Master Don Juan
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Yes exactly!
Just had to post this post i did on MASF once cause reading alot of these threads is annoying the F out of me.
As some of you might have noticed from the past days from some FRs and a general post I've been struggling with some self-realization. I've been abit back and forth on escalation, to be honest my mind has been preoccupied with overthinking.
The realization and belief inn my attraction paired with the tipsy state where my mind does not rest but starts analyzing everything made me **** up harder than George Bush in a spelling-b.
Yesterday I WAS BACK BABY! After post in general, rethinking what, how, why when, hitting my head against the wall several times, reading razorjacks replies, jerking of to teenie-porn and generally putting my mind, body and soul into give a **** and relax state I was ready! The latter being the key.
Even though I did in my tipsystate yesterday almost hit the logicalstage I removed all of it and soon I had brought back the positive aspects of where I was one week ago, my ability to EXIST in my own universe. Paired with my newfound belief in my attraction and general vibe I was rolling pretty darn good yesterday!
"Hey this is the conscious mind speaking you should...." STFU *****!!! Whenever it chimes inn, tell it to stfu.
The second you start even analyzing what you are DOING or for the love of christ/god almighty and the wish for sex start thinking about WHAT YOU ARE GOING TODO you **** yourself up.
There is a big difference between
- Knowing instinctivly what todo (subconscious/inate/conditioned/learned)
- Knowing/thinking what todo and TRYING TODO it by applying it consciously!
Internalization is the important part here.
Yes I struggled, for three nights in the field I was opened several times, I had good attraction with multiple girls but couldn't even get to a point of makeout. WHY!? Because I was analyzing, because I was TRYING to read signs, I did not feel the vibe I normally used to feel.
Something else I so easily noticed last night. I finally again was able to feel the vibe, see the interactions. I've always had this "6th sense" that whenever I see something happen I can on a level pre-tell what is going to happen in many situations. I could finally again see interactions, I could feel attraction and interest building between girls and guys at the party!
This is also where I saw so many things happen that most people here fear and overthink too much!
I read a post the other day, I think it was in advanced where someone was spouting stuff like
etc etc...
See how many of you are gonna read that **** and then go out in the field, interact with a woman and CONSCIOUSLY THINK "DON'T LEAN INN WHEN SHE'S TALKING TO ME" and "NOO I'M TALKING TO FAST NOW SHE MIGHT LOSE ATTRACTION!". Uncountable figures....
Tell your mind to STFU *****! Seriously do it.
Maybe I'm at fault because I'm not mister UBERSUPERDUPER SOCIALSTAR partying with SHB14.352 Celebchicks. Sorry I only meet HB8s and 9s, hot girls but no celebs alas... Maybe you really can't lean inn above 15 degrees when her body is in a position that does not show atleast 13.8 IOIs if it's some superhot celebchick....
Did you know what I saw yesterday?! I saw guys leaning inn totally, leaning in to hear the girls talk, talking too fast stuff that supposedly BLOWS YOU OUT!
But oh no, it didn't blow them out. Why!? Do you think those guys were thinking about how to talk, how to sit or anything?! No... What they did right was
- Vibing
- Showing GENUINE interest inn her persona
- Having fun and letting things flow naturally
The guys that failed:
- Too touchy-feely too fast
- General objectiveoriented (You could see that they were gaming for ***** in a sleazy way. That was their ONLY GOAL). The interest they showed was purely trying to suckup for *****. WRONG APPROACH. Be genuine. I'm very close to saying "Be yourself".
This is the same thing razorjack said and that I've now re-realized and support. Show what you are upto in a genuine fashion! If you are interested in her don't start thinking of what how when why who but just let it flow! If you start to think about it then tell your little voice in your head... you guessed it... STFU *****! Be it playfull teazing or directly going upto her with the hardest sexual EC you can give and saying "Sex, now, lets go!" you must be genuine and honest about what _you_ want! Do you want to **** a girl? Ok cool but don't sit around pretending to be interested in what she's saying if you really aren't. Girls catch on to that faster than narcotics dogs catches on to Jamaican skiiers
People have different kinds of energy, people are this way and that way. In a social-interaction be it a bar, party, class or whatever you can see/feel the energy from people and their interactions if you have gotten used to it. The thing is that this must be as internalized or subconscious as possible. You must be able to instinctivly react to it! The ONLY way to achieve this is by experience and by experience I mean social-interactions and studying it.
