Social Experiment 2


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
I am going to meet a girl from myspace I went to high school with. I had class with this girl over 7 years ago and I am hoping she doesnt remember me as I was very shy.

This experiment is to see whether or not old reputations/perceptions can be forgotten and turned into something sensual.

It also will determine whether a girl who isn't my type at all (big clubber, dancer, I am very laid back) can be charmed with DJ tactics ie: not putting her on a pedestal and ****y + funny

Will report back.


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement


You are one of the few on this site that actually talks to girls... heh heh

Don't worry about your old reputation. As long as you hold your frame and you are congruent with the *new* you, your old reputation won't make a difference.




Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Ok time for an update......

I did meet this girl very briefly (which was my intention) but she actually remembered me and it threw me off big time!!!!!

Ok here's the story behind this....

When I was a junior in high school, this girl was a freshman and we had a class together. I was very quiet in high school but I definitely noticed tihs girl, even back then cause she was hot and developed. I barely spoke to her at all though..

Anyway about 8 years later with the invention of myspace, I was bored so I decided to look this girl up. Boom there she was and it actually said she was single!

So I ended up messaging her... and we got to talking on the phone... I didnt mention high school and kinda avoided the topic whenever she started talking about our town etc.... most of the time she would talk about how this guy or that guy is hitting on her.... how guys always fall in love with her etc......

She has had a few relationships and mentioned that sex is important.... I'm just like whatever listening to this, being confident a little ****y etc... so yeah she had an interest in me. If I didn't talk to her in days, she'd send me a text message etc....

Ok so anyway, one time we were talking on the phone and she mentioned she worked at a cell phone store. I mentioned that I needed a new acessory for my cell phone and I asked if she could hook me up. She jokingly said mayyyyybe. Well anyway like the next day she sent me a text message saying she had my accessory and asked when I wanted to pick it up.

Well being the DJ I am, I played it off like I was busy and told her I'd come in this sunday which was today!

So anyway I walk in there all confident and she is in the store alone. As soon as she sees me she's like "I knowwwww you"

I'm like "realllly I don't know you... except for your picture and seeing you at your previous job (I mentioned noticing her as a waitress in her previous job)

she's like "ohh you went to this high school right"

(very surprised and taken back) "umm yeah for like the last couple of years"

she's like "yeah I know you... well i dont know you know you but i've seen you around"

I'm like "ohh ok... (a little nervous but trying my best to stay calm)

she's like "which one do you want (she laid out different accessories)

I'm like "I guess I'll take this one (pointing at one of them)

She's like "are you sure... this is the cheap one, this one is better

I'm like "that's ok.. this one is all I need.. how much do I owe you'

she's like "dont worry about it......"

I'm like "are you sure.....i dont want u to get in trouble"

shes like "yea... its only like a few dollars at most, just take it"

Im like "thank you so much, you are so nice"

she's like "i know, im a nice person"

Im like "well I cant really stay long... but it was nice seeing you"

she's like "yea it was nice meeting you too enjoy the day"

Well anyway just before I sent her a text message saying that "her item looks hot thank you so much"

she replied back pretty quick saying "haha you are funny... I am glad you like it"

Thats about it...... what do you all think?


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Aurora, CO, USA
You should have said, "Hey, thanks a lot for that free accessory. You're such a good friend!"


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
No no no man, well, it was ok, but I'd have done differently.

Always, always, always, a woman will strike out a comment, that you can turn, and make it seem as if she was stalking you. You could have said she is some weirdo who has been stalking you around and that's how she knew it was you... You could have accused her of wanting to get in your pants by offering the free gift. Many other opportunities lost, to my opinion.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
SamePendo said:
No no no man, well, it was ok, but I'd have done differently.

Always, always, always, a woman will strike out a comment, that you can turn, and make it seem as if she was stalking you. You could have said she is some weirdo who has been stalking you around and that's how she knew it was you... You could have accused her of wanting to get in your pants by offering the free gift. Many other opportunities lost, to my opinion.
co sign that right there

just keep ur cool n do ur thing


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
i don't know why you ware taken back by her recognizing you (what did you expect????). I'm actually PROUD that i'm not a guy that i was in highschool....i've seen chicks around that ware taken back by my new found confidence and couldn't stop looking at me (couldn't bolive it was me), unfortionetly i never did anything about it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
I was under the impression that you were going to tell her you know her from high school. Wasn't that the point of the experiment, to see if her old perception of you would change if you used "DJ Tactics"?

