Social Anxiety, Turning Red....


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2002
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(if it matters i'm a freshman)

i think i have social anxiety 2 a degree because my face sometimes easily turns red... i mean some days i just feel like i'm tha sh!t and no1 can touch me and i'm so confident that even when i talk 2 tha hottest girl its like nothing.. but then theres those other days when i'm really nervous and when a hot a$$ girl talks 2 me, or when i'm called on in class my face gets red, i sweat, and i just have trouble thinking straight and focusing...

i wish i could maintain tha 1st thing i described but it just feels like its out of my control.. i have good days and bad days..

but my question is how can i maintain that confident feeling?

and on 1 of my bad days, how can i play off my red face if sum1 says something about it?

Forget My Name

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
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maybe go to a doctor and get some medicine for it. but on a bad day, are you usually depressed about something? or are you just not feeling the whole mood of the day?


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2002
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nah definetely not depressed....
but tha 2nd thing u said is kinda rite

Bob S

Don Juan
Dec 7, 2017
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The fact you are a freshman means it does not matter (compared to if you were middle aged I mean). You are young and have not even began to increase on your sexual market value. This, as we all know, comes around mid to later 30s. The competition is tough as a freshman, I know I've been there. Women's sexual market value is higher here than a man's so you perceive them as gold compared to yourself. Women at this stage know exactly what men are after and it's not their mind that is for sure. The women know they can pick the best flowers from a full field. I used to suffer with this, too. Now that I am nearly 30, have a good job, got two degrees my confidence is so much more than it used to be purely because I know I can operate in a world solo - especially in a femcentric society. I can approach women from early 20s now up to 30 now care free. I know what to expect from a 20 year old compared to a 30 year old.

Everyone else is thinking the same as you are this stage of your life. My advice is to put yourself first and get a good education because this will naturally boost confidence later in life when you are on your SMP rise. Secondly I would just enjoy yourself and do not idolise any particular girl in your life. Play the field. If women know you are comfortable playing the field, she'll naturally want to F*** you.


Aug 22, 2017
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(if it matters i'm a freshman)

i think i have social anxiety 2 a degree because my face sometimes easily turns red... i mean some days i just feel like i'm tha sh!t and no1 can touch me and i'm so confident that even when i talk 2 tha hottest girl its like nothing.. but then theres those other days when i'm really nervous and when a hot a$$ girl talks 2 me, or when i'm called on in class my face gets red, i sweat, and i just have trouble thinking straight and focusing...

i wish i could maintain tha 1st thing i described but it just feels like its out of my control.. i have good days and bad days..

but my question is how can i maintain that confident feeling?

and on 1 of my bad days, how can i play off my red face if sum1 says something about it?
i had exact same feelings when i was in a crowd (I was the one they focused on) and i didnt feel comfortable. however my face didnt turn red ^^.

you just need to stop thinking about it. try to enjoy the environment, then you will be happy all the time and will have no bad days. if you cant enjoy environment and cant change it then you have problem