By saying that it must be as internalized and subconscious as possible I don't mean that you should not be able to consciously analyze and see it, what I mean is that your reactions to it should be as instinctive as possible.
If you TRY to read it, if you are in a conversation with a girl trying to game her, if you TRY to look for signs that say "Ok now I have enough attraction to start rapport" you are in some ways doubting yourself. DON'T! You are trying to find reasons for doing what you feel or want todo! To steal/loan/hype some common expressions here:
We have a saying in Norway that reads "Har du lyst har du lov" translated it means "If you want to you are allowed to" or "If you lust for something you are allowed todo it".
Was it Tyler or ijjjji that once wrote that girls have switches and you need to flip them!? If you have flipped enough switches then yatta yatta?! Well it's the same way with you.
You should have internalized switches that go off whenever your body/mind feels the interaction is at a specific point.
One of the biggest examples of one of those switches/internalizations is jealousy! Something just flips it like the way a girl talks, her words, what you see. You can feel something is not right and *FLICK* jealousyswitch is hit. Same with suspiscion. If you are finely attuned to people you can feel the slight discrepancies in their behavior, wording, sentencestructure, reactions and that energy, the subconscious reacts and flips your "suspiscion" switch. With those kind of reactions you normally have VERY LITTLE LOGICAL CONTROL! If you get jealous you get _physically manifested reactions_ like naussea, migranes etc.
I can think back and on several occations I have known the EXACT MOMENT in time when I knew that girl would be mine! It's actually quite a powertripfeeling. I have even experienced rolling into a party and catching the EC of a girl and at that instant the switch for "She's gonna **** me" hit. It was the energy, both mine and her that collided or joined in that split moment and correlated.
After I became more grown up, started partying, started getting my fix on girls I started to see it all as a fun game to play, not anymore. It's still a game if you see it inn that essence but my view has switched to seeing it as occurences of life.
You walk around and you see a girl and you are instantly attracted to her. That was the switch in you that said instinctivly that you wanted her. What happens next is all about flow and control. Does it take you into an interaction?
She entered _your_ life, your reality! She is now a part of it, maybe she will only be a fond missed opportunity, a swift memory from the past or maybe she will be a new experience, it's all upto YOU!
If your body and mind tells you "she's attractive" then that's an instinctive reaction that tells you that your body wants to interact with her. LET YOUR BODY CONTROL THAT REACTION!
Don't start thinking about openers, attraction-routines and what not. If your body tells you she is attractive then your body and subconscious lusts for meeting her, let them lead you!
I almost feel like I have grown another step, that my life has taken a turn. That I passed a crossroad and took the right path.
I used to be somewhat synical or atleast very apathic. I did not let girls get me emotionally. Now I have started getting feelings, I have experienced jealousy! I have experienced being let down by girls I liked. It has only made me stronger, it has made me realize that my fear for emotional damage was governed by fear of the unknown. I'm happy I have experienced this!
Yes as someone wrote jealousy is ****ing pain. You can feel it build up from your stomack, up your throat, hammering through your head like a migrane! It's insinctive, you feel like you have been overthrown, that your worth has somehow been challenged. The worst thing you can do is selfdoubt or look at the NEGATIVE sides of this! If you even start to think "Is he more attractive", "What can I do to get her back" or stuff like that then STFU *****!
What you must do is look at the positive sides! Find whatever positive from the experience and harness it and evolve from it. Also try to turn whatever negative into positive in general.
I can feel it now, by writing this post and by thinking about it. It climbs up my back, into my neck and manifests itself into an energydispurst in my head. What!? Joy, emense joy.
There is the old saying, joke or retort that "Men only think with their penis" or "you only think with your penis!"
