how their social superiority has had a strong effect on women?

My example would be that, when working as a temp for several months. I proved myself as an excellent employee and became the "leader" of the temporary staff. At that time I was very flirty. Before I left for university, I had 4/5 girls I had "underneath" me all showing their feelings for me. It was great, but I'm sure a lot was to do with the way I projected myself as a social leader in comparison to the others around them.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 13, 2004
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Happy Hunting Grounds
I worked in a bar once and the amount of fanny that threw themselves at me was astonishing.
All because of my percieved work is actually poorly paid and unsociable so its a total contradiction.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
Girls that are self-confident and reassured will seek out some of these traits.

On the other hand, the lack of self-confidence and insecurity is inversly proportional to what said girl feels worthy of and will seek out for traits.

How many times have you seen a girl like this with a total Schmuck? Many a time.


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2004
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Los Angeles
So think about why certain people get lots of women. Here are a few examples:
Aggressive (Strong against other people)
Funny (Popular amongst other people)
Strong (Potentially better than other people)
Talented (Better than other people)
Confident (More secure in himself than other people)
Successful (Can give more to her than other people)
Fun! (Can give a better time than other people)
How many other ways can we say "confident?"



Don Juan
Feb 11, 2005
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Another way is to be a good person.. be nice to everyone else and they will be nice to you.
Bah, totall bull, unfortunately. The whole traet other people as you would like to be traeyed is a good concept, but if you start doing it it doesn't necesarily mean they will be nice to you. I'm always nice to everyone but they always beat the **** out of me verbally just to show off and get a laugh.

I wish it wasn't this way.

Anwyay just saying that unfortunately it doesnt always work like that!



Don Juan
Feb 8, 2005
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Originally posted by THX

He was talking about how women and men would look for partners who would provide good genes for off-spring. Men would look more to the physical, whilst women would look for more personality traits. Of course both work the other way around, but there is a primary instinct there.

Today, I had watched a program about apes and saw about the dominant male who would get all the women he wanted. He had two major advantages over the other apes..
1) He had proven his strength to be the best
2) Everybody respected him

1) He had proven his strength to be the best =Dominant
2) Everybody respected him =Dominant

.....Sum it up............ Be a MAN!


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2004
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Originally posted by Haboob
Bah, totall bull, unfortunately. The whole traet other people as you would like to be traeyed is a good concept, but if you start doing it it doesn't necesarily mean they will be nice to you. I'm always nice to everyone but they always beat the **** out of me verbally just to show off and get a laugh.

I wish it wasn't this way.

Anwyay just saying that unfortunately it doesnt always work like that!


As long as you remain a confident guy with backbone, you can be as nice to people as you want and gain respect from it.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2004
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Somewhere in Europe
Great post!

I spent several minutes today thinking about the exact same thing, only my example was from observation of DOGs, but the same basis. You beat me too it, kudos!

I found out a way that you can be as nice as you want and still get total respect.

I learned this from observing a good friend of mine who's pretty feckin' good with girls and socially in general.

How? Simple. You can be as nice to people as you could possibily want to be (like he is), but when someone does something to make you angry you get REALLY ANGRY.

Anger = Threat. If something's a threat, you're not going to mess with it.

Basically, act real nice, but at the first sign of disrespect literally EXPLODE. Not the "I'm so inferior to you kind of anger", but the "I'ma beat the living **** out of you in two seconds unless you lick my shoes and then run like hell" angry.

Being a threat is an easy way to gain respect. NOTE: You don't have to be physically strong for this. You can become real angry without becoming offensive (and thus not risking getting beat up), by increasing your voice tone 200% and threatening your friendship - "Frankly I don't give a **** whether any of you are my friends, and I'd disconsider you all in two seconds, so becareful and shut the **** up" has worked.

And plus if you start out with a pissed off confident attitude (like that's the first impression of you), and follow the above you won't be put in a position where you're being totally disrespected.


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
Right... that or they'll think you're a psycho tightass and not want to be very close friends at all... that's great for associates but some girls might be too scared to be your friend... so you have to have some balance there.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
Somewhere in Europe
Originally posted by tyciol
Right... that or they'll think you're a psycho tightass and not want to be very close friends at all... that's great for associates but some girls might be too scared to be your friend... so you have to have some balance there.
Of course you need BALANCE. But my point is clear, showing anger at the sign of disrespect WILL get you respect. People DO NOT like having others angry at them, and they'll avoid the situation.

We open exceptions to TEASING, which is obviously fun for the person implying it on us, and can be fun if we take it as a SPORT -- but if drags on use anger to cut it off [it's easy].

When someone playfully negs you it's not exactly disrespect, but often a sign of intimacy, and you then chose how to comply depending on the relationship you're trying to develop. That's BALANCE.