So sick and tired of the bullsh!t with girls.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
I've been talking to a few girls lately and felt like I was gaining some momentum and could get some action soon....but after today (or yesterday I should say) I feel like I'm back to square one, feeling angry/depressed/generally unattractive even though I know I look good. I tried to call the hot girl from myspace again (mentioned in the last few threads) after she apologized for leaving me hanging the first time I called her and she left me another comment about my FSU shirt and her disapproval. But as usual, I tried to call her today and she didn't pick up. I was online and noticed she was on so I sent her a brief message, which I know I should not have done telling her to call me since I didn't leave a message on her phone. I kept it light in the message or so I thought but she never got back to me and she's been online. So I guess despite getting her interest online Tuesday night....she has flaked out on me and seems to be reinforcing the whole idea that she now has a bf in her profile. I still think it's fake but it doesn't matter because it looks like I have to next her and I hate to do that because I see compatibility plus she has ideal looks. But it's always the hot b!tches I can't seem to seduce. I'd like to play it cool and try her back some other time but it just doesn't look good even though a day or two ago she was still showing signs of interest.

So she never called back, instead I get a call from this other girl I've been talking to who's all upset ranting and raving about her crackhead mom and so forth. This just really turned me upside down, not to mention another chick I talked to online earlier totally dissed me when I was totally cool with her. It's always the second choice girl who's so drawn to me. Maybe it's just my area or it's just something about me I'm not aware of....but b!tches are always flaking out lately. Before the hot girl left me hanging on the phone it didn't seem like the convo was going too was about to get better but that just totally ****ed everything up. Excuse me for venting but I feel like I've dropped down a few levels and I'm having trouble controlling my emotions. It makes me sick that I keep getting passed by when I know I could be talking to the girl right now and making her laugh and squeal. I've even talked to another girl or two today on there and it just seems like I'm getting resistance and attitude left and right. I probably should've avoided a few of the chats but oh well. I don't wanna totally give up on the hot girl/delete her from my list but how should I go about contacting her again? Maybe call her in a few days? I feel like this is an ugly pattern that keeps happening and I don't understand it at all other than I get very analytical when it comes to a chick that especially catches my eye. I really don't know if I did anything or she's just that damn spaced out/disinterested. Any suggestions?


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
ps. just so there's no confusion....I called her Friday night and she left me hanging...she mentioned she had gotten into a big fight with one of her best friends and then apologized Saturday for what happened. I didn't want to accept this but who knows? sounded like she was being at least halfway honest and apologized twice to me in the same message.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Aren't there about 10,000 chicks on myspace?

I mean, if this chick AND 20 others flake on you, can't you just move on to #22?

Basically, until you've seen them in person, you've got Jack Squat. They're strangers from Venezuela, as far as you're concerned


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
When you're done cleaning up all the spilled milk why not take your right hand and give yourself a good jab to the sac. After that you can follow the herd around here and blame every woman you've ever met for all of your angst and societal issues.

That's the problem with most guys around here, they'll always be victims and suffer from the "poor ol' me" syndrome.