Just had to post this post i did on MASF once cause reading alot of these threads is annoying the F out of me.
As some of you might have noticed from the past days from some FRs and a general post I've been struggling with some self-realization. I've been abit back and forth on escalation, to be honest my mind has been preoccupied with overthinking.
The realization and belief inn my attraction paired with the tipsy state where my mind does not rest but starts analyzing everything made me **** up harder than George Bush in a spelling-b.
Yesterday I WAS BACK BABY! After post in general, rethinking what, how, why when, hitting my head against the wall several times, reading razorjacks replies, jerking of to teenie-porn and generally putting my mind, body and soul into give a **** and relax state I was ready! The latter being the key.
Even though I did in my tipsystate yesterday almost hit the logicalstage I removed all of it and soon I had brought back the positive aspects of where I was one week ago, my ability to EXIST in my own universe. Paired with my newfound belief in my attraction and general vibe I was rolling pretty darn good yesterday!
"Hey this is the conscious mind speaking you should...." STFU *****!!! Whenever it chimes inn, tell it to stfu.
The second you start even analyzing what you are DOING or for the love of christ/god almighty and the wish for sex start thinking about WHAT YOU ARE GOING TODO you **** yourself up.
There is a big difference between
- Knowing instinctivly what todo (subconscious/inate/conditioned/learned)
- Knowing/thinking what todo and TRYING TODO it by applying it consciously!
Internalization is the important part here.
Yes I struggled, for three nights in the field I was opened several times, I had good attraction with multiple girls but couldn't even get to a point of makeout. WHY!? Because I was analyzing, because I was TRYING to read signs, I did not feel the vibe I normally used to feel.
Something else I so easily noticed last night. I finally again was able to feel the vibe, see the interactions. I've always had this "6th sense" that whenever I see something happen I can on a level pre-tell what is going to happen in many situations. I could finally again see interactions, I could feel attraction and interest building between girls and guys at the party!
This is also where I saw so many things happen that most people here fear and overthink too much!
I read a post the other day, I think it was in advanced where someone was spouting stuff like
etc etc...
See how many of you are gonna read that **** and then go out in the field, interact with a woman and CONSCIOUSLY THINK "DON'T LEAN INN WHEN SHE'S TALKING TO ME" and "NOO I'M TALKING TO FAST NOW SHE MIGHT LOSE ATTRACTION!". Uncountable figures....
Tell your mind to STFU *****! Seriously do it.
Maybe I'm at fault because I'm not mister UBERSUPERDUPER SOCIALSTAR partying with SHB14.352 Celebchicks. Sorry I only meet HB8s and 9s, hot girls but no celebs alas... Maybe you really can't lean inn above 15 degrees when her body is in a position that does not show atleast 13.8 IOIs if it's some superhot celebchick....
Did you know what I saw yesterday?! I saw guys leaning inn totally, leaning in to hear the girls talk, talking too fast stuff that supposedly BLOWS YOU OUT!
But oh no, it didn't blow them out. Why!? Do you think those guys were thinking about how to talk, how to sit or anything?! No... What they did right was
- Vibing
- Showing GENUINE interest inn her persona
- Having fun and letting things flow naturally
The guys that failed:
- Too touchy-feely too fast
- General objectiveoriented (You could see that they were gaming for ***** in a sleazy way. That was their ONLY GOAL). The interest they showed was purely trying to suckup for *****. WRONG APPROACH. Be genuine. I'm very close to saying "Be yourself".
This is the same thing razorjack said and that I've now re-realized and support. Show what you are upto in a genuine fashion! If you are interested in her don't start thinking of what how when why who but just let it flow! If you start to think about it then tell your little voice in your head... you guessed it... STFU *****! Be it playfull teazing or directly going upto her with the hardest sexual EC you can give and saying "Sex, now, lets go!" you must be genuine and honest about what _you_ want! Do you want to **** a girl? Ok cool but don't sit around pretending to be interested in what she's saying if you really aren't. Girls catch on to that faster than narcotics dogs catches on to Jamaican skiiers
People have different kinds of energy, people are this way and that way. In a social-interaction be it a bar, party, class or whatever you can see/feel the energy from people and their interactions if you have gotten used to it. The thing is that this must be as internalized or subconscious as possible. You must be able to instinctivly react to it! The ONLY way to achieve this is by experience and by experience I mean social-interactions and studying it.
