So I don't always memorize who the OP was in every thread 3-4 pages later in the conversation.
We've all been through this same conversation with you over and over in the past (I DO remember that),...and you still aren't improving any from what you were complaining about back then. You still have the subtlety of a sledgehammer with women, still keep getting blown out, and then lash out at anyone who tries to tell you anything. From my perspective at nearly twice your age you are just a punk who just won't listen to what people are trying to tell you. I had already married and divorced my first psychopath chick before you were even born. My dad was married 7 times, my mom 3 times and she was around 15 when she was pregnant with me. I don't come from some "Sweet Polyanna" world, and my family lived through all the crap first hand. When I tell people they are screwing up or are gonna get "screwed over", it is from live experience.