I’ve gone back and looked at what you’ve written on this thread. After reviewing, it’s fairly obvious that you’ve already decided what you think Red Pill is. And you think it’s a bunch of Bullshiz. So, I’m not sure how open your mind is with regard to the feedback you are receiving here.
However, I told you I would respond in full, so I will.
We are in agreement that a man's life should get better as he gets older and wiser. However, the caveat is that he learns from his mistakes, makes adjustments and keeps a positive attitude as he moves forward.
"... what is the long term goal that you MGTOW/Red Pill guys have here? So like I said, you supposedly have learned all of the super, duper, secret, confidential, TOP information on “women” and how they supposedly “work"… right? “
It’s interesting that you post a question with this tone since you are the one who initiated the thread. You said you wanted to start a discussion which you hoped would be a good one. You even stated in bold underlined
“These are serious questions.” So I have to wonder what you hope to gain by adopting a condescending, thinly veiled adversarial attitude. If you want to engage in conversation with other mature men, then consider communicating like one. You stated that you wanted a serious discussion, then please abide by your own request.
It’s obvious to me that you don’t understand the Red Pill. In light of that, I have to ask how much you have learned about the subject. Have you actually read everything at therationalmale.com ? The amount of knowledge that Rollo has contributed to Red Pill philosophy is impressive. His blog has helped many men, myself included. So, if you haven’t read all of his stuff and truly given it some thought, I would strongly suggest that you do. If you haven’t read and researched this subject then you aren’t informed sufficiently to condemn Red Pill ideas.
Do you keep spinning plates forever and NEXT/REPLACE a plate the moment she “steps out of line”?
I respect myself and I respect my time. There are certain things that I won’t tolerate from anyone. It’s up to each man to decide what those things are for himself. If a plate does something that shows lack of respect or when the negatives start to outweigh the positives, then it’s time to move on. Moreover, this doesn’t just apply to women, it applies to anyone (male or female) that you deal with.
Value yourself and your time. If you don’t, no one else will.
Do you seek an LTR ?
Personally, I prefer being in an LTR. However, it requires a woman who is worthwhile for me to be in an LTR with.
Do you get Married?
No. Marriage and Family laws in the States are morally bankrupt. You are placing yourself at too much potential risk by entering into a marriage contract between you, a woman and the state. If you marry, you’ve handed your spouse a potential Pandora’s box that you are trusting she will never open. But there are absolutely no checks and balances preventing her from opening that box. And if she takes the notion to open it, she can cause you unknown heartache and pain.
Do you create kids?
I already have children and I’m glad that I have them. But, what would I do if I was a young man? It’s an interesting question.
Understand that the decision to have kids inherently contains risk. It is impossible to eliminate all of the risk. However, you can help mitigate some of it by being selective in your choice of the woman you choose to have children with.
Things to look for in the future Mother of your children: Is she mentally stable? Does she love and respect herself? What patterns do her past decisions show? Are both of her parents still together? Does she have a strong sense of morality? Is she responsible? Is she naturally nurturing and affectionate? Is there a history of mental illness and/or substance abuse in her Family?
Bear in mind that these questions only concern attempting to limit your risk regarding the choice of who you decide to have a child with. There are other potential risks: What do you do if your child is born developmentally handicapped? What if they are born with a substance abuse problem? What if the woman you have children with becomes disabled through no fault of her own?
A man should consider all of these things before he decides to have children.
Children can provide you with the greatest joy and satisfaction of your life. They also have the potential to provide you with the greatest sadness and heartbreak of your life. There is no way to totally eliminate all of the risk.
As for me, I’m so very glad that I have my children. But believe me, it has not always been a walk in the park and it continues to present some challenges.
All things considered, it’s been totally worth it.
“… how do you handle RED PILL RAGE?”
I have never once felt “Red Pill Rage”. It makes zero sense to me. So if you are feeling like that, I think you need to look inside of yourself and try to figure out what is really causing that rage. What is it that you’re actually “Raging” about? It also means that you don’t fully understand and embrace Red Pill philosophy.
Do I think women are different than men? Yes
Do I think the world is different than what I was taught? Yes
Do I think that a woman can go Feral? Yes
Do I think that a man can be a good husband and Father and still get screwed in Family Court? Yes
However, none of the above make me “Rage”. Granted, there was some period of adjustment and some pain that went along with learning those things. However, a man learns and adjusts his philosophy based on what he’s learned. He puts that philosophy into action and keeps a positive attitude. And his life gets better. He doesn’t “Rage”.
Concerning the several questions you posed about trusting women:
It’s pretty obvious that you’re stating these questions in an attempt to discredit the validity/practicality of the Red Pill. However, I’ll address what you’ve said, giving you the benefit of the doubt that you’re actually asking questions.
Here are two real life examples of the type of extreme behavior posed in your questions:
During the breakdown of my Marriage, there was a time when we attempted to reconcile. After being back home for about a week, my ex-wife attacked me and opened up a once inch gash on the back of my head. I never laid a finger on her. However, when I was served with divorce papers, she and her lawyer were requesting a restraining order against me and implying that she was in fear of what I would do. Bear in mind that in our almost 30 year marriage, I was never once physically abusive to her.
The second example is a friend of mine. Ex-Marine. His then wife attacked him in the kitchen. Backed him into a corner, hitting him. He threw up his hand to ward her off and caught her in the lip. She called the police and told them he attacked her. Said he was a trained killer with an Arsenal of weapons. When the police showed up, they had him out on the front lawn, spread eagle. Thankfully, they finally realized what the deal was and nothing came of it.
So if your questions were an attempt to show the absurdity of worrying about extreme female behavior, you’re off the mark.
There are many things in life that involve risk. For example, I love to ride my motorcycle. Is it potentially dangerous or fatal? Most definitely. But I love to ride, so I continue to ride and do what I can to minimize the risk. I’ve skydived before. Is it potentially dangerous? Yes. But again, I made a decision that it was worth it.
Are women potentially risky? Yes, some of them are. However, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve become a better judge of character. I’ve become more adept at seeing the red flags. If a woman shows any signs of being mentally unstable, GFTO. If she has a history of self-induced drama, walk away. If you listen, almost every woman will tell you what you need to know about her. They can’t help themselves.
As to why I’m still involved with women? There are many reasons. I enjoy having sex with a woman. I revel in the way she smells and feels. I enjoy “pillow talk”. I’m very affectionate. I love to hold a woman and to have her hold me. And when it’s right, when you really connect, it’s an awesome feeling.
Tenacity, I’ve taken a fair amount of time to provide you with some real answers here. I hope that you’ve read this with an open mind and that you consider what I’ve said.