Master Don Juan
Beatflux dont you think this could be a placebo?
iqqi why do you want to know so much about me?
: im 17, im 5''11, big build. Everybody says that my shy personality doesnt fit me because Im a big person that looks like I can crush anybody so why would I be shy. Its like Mike Tyson with his squeeky ass voice but me Im like big and tough yet shy.
I just moved here to a city named Kendall 2 years ago to. Before I lived in Carol City, but both cities are in the Miami-Dade county.
Right now I have NO freinds, and maybe 2 acquaintances.
iqqi why do you want to know so much about me?
I just moved here to a city named Kendall 2 years ago to. Before I lived in Carol City, but both cities are in the Miami-Dade county.
Right now I have NO freinds, and maybe 2 acquaintances.