***Thanking all who participated in these interviews for your honest replies and interesting reads in advance.***
*Those who aren’t on the original list but wish to have an interview thread up please reply in this thread and I’ll add the link to your new interview thread in a future post on this thread.
* Those in red on the original list (in alphabetical order) have interview threads up already. So Suave posters who’ve answered the questions have (answered) next to their usernames as of 12/22/2013 (Date this thread was put up.)
* Each poster on the original 101+ poster list has a link to their thread under their username for an easier search to complete theirs if not done yet or for others reading or the original interviewee to reference on completed interview threads.
*So far 71 posters have answered 38 haven’t for a total of 109 So Suave posters as of 12/22/2013.
*(Posters on the original list who complete theirs after 12/24/2013 may post “completed” as a reply in this thread as I won’t be able to edit the original OP with “Answered” next to their username after the 24th of December 2013.)
This is the completed ***So Suave 101: Official Late Night with 101+ SoSuavers Interview Thread***
*Those who aren’t on the original list but wish to have an interview thread up please reply in this thread and I’ll add the link to your new interview thread in a future post on this thread.
* Those in red on the original list (in alphabetical order) have interview threads up already. So Suave posters who’ve answered the questions have (answered) next to their usernames as of 12/22/2013 (Date this thread was put up.)
* Each poster on the original 101+ poster list has a link to their thread under their username for an easier search to complete theirs if not done yet or for others reading or the original interviewee to reference on completed interview threads.
*So far 71 posters have answered 38 haven’t for a total of 109 So Suave posters as of 12/22/2013.
*(Posters on the original list who complete theirs after 12/24/2013 may post “completed” as a reply in this thread as I won’t be able to edit the original OP with “Answered” next to their username after the 24th of December 2013.)
This is the completed ***So Suave 101: Official Late Night with 101+ SoSuavers Interview Thread***
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