Simply stated; social proof is displaying you are in demand, a prize to win over, you are popular, cool, fun person, have likeable qualities. This status can give you an edge from the moment they glance in your direction. It’s all about perception, how others view you. You want to strive to exude success when interacting with others. When you project social proof it’s like having a backstage pass to all the major events. Lets take a look at some ways of projecting social proof.
1. AVATAR-you heard clothes make the man, well it’s true. How you dress and the accessories you incorporate all influence how you feel about yourself and how others see you. Put on some sun glasses, smoke a cigarette and you get instant transformation. The goal her is to make others say “Ya he’s cool”.
2. BODY LANGUAGE-how you stand, the way you walk, the look on your face, even how you hold your drink all speak volumes and convey a sub-text no amount of words could portray.
3. WINGMAN-having a cool wingman on your side especially if she is a female gives you added value.
4. PROPS-having gadgets, gizmos, a nice car, gold jewelry, expensive watch, big house, huge band account all exude sex appeal.
5. POLISHING-a golden tan, white teeth, impeccable hygiene, manicured nails, good physique all scream confidence.
6. HARD COPY PROOF-this works wonders online in addition to infield. Pictures of you at famous places, with famous people, pics of you with other women, pets, babies, pics of you in a magazine, video of you with other women or at a party, * testimonials from women on social net-working sites or dating sites, endorsements from wingman, friends, ex partners, etc
7. STATUS-if you know the owner, doorman, DJ, head bar tender, band member, police chief, author, anyone in authority, you are instantly cool by association. When you are in the spotlight people gravitate towards you.
8. AWARDS-if you have an important title, won any awards, contest winner, letters of recognition, trophies, prizes, been on t.v. or movie, play, written a book, published an article/poem, high I.Q., etc
9. FEMALE FRIENDS-being comfortable around cute women and having them as friends makes you appear confident, natural, sociable, and less creepy than standing alone.
you can make it appear you have social proof by designing a testimonial from a “HOT CHIC” along with a random picture of said hot chic and posting it on your profile. List your occupation as someone cool, admirable, authoritative. Examples: DJ, author, CEO, fireman, police officer, teacher, Doctor, Lawyer, model, actor, athlete, etc. It’s not compensating for any shortcomings, its more accentuating your positives to the max.