I think you played it fine except I would have talked with her a little longer at the cell phone store; I also would have tried setting up a meeting outside of her work. I think you came across a little shy and reserved (which is exactly the reputation that you're trying to shake) by just making your transaction and leaving.

"Always, always, always, a woman will strike out a comment, that you can turn, and make it seem as if she was stalking you."

I disagree about the above statement. I know it's cute and fun to try to accuse a chick of stalking, and sometimes you'll get a chuckle out of them but in my experience, it comes off very obvious and like you're trying too hard. In this case she'd probably be thinking: "What the fucck is this guy talking about? We went to high school together." At best you'll get a sarcastic "yeah, I'm stalking you." comment. I think a better way to go would be a crack on yourself. Something like:

"Yeah I'm the guy who headed the chess club and stalked you for 4 years."

Only a man who is truly confident with himself would say something like that. His natural confidence makes the comment scream sarcasm and you've got yourself a higher quality ****y funny setup.

PS: If you're really only doing this as an experiment you can stop now. I was a reserved shy guy in high school and I managed to plow the Homecoming Queen/Class President at our 5 year reunion.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
xblitz44x said:
Only a man who is truly confident with himself would say something like that. His natural confidence makes the comment scream sarcasm and you've got yourself a higher quality ****y funny setup.
Thankyou, thankyou very much.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Beatflux said:
You should have said, "Hey, thanks a lot for that free accessory. You're such a good friend!"

"thanks. usually i'm the one giving out my accessory but this way works too."


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
Jayer said:
she's like "yeah I know you... well i dont know you know you but i've seen you around"
Like SamePendo said, this would have been a perfect time to accuse her of stalking you and being obssesed with you.

Jayer said:
I'm like "I guess I'll take this one (pointing at one of them)
NEVER EVER say "I guess" again! It makes you look unsure of yourself, which equals..........?

Jayer said:
she's like "dont worry about it......"

I'm like "are you sure.....i dont want u to get in trouble"

shes like "yea... its only like a few dollars at most, just take it"
In a Playful Mood - Well in that case, I'll take this one (the more expensive one/the one you REALLY wanted) !

Jayer said:
she replied back pretty quick saying "haha you are funny... I am glad you like it"
She is into YOU!

Keep going for it. It's all you Jayer! You got this!



Don Juan
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
I like most of what blitz said but i would never crack on myself. It makes you sound like you don't think highly of yourself. I think you could have been a bit more talkative but I'd say you did pretty good getting someone from the AFC days to hang out with you, let alone buy you something. Good work.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Thanx for the responses!

I agree with each of you....

Its funny cause when she said she recognized me I immediately felt a little embarassed and somewhat like my former high school self and that probably came out. I was scared that might happen and thats why I wanted to make the encounter was as short as possible.

Anyway I didn't message her or call her at all yesterday which was Monday. She niether did the same.

I signed online today and she was on. I have usually messaged her first in the past. so I asked her how everything was going...

She was like "hey hun how are you"

I said "fine what are you up to"

she's like "ill be right back one sec"

anyway after like 10 minutes she messages me and is like

"ok im back... hows that cell phone piece treating you?"

I said "its good, what are you up to"

she was like "im actually just trying to finish up a paper for school, I'll be right back"

anyway this time she didn't message me back for a while so I just signed off.

I then came on later, she was on... then she just signed off without saying anything.

Right now she signed on a minute after I did and has not messaged me.

I guess she didn't like the way I look lol

I don't care though, this girl is so not my type anyway... she always goes out and her myspace page is full of her flirting with different guys.

I aint going to be one of these guys she talks about they are obsessed with her, thats for sure.

Forget her, I'm out!

Look for more experiments.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
I totally hate the MSN drama man. Why didn't you ask her out at any point?


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Well to answer a question I forgot too....

I was hoping this girl did not recognize me from high school and I was going to play a whole new identity.... the DJ :) I guess I figured she associated me with my former self and my confidence went down.... (I know i shouldnt have cared but sometimes past experiences can still have an effect)

Anyway the truth is this girl flirts so much with everyone... I think she did have an interest in me but only cause I was a confident mystery... now that she recognizes me her interest obviously went down.

I was thinking of maybe calling her but honestly I don't think its worth the effort.

If I decide too, I will keep you updated.