Distant Light
Master Don Juan
Well was reading some guys post and figured might as well post about Social Proof and Peacocking that I've seen in the field. http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=94160
Well in that kids post he talked about him having A dumb look and I used to have that too and also talk about that.
There are 2 things that I've found can get a girl more attracted before you even say a word to her.
Social proof - Being seen walking with girls, girls will look at you way more than anything else.
A Crowd- Peacocking and basically dressing like your a cool dude.
While I have been considered good looking, (By male teacher, and a few older ladies, and girls) Its not that many girls that constantly look at me maybe because I used to have a dumb look on my face. I remember back when I never knew about this site on the bus a chick was trying to sneak a picture of me on her cell phone I knew she wanted too. Since I was on the bus she was giving me IOIs and before we even was on the bus she was giving IOIs. She was showing IODs the the kid that i guess was trying to talk to her and was giving me IOIs.
-So she moves to the side of me (3 seats to my right) and gives her friend the phone to take the picture and I look at the corner of my Eye and see the camera on the phone pointed at me. Then she goes "Why does he have a dumb look in the picture."
-Another time in afc days again was at the bus stop chillin on the wall, a group of girls from the school down the block are coming, 1 girl in the group brushes me and says "Are you waiting for me?" with her hand on her hip and her ass kinda out. (Nice ass) But another day she walks past same spot and says "Why does he look retarded" (God I remember those days, more than 20 girls from that way alone gave me many IOIs)
-Well enough of the bad lets talk about the good, always have a relaxed comfortable in your own skin type of BL. Usually look like your just relaxing, and just cool as fuvk.when I started doing that I no longer had that dumb look on and I actually got approached.
Social Proof
This i found gives you the most pre attraction more than anything else. As mentioned a lot of times I have a fake gf, mainly used for social proof, a hb8. While I never kissed her or fuvked her (Because her ex-bf is my friend and he still kinda talks to her but i know she wants me
) all the girls see me with her so the instantly think I'm cool, suddenly girls I dont know are calling my name, Guys I don't know are giving me fives. Then all of a sudden more girls that I already know comes up to me and just wants to chill which gives me even more social proof.
Picture this
Act as if you were in my class and followed me around this is how you would be seeing my social proof.
-Walks in busting on female security have her laughing, giving fives to anybody on my way to my friends lock.
-Get to class late and instantly 3 hbs including hbfakegf are all happy to see me and are saying hi to me, everyone is looking at me and what I'm going to do. Having them laugh and talking to me, to the point teacher wants to move me from that area.
- Lunch time constantly got girls coming to my table, group of friends laughing everyone looking to see whats going on over there. An guess where our table is... In the dead smack middle, talk about social pressure.
-Gym having 2 girls constantly on me and there atleast 80 ppl in my gym class so everyone is seeing this.
Memorable things due to social proof
-Many girls are surprised that I don't have a gf, its kinda like a "WTF" look that they give me.
-People asking me if hbfakegf and I go out
-Proximity, if you were to look at me in school there are always girls around me hoping i speak to them.
-Back in AFC days was social proofed by 2 girls and 3 girls was watching so next period I happen to go on the 3rd floor and girl says to her friend "There goes your boo" didnt know who was the girl that liked me, but girl then goes on to say "He wasn't with just 1 bitvh he was with 2 bitvhes."
-Other girls just come up to me and kino me
-Girls play with my briads
-Alot of jealousy plotlines due to Social proof alone
-Girls calling me a pick up artist
Thats all I can remember off the top of my head.
Now many people really don't get what peacocking is and take it out of proportion. I think almost everyone peacocks some more than others. Anything that stands out, that isn't generic. (For example everyone was to wear the same blue polo shirt, and 1 kid happen to wear a black and white striped polo shirt. That would be considered peacocking because you stand out and will get social pressure because your the only one wearing that. No one says you have to peacock to the point where you look like you look like you just jumpped out of a story book. By just wearing something no one sees regularly is peacocking because people then look at you and want to know about you and your cloth or item. It can be anything your wearing. Also it would be more congruent to peacock based on what you do, like doing, or sub culture group you are associated in. If you are a biker it would be incongruent to wear gamer cloth.
