Social life: Anyone else in here want more than JUST women alone. Did the ship sail after college?


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2016
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I have had my greatest and more sexual experiences AFTER 40yo

just sayn'


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2012
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Eye of the storm
It's weird for me because I do have a pretty good social life but all my friends are younger. I'm 28 and still hit the clubs on the regular with friend much younger than me.

Last weekend I was on it with an 18 year old HBB and I had a great night and great sex but for one thing when I was out and she would say hi to male friends her age I was like wow... these guys look like little kids, and the two day hangover just made me feel old.

It's weird though because basically everyone I know who's my age is lame. All the dudes are shacked with old 28 year old past prime single mothers and they are out of shape and seemed to just give up.
I second this wholeheartedly. Minus the hangover :D


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
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I'm in my early 30s now and I seldom go out to bars/clubs/lounges I have gone out my fair share and I find these places boring now....sure I'll still go out here and there (fashion show, art event etc) but honestly I rather travel somewhere new

It's hard meeting new people that's for sure
I can relate to this. I had a great social life in my 20s and early 30s.

Everything got turned upside down when I was the first one of my married friends to get divorced. Now, suddenly, I found I couldn't relate to my married bros anymore. No more couples hanging together, generally no couples parties, so I had to find new social spheres with single people because divorced people relate with single people better than married people.

At mid 30s, I didn't imagine this reality, but there I'm now. I'm learning to be comfortable with this paradigm and have found some interesting and cool people to do activities with like hiking, board games, or beer socials.

I guess you have to find your niche hangout, be it fashion show minded people or art events or even like-minded individuals that want to travel together. Sounds like that is working out for you since you mentioned it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2015
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Game works on everybody. The reason a lot of guys come to form self-limiting judgments--i.e., everybody's old & married; I don't like the club scene anymore; meet up groups suck--is that they quit finding ways to stimulate themselves and become engaged in those environments. If you're not engaging yourself, no one else will find you particularly engaging either. Also, a lot of the guys here are introverted--nothing wrong with that--but it means you have to force yourself to go out and game the outer world to conform to your inner world instead of wasting effort the other way around or retreating into your head and feeling like a perpetual 'outsider'--since you're the little special snowflake who's too good to enjoy life.

Trust me, I've been there. A year ago I felt like I 'missed the boat,' that 'life was over,' that 'what I wanted just wasn't out there.' But the truth was that I was judgmental, self-suppressing, egotistical, negative, self-alienating and 'waiting for life to happen to me.'

Try something. Go out tonight or today--even if it's to the fvcking grocery store--and pretend you're the owner. Pretend you're a fvcking rock star. Focus on how that would feel--how would that person interact with that environment & the people in it? How would he carry himself? How would he talk? And focus on embodying that. You'll feel fake at first & you'll get some negative reactions but use those to reinforce your image of your ideal self. Eventually, your reality will be so strong that it'll suck other people into it and elevate them to the level you seek. Most people are capable of being interesting, of being engaging, of being compliant--they desperately want a reality to buy into since they live fragmented lives consisting of work, TV, internet, stress, bills, etc. They're all looking for interesting, like-minded people--you have to step up, stop looking and start creating and force people to wake up (and they will lol).

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
I can relate to this. I had a great social life in my 20s and early 30s.

Everything got turned upside down when I was the first one of my married friends to get divorced. Now, suddenly, I found I couldn't relate to my married bros anymore. No more couples hanging together, generally no couples parties, so I had to find new social spheres with single people because divorced people relate with single people better than married people.

At mid 30s, I didn't imagine this reality, but there I'm now. I'm learning to be comfortable with this paradigm and have found some interesting and cool people to do activities with like hiking, board games, or beer socials.

I guess you have to find your niche hangout, be it fashion show minded people or art events or even like-minded individuals that want to travel together. Sounds like that is working out for you since you mentioned it.
any luck meeting models?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
No, Gao. I was referring to if your success in obtaining plates or general success with the fashion shows, then to stick to it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2015
Reaction score
Pretty much summed up my current life. you make it sound easy on text though. Although I have somewhat tried and have no luck and it's killing me.
It's like building a muscle. Change won't happen overnight--you have a lifetime of thought patterns and 'personality' to rewire.

I highly recommend meditation--every single day. I have a detailed thread on that here. I also recommend going out and cold approaching 2-3x a week. Trust me, it sucks at first. I got flat out rejected more times in the past year than I ever have in my whole life--until I didn't anymore. But every rejection is a chance to grow and solidify your reality. Learn to find amusement in rejection.

When interacting with people, focus on the following:
  • What can I say that would make this interaction fun for me? Say it.
  • What type of emotions/conversation does this person not find in their day-to-day life? Provide it.
  • What type of life experiences has this person might've had that I can learn from? Ask about it.
  • What kind of places does this person have access to that I might not? Talk about those places.
  • Am I judging this person right now? Why? Am I trying to feel superior? How would I interact with this person if I were able to relate to them & genuinely liked them? (Hint--practice liking people, they'll start to like you back).
When interacting with environments, do the following:
  • What is something here that I might not've noticed before?
  • What can I do to make this environment entertaining for me? Use your imagination (remember when you were a kid, and even going to the grocery store was the coolest place on earth? lol). You still have that sense of excitement in you--you've just pushed it down since you judged it as being 'childish.'
  • How would I act if all of my needs were already met?
You have to take ownership of your life and your experience of yourself. Stop letting life happen to you and take leadership.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
Damn good posts on this thread, but I wonder how life actually looks like for a 30 year old guy who has made it?