By saying that it must be as internalized and subconscious as possible I don't mean that you should not be able to consciously analyze and see it, what I mean is that your reactions to it should be as instinctive as possible.
If you TRY to read it, if you are in a conversation with a girl trying to game her, if you TRY to look for signs that say "Ok now I have enough attraction to start rapport" you are in some ways doubting yourself. DON'T! You are trying to find reasons for doing what you feel or want todo! To steal/loan/hype some common expressions here:
We have a saying in Norway that reads "Har du lyst har du lov" translated it means "If you want to you are allowed to" or "If you lust for something you are allowed todo it".
Was it Tyler or ijjjji that once wrote that girls have switches and you need to flip them!? If you have flipped enough switches then yatta yatta?! Well it's the same way with you.
You should have internalized switches that go off whenever your body/mind feels the interaction is at a specific point.
One of the biggest examples of one of those switches/internalizations is jealousy! Something just flips it like the way a girl talks, her words, what you see. You can feel something is not right and *FLICK* jealousyswitch is hit. Same with suspiscion. If you are finely attuned to people you can feel the slight discrepancies in their behavior, wording, sentencestructure, reactions and that energy, the subconscious reacts and flips your "suspiscion" switch. With those kind of reactions you normally have VERY LITTLE LOGICAL CONTROL! If you get jealous you get _physically manifested reactions_ like naussea, migranes etc.
I can think back and on several occations I have known the EXACT MOMENT in time when I knew that girl would be mine! It's actually quite a powertripfeeling. I have even experienced rolling into a party and catching the EC of a girl and at that instant the switch for "She's gonna **** me" hit. It was the energy, both mine and her that collided or joined in that split moment and correlated.
After I became more grown up, started partying, started getting my fix on girls I started to see it all as a fun game to play, not anymore. It's still a game if you see it inn that essence but my view has switched to seeing it as occurences of life.
You walk around and you see a girl and you are instantly attracted to her. That was the switch in you that said instinctivly that you wanted her. What happens next is all about flow and control. Does it take you into an interaction?
She entered _your_ life, your reality! She is now a part of it, maybe she will only be a fond missed opportunity, a swift memory from the past or maybe she will be a new experience, it's all upto YOU!
If your body and mind tells you "she's attractive" then that's an instinctive reaction that tells you that your body wants to interact with her. LET YOUR BODY CONTROL THAT REACTION!
Don't start thinking about openers, attraction-routines and what not. If your body tells you she is attractive then your body and subconscious lusts for meeting her, let them lead you!
I almost feel like I have grown another step, that my life has taken a turn. That I passed a crossroad and took the right path.
I used to be somewhat synical or atleast very apathic. I did not let girls get me emotionally. Now I have started getting feelings, I have experienced jealousy! I have experienced being let down by girls I liked. It has only made me stronger, it has made me realize that my fear for emotional damage was governed by fear of the unknown. I'm happy I have experienced this!
Yes as someone wrote jealousy is ****ing pain. You can feel it build up from your stomack, up your throat, hammering through your head like a migrane! It's insinctive, you feel like you have been overthrown, that your worth has somehow been challenged. The worst thing you can do is selfdoubt or look at the NEGATIVE sides of this! If you even start to think "Is he more attractive", "What can I do to get her back" or stuff like that then STFU *****!
What you must do is look at the positive sides! Find whatever positive from the experience and harness it and evolve from it. Also try to turn whatever negative into positive in general.
I can feel it now, by writing this post and by thinking about it. It climbs up my back, into my neck and manifests itself into an energydispurst in my head. What!? Joy, emense joy.
There is the old saying, joke or retort that "Men only think with their penis" or "you only think with your penis!"