Based on my AFC days I used to peacock real hard and got cracked on by some people but girls wanted to know about me, I used to have reddish,blackish looking pants, got cracked on by same friends that called it HOT pink pants, because at times the way the light it, it could look like a reddish pink. Peacocked off of having a jacket that would make me look like a rapper, Wore that once and everyone was staring at me I'm not going to lie i felt real fuvking pimp and confidence boost.
So now that I do know about this site what am I using to peacock, while i do want to peacock more than what I have now i'm just worry about my game time being. Right now I have some 400-500 Versace glasses that is kinda thick. Get cracked on by some of the guys but alot of girls want to see it and they also presume that I have money even though everything else is generic as fuvk.
Now my friend peacock his ass off this guy got the 500 dollar leather jacket that makes him look like a str8 rapper, he got some wierd cloth coogi pants, and jordans. Instantly girls eye him and he also has the mindset of him being a cool dude which just fits perfectly. Alot of girls give him AIs. He has custom made shirts with his dancing name. I used to think this kid had a way with the girls. But then as it got hot he couldn't wear it so now he was just like me with just alittle peacocking to none, and the AIs he used to get was no more, but when he had all that peacocking sh!t Guys and Girls used to approach him and just thought he was cool because of it.
From the interactions I've seen over here that had to do with peacocking alone is that, if your peacocking your considered a cool dude. Friend used to peacock wearing some never before seen exclusive jerseys and everyone thought he was cool, people approached him. I have these NBA jeans that I've only seen 2 other ppl wearing it that is about 125 and people used to give me more AIS and wanted to know me. Also had a cartoon character on my shirt and got approached by some girl saying "You can't have sylvester with out the tweety" (Back in my AFC days so didnt approach)
All in all Peacocking can go a long way ppl will assume your cool just by what your wearing. No one says to wear everything crazy but 2 or 3 things that stand out can go a long way.
Well in that kids post he talked about him having A dumb look and I used to have that too and also talk about that.
There are 2 things that I've found can get a girl more attracted before you even say a word to her.
Social proof - Being seen walking with girls, girls will look at you way more than anything else.
A Crowd- Peacocking and basically dressing like your a cool dude.
While I have been considered good looking, (By male teacher, and a few older ladies, and girls) Its not that many girls that constantly look at me maybe because I used to have a dumb look on my face. I remember back when I never knew about this site on the bus a chick was trying to sneak a picture of me on her cell phone I knew she wanted too. Since I was on the bus she was giving me IOIs and before we even was on the bus she was giving IOIs. She was showing IODs the the kid that i guess was trying to talk to her and was giving me IOIs.
-So she moves to the side of me (3 seats to my right) and gives her friend the phone to take the picture and I look at the corner of my Eye and see the camera on the phone pointed at me. Then she goes "Why does he have a dumb look in the picture."
-Another time in afc days again was at the bus stop chillin on the wall, a group of girls from the school down the block are coming, 1 girl in the group brushes me and says "Are you waiting for me?" with her hand on her hip and her ass kinda out. (Nice ass) But another day she walks past same spot and says "Why does he look retarded" (God I remember those days, more than 20 girls from that way alone gave me many IOIs)
-Well enough of the bad lets talk about the good, always have a relaxed comfortable in your own skin type of BL. Usually look like your just relaxing, and just cool as fuvk.when I started doing that I no longer had that dumb look on and I actually got approached.
Social Proof
This i found gives you the most pre attraction more than anything else. As mentioned a lot of times I have a fake gf, mainly used for social proof, a hb8. While I never kissed her or fuvked her (Because her ex-bf is my friend and he still kinda talks to her but i know she wants me
Picture this
Act as if you were in my class and followed me around this is how you would be seeing my social proof.
-Walks in busting on female security have her laughing, giving fives to anybody on my way to my friends lock.
-Get to class late and instantly 3 hbs including hbfakegf are all happy to see me and are saying hi to me, everyone is looking at me and what I'm going to do. Having them laugh and talking to me, to the point teacher wants to move me from that area.
- Lunch time constantly got girls coming to my table, group of friends laughing everyone looking to see whats going on over there. An guess where our table is... In the dead smack middle, talk about social pressure.
-Gym having 2 girls constantly on me and there atleast 80 ppl in my gym class so everyone is seeing this.
Memorable things due to social proof
-Many girls are surprised that I don't have a gf, its kinda like a "WTF" look that they give me.
-People asking me if hbfakegf and I go out
-Proximity, if you were to look at me in school there are always girls around me hoping i speak to them.
-Back in AFC days was social proofed by 2 girls and 3 girls was watching so next period I happen to go on the 3rd floor and girl says to her friend "There goes your boo" didnt know who was the girl that liked me, but girl then goes on to say "He wasn't with just 1 bitvh he was with 2 bitvhes."
-Other girls just come up to me and kino me
-Girls play with my briads
-Alot of jealousy plotlines due to Social proof alone
-Girls calling me a pick up artist
Thats all I can remember off the top of my head.
Now many people really don't get what peacocking is and take it out of proportion. I think almost everyone peacocks some more than others. Anything that stands out, that isn't generic. (For example everyone was to wear the same blue polo shirt, and 1 kid happen to wear a black and white striped polo shirt. That would be considered peacocking because you stand out and will get social pressure because your the only one wearing that. No one says you have to peacock to the point where you look like you look like you just jumpped out of a story book. By just wearing something no one sees regularly is peacocking because people then look at you and want to know about you and your cloth or item. It can be anything your wearing. Also it would be more congruent to peacock based on what you do, like doing, or sub culture group you are associated in. If you are a biker it would be incongruent to wear gamer cloth.
Based on my AFC days I used to peacock real hard and got cracked on by some people but girls wanted to know about me, I used to have reddish,blackish looking pants, got cracked on by same friends that called it HOT pink pants, because at times the way the light it, it could look like a reddish pink. Peacocked off of having a jacket that would make me look like a rapper, Wore that once and everyone was staring at me I'm not going to lie i felt real fuvking pimp and confidence boost.
So now that I do know about this site what am I using to peacock, while i do want to peacock more than what I have now i'm just worry about my game time being. Right now I have some 400-500 Versace glasses that is kinda thick. Get cracked on by some of the guys but alot of girls want to see it and they also presume that I have money even though everything else is generic as fuvk.
Now my friend peacock his ass off this guy got the 500 dollar leather jacket that makes him look like a str8 rapper, he got some wierd cloth coogi pants, and jordans. Instantly girls eye him and he also has the mindset of him being a cool dude which just fits perfectly. Alot of girls give him AIs. He has custom made shirts with his dancing name. I used to think this kid had a way with the girls. But then as it got hot he couldn't wear it so now he was just like me with just alittle peacocking to none, and the AIs he used to get was no more, but when he had all that peacocking sh!t Guys and Girls used to approach him and just thought he was cool because of it.
From the interactions I've seen over here that had to do with peacocking alone is that, if your peacocking your considered a cool dude. Friend used to peacock wearing some never before seen exclusive jerseys and everyone thought he was cool, people approached him. I have these NBA jeans that I've only seen 2 other ppl wearing it that is about 125 and people used to give me more AIS and wanted to know me. Also had a cartoon character on my shirt and got approached by some girl saying "You can't have sylvester with out the tweety" (Back in my AFC days so didnt approach)
All in all Peacocking can go a long way ppl will assume your cool just by what your wearing. No one says to wear everything crazy but 2 or 3 things that stand out can go a long way.